"I didn't bring any gasoline. I'll get it."

Wang Xin took a look and saw that there was no igniting material. He thought it might not be good, so he rode an electric donkey back to the camp to get fuel.

Wu Lue felt a little bored waiting, so he walked to the pile of corpses, took out a lighter, lit it, and then lit the corner of a corpse's clothes on fire.

It is not difficult to ignite clothes. The real difficulty is to burn the zombie corpse itself. However, when the flame of the clothes contacts the skin of the zombie corpse, it is not as difficult to ignite as imagined. It is as if the zombie skin itself is flammable and naturally ignites. The skin is burning!

"Oh oh, oh, hey!"

Wu Lue didn't react at first. When several corpses in front of him burned one after another, and a wave of heat hit his face, he quickly backed away.

"Xiao Wu, what did you do?"

Yu Wen asked in surprise as he watched the prairie fire spread rapidly from a corner of the pile of corpses.

Just for a while, before Wang Xin arrived at the foot of the mountain on his electric bicycle, he noticed that a fire had started in the pile of corpses. He smashed and smashed his mouth and turned back.

Wu Lue had no time to answer Yu Wen's question, and followed everyone away from the blazing fire. After retreating more than 20 meters, he said in confusion: "I...I lit the zombie's clothes, and they caught fire. It is particularly easy to burn... …”

Everyone looked at each other, wondering if zombies were flammable?

Fortunately, everyone was upwind, and the heat wave and smoke went away with the wind. As for whether there was any strange smell, they also went away with the wind.

The flames shot up to a height of more than ten meters, and the roaring sound was endless. The pile of burning corpses was like a scene in a magma hell.

"It's too tragic. I'm going to turn into a zombie. Will my final destination be the same?"

"No, you could be stuck somewhere and naturally corrupt, haha."

"Go away... let's go back!"

Many people who could not bear to watch returned to the camp early to work, leaving only Yu Wen sitting by the dirt road, writing with a pen and paper in his hand, paying attention to the spread of the fire, and designing the renovation plan for the pig shed.

More than an hour later, Yu Wen looked through the plan he had written down and was very satisfied. However, at this moment, someone's voice sounded in his ears.

"Hey, old man, what are you burning?"

Yu Wenwenneng was startled by the sudden sound behind him. He wanted to take a gun to warn him, but then he realized that he didn't carry a rifle because he was working, and there was only a steel rod made by the camp beside him!

Slowly picking up the steel rod as a crutch, he stood up calmly and turned his head. Yu Wen saw a pickup truck parked on the road. Four men were sitting in the truck, and there was a woman in the passenger seat, talking to him. The man should be the driver because the driver's seat is empty.

It doesn’t matter that there are six people in total. What’s important is that the four people standing up in the carriage are actually holding guns!

There are submachine guns and automatic rifles. Yu Wen doesn't know the models of these guns, but from the style, it can be seen that they are not local products made by the villagers themselves. They are definitely products of high industrialization!

When authenticity cannot be distinguished, it will always be regarded as genuine.

"Ah, haha, good afternoon everyone. I'll take care of some zombie corpses in the village."

Yu Wen had a professional smile on his face, as if he were facing a group of junior high school students, waiting to receive the baptism of knowledge.

"Zombie corpses? What the hell are you farting? There are so many corpses. How many corpses are there?"

The man who spoke was wearing a black down jacket. He looked thick and thick. There was a scar on his chin, probably from a burn, which was very conspicuous.

Yu Wen looked back and his expression froze, because there were no zombies visible in the fire at this time. After more than an hour of burning, the pile of corpses turned into a big black puddle!

Not to mention Scarface’s disbelief, if he hadn’t known that this was a burned zombie, he wouldn’t have believed what Yu Wen was saying...

Scarface saw that Yu Wen was silent and said a little impatiently: "Never mind that! I see you are dressed neatly. There must be a safe camp. Which village are you from?

Yu Wenke looked at the scarred face politely and said, "I am not a local. I fled here with my companions. I don't know what village I live in, where are they from, and where are they going?"

