The RV slowly drove out of the campground. The cement road was very dry. It didn't feel like it had snowed last night at all. It was just that the wind was getting stronger and colder, and the temperature had dropped significantly.

Soon, the RV came to the county road leading to Niuquan Town, but it stopped before it even got close to the commercial district in the center of the town.


Zhao Dezhu was about to ask a question, but when he looked up, he was confused.

"I'm sorry, where are there so many zombies? We've walked this road eight hundred times, and it's all clean!"

Five or six hundred meters away is the town street entrance, where the excavator is parked. Zhang Su and the others did not encounter zombies on this road when they first came, but now there are zombies. Figure!

Not only on the road, but also on the wasteland on both sides, there are zombies scattered sporadically, as if a batch of zombies grew out of the ground overnight...

"It's not much, just kill them. Let's go, kill the zombies!"

Pang Pangkun, who had not left the camp for a long time, was very excited. He tightened the gun belt on his shoulders and prepared to get out of the car with a steel rod in hand.

"Too'er, wait a minute!"

Zhang Su called Pang Pangkun and said: "There are not many, there are more than ten. If the movement is too loud and attracts the ones from far away, it will be troublesome. You all work together to fight quickly. Don't cause any accidents. I will drive over. !”

Because the excavator needs to be repaired, Zhang Su brought out seven members today, and each of them has a good fighting ability. Even if Zhao Dezhu's arm has not fully recovered, he is still a strong man. The zombies leading to the center of the town have been cleared.

In order not to cause any surprises, they also deliberately killed all the zombies that were relatively close to the deserted fields, piled them in a field aside, and loaded them into trucks when they returned later.

For the people of Tianmay Island, all zombie corpses are now high-quality fuel. If it is used for heating alone, it is even better than coal!

"Brother, there's something wrong with the zombies!"

Seeing Zhang Su getting out of the car, Zhao Dezhu shook the steel rod in his hand and said: "Why do I feel stronger than before? When I rushed over, I felt different from before, and my movements became more agile, but it may be that I was attacking with one hand. The enemy is not used to it..."

"It's not that I'm not used to it, I feel it too!" Guo Dachao nodded: "The zombies are different from before. Is it because of the cold weather?"

Zhang Su Ning looked deep into the street. Several zombies also appeared in the cleaned area. He shook his head and said, "Maybe it's not because the weather is getting colder, but because of the snow yesterday!"


"Oh, by the way, Mad, snow is just rain!"

"Yes, snow is rain, no wonder the zombies have become stronger, damn!"

Guo Dachao looked at the others with some confusion and asked, "What do you mean? Why is Xueyu getting stronger? What are you talking about?"

Zhang Su turned around, took down his bag from the car and put it on his back, while saying, "Dachao, do you still remember that there was a heavy rain not long after the disaster broke out?"

"I remember, but now I'm old, Xiaojie, I, and two companions at the time were trapped in an Internet cafe, and the water soaked the entire first floor!"

"Yes, it was that rain. We observed that the zombies behaved very strangely in the rain. It was a bit like absorbing energy from the rain. Or to put it another way, the rain was replenishing energy to the zombies!"

"After the heavy rain there, the zombies received a wave of strengthening. Their strength, dexterity, speed and perception were all improved to varying degrees. This is the conclusion we came to after actual comparison. Before it snowed, the zombies' maximum running speed could reach 100 meters and 16 seconds. If it improves after yesterday’s snow, you have to be careful!”

"In short, if you encounter zombies in the wild now, and there are no obstacles to use, it is almost impossible to escape by running..."

Normal adults can run faster than 100 meters in 16 seconds, but they can't last several hundred meters. Even after being beaten by the apocalypse, being able to run three to five hundred meters at full speed is already the limit. We also need to consider whether to carry weight, and how many kilometers can a zombie run? All can be maintained...

"This is the first time I know this!"

Guo Dachao was stunned after hearing Zhang Su's words. They were still struggling to survive on the edge of life and death, but they had already studied the limits of the zombies' capabilities, and there was indeed a huge gap.

"You have to understand that while we are studying how to deal with zombies and building defenses, the zombies are also slowly changing. Never think that you are winning. You must go all out every time. Let's go and start working!"

