The most ruthless person in the apocalypse

Chapter 217 Shocking changes in the quarry

"It's okay, Mr. Zhang. Even if you don't have any equipment, as long as you can provide me with live zombies, I can still conduct research on some topics. I can do as many things as the conditions allow."

Fu Weijun could see Zhang Su's dilemma and quickly made a compromise. The environment was like this and there was no other way.

"Basically, sporadic zombies wander into the camp every day. I ask them to find a way to capture them! By the way, Dr. Fu, can zombies lock onto human magnetic fields from a long distance?"

Zhang Su suddenly thought of what he had been guessing and asked about his doubts.

"It seems that you have a certain understanding of the habits of zombies." Fu Weijun smiled and said, "Yes, similar to the phototaxis of plants, zombies can sense human activities. The denser the human gathering, the more attracted zombies will be. The greater the force, but I can’t provide very strong quantitative data. The only thing I can be sure of is that when the number of people gathered is less than ten, there will be almost no impact, and the specific upward curve cannot be verified.”

For the first time, Zhang Su questioned the [Insight Label]. The scientist in front of him was obviously very humble. How could he be labeled [Talented and arrogant]? Maybe he had to wait for others to verify it.

"This... um, thalamus, does it have to be preserved in a vacuum? Are there any suggestions on the dosage?"

Zhang Su shook the plastic bag in his hand and asked.

Fu Weijun spread his hands: "I don't know exactly how to store it. At least there is no problem this way. You can explore the rest on your own. I can't give you any advice on dosage. By the way, the side effects are unknown, but I didn't feel any discomfort."

Zhang Su's mouth flickered slightly, and he nodded: "Okay, you two, the room should have been tidied up. I will take you over to tidy it up first, and then you can come over for dinner."

Neither of them had any objections to these arrangements, but Fu Weijun once again expressed the hope that a room could be arranged for him to conduct experiments as soon as possible.

Zhang Su naturally agreed. The researchers were so active, so what reason did he have to refuse?

When it was time to send Duan Wuhu and Fu Weijun back to their room, Zhang Su informed them about the calendar.

Duan Wuhu felt a little baffled by Tianmayu's new "Guangming Calendar", but Fu Weijun was very receptive, accepted the initiative with great approval, and was very happy to catch up with such a special day.

On the first day of the first month of the first year of the Guangming calendar, not only is the day special for Tianmay Island, but it also welcomes a special partner!

Dinner at Tianmayu was not as sumptuous as lunch, and the staple food was dumplings, which are very traditional in the north.

At the dinner table, Zhang Su solemnly introduced Duan Wuhu and Fu Weijun to everyone. After learning about Duan Wuhu's experience and Fu Weijun's deeds, everyone warmly welcomed the two to join them, and the atmosphere was warm. .

However, just when Tianmay Island was enjoying its beauty, in the quarry next to Lianhe Village, a skinny arm rested on the edge of the hole, and its skinny and stiff fingers dug into the soil with a snap.

Ouch, ouch...

With a low wailing sound, several zombies successfully escaped from the pit, and this was not an isolated case. Immediately afterwards, more and more zombies crawled out of the pit. After more than two months, Back to the ground again!

It turns out that the zombies in the pit have learned how to climb after countless failures. Although the movements are very unfamiliar and the use of arms is not even as good as that of a three-year-old child, this is enough for the zombies who are not afraid of pain and perseverance to break through the pit. Hole bondage!

Ouch ow ow...

The zombies escaping from the pothole let out deep roars, as if celebrating their freedom.

"In my opinion, our village should have been led by Lao Wang a long time ago. Mad, Takako is talking nonsense every day!"

"Oh, Lao Wang was actually the one who made the decision on many things before. Otherwise, do you really think you can do it with your son?"

"But Takako is not without merit. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to embrace the thigh of King Yama..."

"But pull him down. You don't know, but I know very well that Wang Longzhong is still the one appointed by King Yama, otherwise... huh?"

