The most ruthless person in the apocalypse

Chapter 299 Zombie Transformation Fluid

"I haven't finished what I just said, Mr. Xie, what happened next, what happened after Li Zhaohua injected himself with the transformation fluid?"

Zhang Su no longer worries about the fringe team.

"After Li Zhaohua injected himself with five injections of transformation fluid, things became uncontrollable!"

Xie Yanshan showed a painful look on his face and said: "He was in a state of madness at that time. He could deform the safe with one punch. Even the bulletproof glass could not resist the impact of his body. His muscles and bones had been greatly improved. , we were so scared. In a hurry, I saw a remote control falling out of Li Zhaohua's body. I knew it was the remote control of the self-destruction device in the laboratory..."

Xie Yanshan paused at this point, and the painful memories in his mind began to stimulate him.

"It turned out that Mr. Xie pressed the explosion button."

Zhang Su nodded thoughtfully, secretly thinking that this man was quite brave and probably wanted to die together with Li Zhaohua, but the other party's answer was unexpected.

Xie Yanshan shook his head and said: "Mr. Zhang overestimated my courage. I knew something was wrong when I saw the remote control fell to the ground, and my heart was in my throat! The threat turned from Li Zhaohua to an explosion, because there was something between Li Zhaohua and us at that time. Blocking it will not cause harm to us, but if he detonates explosives in a state of madness, everyone will be dead."

"A few of us panicked at the time. One of our colleagues stood up and asked to go into the room to pick up the remote control. At that time, everyone except me tried their best to encourage him to pick it up. It's not that I understand the righteousness very well... but Because I knew that Xiao Zhao was determined to die at that time, and that we would not be able to escape even if we were to die together, so I didn’t let him go..."

Xie Yanshan seemed to be afraid that others would have misunderstandings. After explaining, he continued: "It's a pity that the arm can't twist the thigh. Since they all agreed, there was nothing I could do, so when Xiao Zhao walked into the room where Li Zhaohua was, I hurriedly hid. I went to the storage room. I don’t know what happened next. When there is another movement, it will be an earth-shattering explosion..."

Everyone was silent. From Xie Yanshan's description, everyone could guess that it was Xiao Zhao who pressed the remote control. The purpose was naturally to drag the inhuman Li Zhaohua to die together, but in the end his wish was not realized.

Zhang Su secretly thought, according to Xie Yanshan's words, it makes sense. When he was standing on the tank talking to Pan Guoliang, someone suddenly died. It should be Xiao Zhao. He pressed the button before Xiao Zhao was killed. Button, I guess there was a small delay in the self-destruction explosion, so after waiting for about twenty seconds, a violent explosion occurred!

"Why did Li Zhaohua suddenly inject himself with transformation fluid?"

Zhang Su asked the core question. If it weren't for this matter, then there was hope that all the members of the fringe team would be under his command. What a huge force that would be!

"He longs for power, and longs to have the power of Zero 03 and Zero 4." Xie Yanshan said in a deep tone: "Li Zhaohua personally participated in all experiments on transforming zombies. He told me more than once that humans can also have such abilities. , and he wants to be the first!”

The crazy guy did it, but it may not be what he expected.


It was boring to listen to a few people chatting. Pang Pangkun, who was picking up the ruins alone, suddenly spoke up and called Zhang Su with his butt raised: "Uncle, uncle, come and see, what kind of treasure is this?"

As he spoke, he leaned forward in a distorted posture and took out a safe that looked like a glass thermos from a pile of rubble. There was a test tube lying inside. It was as thick as an average adult's index finger and as long as half a chopstick. The inside of the test tube was bright red. The liquid is not like human blood, but feels a bit like diluted red ink.

"Come, let me take a look..."

Xie Yanshan squinted his eyes and stretched out his hands to touch forward.

"Here, Mr. Xie."

Zhang Su took the safe and looked at it, then handed it to Xie Yanshan.

Xie Yanshan took the thing and looked at it before his eyes, and suddenly made a move that caught people off guard.


I saw him holding the safe high and slamming it towards the ground, as if the thing in his hand contained a heinous sin and must be shattered.

"Ah hey!"

Zhang Su never expected that the other party would destroy the test tube without saying a word. Unfortunately, the other party's actions were too straightforward and he even avoided him a little, so he really couldn't react.


Unexpectedly, Pang Dakun moved quickly, as if he knew Xie Yanshan's movements in advance. He swooped down, hugged the glass safe in his arms, squatted on the ground to relieve his strength, stood up and cursed.

"You're such a shameless old thing. Master Kun found a treasure and showed it to you. How dare you smash it? Are you crazy?"

How could you, the little king of thieves, let the treasure you got get damaged in the hands of others? This would be a slap in the face!

"I'm warning you, don't move!"

Qi Xiaoshuai and Lu Yubo immediately sandwiched Xie Yanshan, with the dagger and grain sampler already pressed against his neck and heart.

"Mr. Xie, what do you mean?"

Zhang Su was speechless. If the subtitles hadn't shown that the other party had surrendered to him, he would have had reason to suspect that this guy had ulterior motives.