Guo Dachao, Tan Huajun and Jia Shiqin stayed at the street entrance to study the repair of the excavator. Wang Xin kept a few people on guard and sentry, while Zhang Su led a few others to clean up the zombies on the street, and then went to the side street to collect supplies.

After experiencing the ambush by Beitazi Camp, the progress of searching for supplies has slowed down a bit, and even the areas that have been searched must be investigated.

During the process of cleaning up the zombies, Zhang Su also felt a change. Not to mention anything else, his running movements were less mechanical than before and seemed a bit more sensitive. The impact force was also greater than before, and the barbed wire clanged when he hit it. Clang.

But it's just as easy to kill, just hit the brain and it's done, but this slow improvement still gives people an inexplicable pressure.

"We are constantly researching weapons and defenses to stop zombies. The zombies are also slowly getting stronger. It depends on who is faster and who is slower!"

Zhang pulled out the steel rod with a swish sound and felt something.

"We still have an advantage!" Zhao Dezhu said with a big mouth: "Zombies will not appear out of thin air. There are only a fixed number. Kill one and lose one! People in our camp have killed at least fifty zombies on average. Bar?"

"What you said..." Zhang Su's mouth twitched: "The total permanent population of all areas in Qincheng is three million. According to our estimated proportion, the first batch of zombies will exceed two million, even if all the subsequent victims are killed. Kill them, and none of them will turn into zombies. There will still be at least 1.5 million zombies left!"

"How many can we humans have? One hundred thousand? Fifty thousand? You said that every zombie kills one less person, and we humans lose one less person. It only takes one bite to turn humans into the same kind of zombies. We humans have no ability to reverse zombies. You Which side has a better chance of winning?"

Zhao Dezhu was stunned for a moment, and his eyes lit up: "Brother, you are wrong. We can have more babies, and we can have more babies, and zombies can't do it, hehehehe..."

When he talked about having a baby, he smiled unconsciously.

Zhang Su looked at Zhao Dezhu strangely and asked: "Hey, Zhuzhu, won't you make Teacher Yu's belly bigger?"

"No no!"

Zhao Dezhu denied it repeatedly, and then smiled mysteriously: "But I have this plan, hehehe..."

"Wow, Uncle Zhuzhu, you are so awesome!"

"Oh my God, this plan is too crazy..."

Pang Pangkun and Zhang Ya were amazed, but the former felt that Zhao Dezhu was powerful from the bottom of his heart, while the latter lamented that their ideas were outrageous.

"Huh..." Zhang Su took a long breath, lit a cigarette, and asked: "Zhuzi, honestly, is this your idea or is it Teacher Xiao?"

Zhao Dezhu touched his refreshing head and said with a smile: "Hey, my idea is, it's a new year and a new atmosphere."

"Zhuzi, I have no right to deprive anyone of the right to reproduce, but I still advise you to consider this matter after the situation is more stable."

Zhang Su said very seriously.

Anyway, from his point of view, the current environment is extremely bad for children.

"I know, I know." Zhao Dezhu nodded and said, "We will wait until our camp develops and develops."

"Zhuzi, I'm not kidding you. This matter is very serious. It's understandable that you want to have a child, but you must think about yourself, the child, and Yu Qing. You can't do reckless things in a hurry! "

Zhang Su felt that Zhao Dezhu did not realize the seriousness of the problem, so he simply stopped what he was doing and started talking seriously.

"We don't even have a decent medical environment now. Are you sure that we will have one in ten months? I hope there is, but what if? One more thing, children do not have the right to choose whether to be born, but are you really Do you have the heart to let him come to this fucked up world?"

When it comes to inheriting future generations, no one is as qualified as Zhang Su, who can make two women pregnant at once, but he has not considered this matter at all, and Zheng Xinyu and Zhong Xiaoshan have not mentioned it at all.

"Yes." Zhang Ya spoke from the side and said: "I have seen a TV program about wild animals before. It is said that when the natural environment is bad, wild animals will stop breeding... The environment we are facing now can no longer It’s described as bad.”

Zhao Dezhu was educated repeatedly by Zhang Su and Zhang Ya. A thoughtful look appeared on his face. He raised his head and looked at the snarling zombies not far away, and sighed: "I was impulsive. Don't worry, big brother, I won't do anything stupid anymore. "

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