There is a small tile shed about 180 meters away from the quarry. Two villagers from Lianhe Village on guard are sitting under the shed, smoking cigarettes and crossing their legs. A charcoal stove emits a weak flame and releases heat. The two are sitting there. Talking about some changes after Wang Longzhong took office, one of them suddenly felt an inexplicable chill coming to his heart.

He unconsciously turned on his flashlight and glanced in the direction of the quarry. This sight made him tremble with fear.

"Old, old wild man, look, are those... are they zombies?"

Lao Ye looked in the direction of the flashlight light, and his hair suddenly burst. Without saying a word, he ran to the village. Food, weapons, and cold-proof items were all left behind. He took out his walkie-talkie as he ran.

"Boss Wang, something happened, zombies ran out of the quarry!"

In the panic, Lao Ye did not lose his mind. He knew first not to attract the attention of the zombies, and then to notify the village!


Another sentry man who was a little slow to react dropped his cigarette butt and started running towards the village. However, he made a big mistake and kicked the small wooden stool away with his foot, and also fell down.

In the quiet wilderness, the zombie sensing ability seems to have been slightly improved after two program upgrades. Even if they are sixty or seventy meters apart, they still turn their heads to look in the direction of the human voice, and then take steps to move in the direction of the sound. , as if knowing that there is abundant blood food over there!

"Old Ye, what's going on?"

Wang Longzhong picked up the walkie-talkie to respond to Lao Ye, and before waiting for the reply, he heard rapid footsteps in the distance.

"Boss Wang, the zombies in the quarry are coming towards us!"

The two men who were staring at the quarry ran out of the courtyard where Wang Longzhong lived, out of breath.

"Ah? Why did the zombies in the quarry come out!?"

"Oh my god, how can this be done..."

Some villagers heard the shouting and walked out of the gate with astonishment on their faces.

"Why are you panicking? Why are you panicking? They're coming as soon as they come. We were able to drive them into the quarry before, and we can do it this time!" Wang Longzhong opened the courtyard door, comforted the panicked villagers, then turned to his nephew and said, "Your Majesty, Ring the bell and prepare for war!”

"Okay, how many times?"

Wang Xingui picked up his weapons and equipment and put them on his body while turning on the equipment.

"A few times..."

"Six strikes, Boss Wang, six strikes!"

Lao Ye gestured six eagerly, his face full of seriousness.

The people in Lianhe Village may not be very popular in Zhang Su's opinion, but they still have certain abilities to survive in the apocalypse for more than two months. In terms of early warning, they set up bells from one to six, with the level gradually increasing.

The first sound was a small group of zombies, about a dozen or so, or several armed people appearing next to the village.

Two rings indicate that ten to thirty zombies are attacking, or more than ten people from other villages appear with guns.

When Zhang Sufan was punished for robbing him, Lianhe Village knocked three times.

The most serious one was when nearly a hundred zombies attacked the village, and there were people from the Beitazi Camp on the other side harassing them. There were four knocks at that time.

Depending on the number of sounds, there are different countermeasures. One sound means non-gun-wielding men gather to defend, four sounds means everyone except the elderly and children must participate in the battle, and five sounds means even the young and old are ready to join the battle at any time!

As for the highest level of six rings, it means that no matter what age or age, as long as you can walk, you must take up weapons to resist the enemy and join the battle. No one will be protected anymore, and everyone is truly a soldier!

When Wang Longzhong heard the villagers eagerly shouting six rings, he finally understood the seriousness of the matter and had no time to question, because he did not see the situation at the quarry with his own eyes. He just nodded to Wang Xingui: "Six rings, hurry up! "


Wang Xingui was asked to command, but he couldn't do it, but he was asked to do things according to orders, and his execution ability was good. While operating the equipment to play the bell, he said: "Uncle, do you want to ask King Yama for help?"

Six rings, an early warning of catastrophic level, Wang Xingui was very anxious!

Wang Longzhong sighed: "The zombies are blocking the entrance to the village. It will take at least twenty minutes to get there from Tianma Island. Don't ask for help. Save yourself first!"

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