"Alas." Xie Yanshan sighed heavily and said, "Wandering on the edge of life and death, I realized many mistakes I made in the past. Things like zombie transformation fluid are too evil and should not exist in this world."

Pang Pangkun was stunned when he heard Xie Yanshan's words. He didn't expect that what he found was the zombie transformation fluid, and he patted the dust on it as if it was a treasure.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Zhang Su scolded sternly and said: "Are the zombies who destroyed the Qinglong Corps evil? Are the zombies that feed on human flesh and blood evil? Are the aliens who invade human civilization evil?"


Xie Yanshan originally looked like he was dying of absinthe wormwood, but when he heard Zhang Su's last question, he suddenly cheered up and looked at him with highly myopic eyes: "Mr. Zhang, do you know the cause of the disaster? Can you tell me? "

"Mad, I'm asking you a question, you answer me first! Transform people who are destined to die into evil zombies, or evil zombies that feed on human beings?"

"Zombies are evil, and zombies are even more evil." Xie Yanshan nodded, his attitude changed drastically, and he agreed with Zhang Su's point of view very cooperatively.

"Are you willing to devote yourself to research in the future to help your companions fight against zombies?" Zhang Su shouted with a close face, as if he was worried that the other party could not see his expression clearly.

"Yes, yes!"

Xie Yanshan nodded hurriedly, even if he was sprayed with saliva, he did not dare to wipe it away. Feeling the anger of his savior made him frightened. As expected, kindness is not a soldier, kindness is not an official, how can a leader of a party be polite.

"very good!"

Zhang Su's nose almost touched the opponent's nose, and he held the opponent's shoulders with both hands and said: "So, that thing just now was the zombie transformation fluid?"

"No, that's right..."

Xie Yanshan felt the hot air on his face, his expression was very strange.

"Bo Zai, take Mr. Xie to the car to rest. There is no need to come over!"

Zhang Su let go of Xie Yanshan's arm and winked at Lu Yubo.

"Okay, come on, Mr. Xie, let's go." Lu Yubo raised the grain sampler and pointed to the direction where it was easier to climb.

Xie Yanshan did not resist and climbed out of the ruins with Lu Yubo's help.

After Xie Yanshan left, Pang Pangkun, who was sitting next to him with an unhappy face, stood up, took out the glass safe and handed it to Zhang Su, saying, "That man is very bad!"

Zhang Su smiled and rubbed Pang Kun's head: "He's not bad, he's just been hit too hard, and there's something wrong with his mentality. He'll be fine. That... get more people, and look through it again to see if it's worth it. Take something away!”

Since he could find a tube of zombie transformation fluid and maybe other things, Zhang Su was not going to let go of any possibility.

I continued to rummage within a safe range and lived up to expectations and found two tubes of modification fluid again. Unfortunately, one tube had broken and the liquid was leaking. I couldn't get it because I didn't know the specific situation and I didn't even dare to touch it casually.

There is nothing else to gain.

After searching the ruins of the headquarters, everyone began to move weapons from the weapons depot. Zhang Su did not participate in these heavy tasks. He led a few people to find another tank.

"Old Pan, you have to teach me how to drive a tank. We have to drive these two tanks back!"

Zhang Su jumped into the tank cockpit and visually inspected that everything was in good condition. He felt happy, but Pan Guoliang's words made him feel depressed.

"I'm sorry, Brother Zhang, the most you can do is hold on to the one I was driving before driving away, because the engine of this tank is damaged."

Pan Guoliang made a clown smile.

"Oh, give it up? What do you mean..."

Zhang Su didn't quite understand Pan Guoliang's joke.

"The engine was removed. I don't know what it was used for in the first place."

"No wonder the cab is so new, fuck..." Zhang Su patted the tank armor helplessly. This thing is so cute. It doesn't matter whether there are petrified skin zombies, fire zombies or venom zombies, they will all be crushed to death!

" doesn't matter if it can't be fired, just move the shells away."

Just as Zhang Su was about to climb into the gunner's cabin, Pan Guoliang stopped him again, shook his head and said: "Don't bother, all the stored artillery shells have been fired..."

"What the hell! I didn't see how many rounds you guys fired the night before yesterday. Why are they gone?"

Zhang Su's people are all bad, so can he really just put it in the camp as a mascot?

"I shot it. I shot more than 20 rounds! But the hit rate was almost..."

Pan Guoliang shrugged.

"I just want to know if there are any tank shells in the camp now?" Zhang Su was not in a good mood. Tank shells were not easy to make.

Pan Guoliang raised two fingers and said, "There are two rounds in the tank I'm hiding in. You can look for them in the weapons warehouse. It's probably going to be pretty tough..."

Zhang Su shook his head and walked towards the weapons warehouse where everyone was busy. In fact, he could understand that the barracks would not be equipped with too much firepower in peacetime, especially heavy firepower such as tank shells.

As expected, some firearms, bullets, grenades, and even rocket launchers and grenades were found, but no tank shells were found. Zheng Xinyu and Zhang Ya followed the others while moving things, doing statistics, and finally reported the general situation to Zhang Su. .

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