"Are you in charge of the village?"

Scarface took two steps forward, lit a cigarette, and stood on the roadside looking down at Yu Wen with a very arrogant look on his face.

"Hey, it depends on what kind of things the gentleman talks about. I have some humble opinions, old man, and I do take care of part of the internal affairs."

Yu Wen spoke slowly, his mind racing, thinking about how to answer these people's questions.

"Ma De, don't be so ink, let me ask you, how many people are there in your safe camp?"

Scarface asked after exhaling smoke.

Yu Wen looked like he was thinking, counted on his fingers, and said: "Eighteen people, including children, eighteen people."

This number was the result of some thought. Too few or too many would appear false. Finally, he decided to count out Zhang Su and several people who were out, and gave the real number of people on Tianmay Island, just in case the other party insisted on going up the mountain to have a look. , and it won’t be a gang.

"Old man, did you lie to me?"

The scarred face glared at Yu Wen with a fierce look in his eyes.

Yu Wen spread his hands in an extremely magnanimous manner, pointed casually, and said, "Sir, if you don't believe me, just come with me and find out. I don't see the need to deceive you about this kind of thing."

"We'll find the way later. Let me tell you something first. We are from the Blue Dragon Corps in the north. We are now charging a protection fee for your survivor camp. On a per capita basis, each person will receive fifty units of food per month. , this is a list of food types!”

Wow, Scarface took out a fairly flat A4 paper from his pocket and handed it to Yu Wen.

Yu Wen did not express any opinion immediately, but took the order with a calm expression and looked at it.

Flour: One pound is a unit

Pork: one pound is two units

Corn: two kilograms is a unit

Potatoes: One and a half pounds is a unit

Sweet potato: same as potato

Vegetables: Two pounds is a unit

Beef: eight taels per unit




And so on, more than ten kinds of food are listed, the categories are clear and organized, and there are supplementary regulations at the back, which contain some special items such as medicines, but the general value is very low.

"Since these supplies are nominally for protection, what protection do you provide?"

Yu Wen put the list neatly into his pocket, seeming to take it seriously, but his words of inquiry were neither humble nor arrogant.

Scarface Yu Wen saw Yu Wen's actions. He wanted to lose his temper, but suppressed his anger and said: "Do you have a radio transmitter? Our headquarters will receive broadcasts in various frequency bands. If not, you will hand over the food for the first time." When the time comes, we will provide one to you. If zombies attack you, send a broadcast and our Qinglong Corps will come to exterminate the zombies!"

Yu Wen nodded with an expression of admiration, and asked tentatively: "Then I dare to ask, sir, what is the size and strength of your Qinglong Corps, and what level of corpse attack can it handle?"

"You damn person talks a lot, why are you asking so many questions? We have thousands of brothers and sisters in the Qinglong Corps, and there are hundreds of combatants alone. Each of them is loaded with live ammunition, and the weapons and equipment are as good as possible, not to mention the hordes of 18,000 corpses. Come on, let’s agree in advance that we won’t care if there are less than 300 zombies attacking us. If you can’t survive, just die!”

Scarface kicked the stones on the road impatiently.

Thousands of brothers and sisters...

Yu Wen's heart skipped a beat. He was sure that the other party was bragging, but it was difficult to say how much of this bragging was, because even if it was folded in half and then in half, there would still be two to three hundred people, which was a pretty huge force of survivors!

Taking a step back, even if there is only one tenth, there are still a hundred people. If they are all such armed elements, the threat will be equally great!

"Sir, don't be angry. I understand the situation clearly, so I won't bother you for no reason."

Yu Wen was thinking a lot in his heart, but he still looked calm and calm on the outside.

Scarface complained to the old man impatiently, and said: "Let's go, take me to your camp to take a look, I will give you a week to prepare food. If you delay for one day, you will get fifty more units. If you delay for five days, you will have to pay for it with human lives." !”

Yu Wen had a look of horror on his face and said: "Oh, sir, according to the standards you have set, we can't produce 900 units of food a month. The labor force is only 16 people, and there are I'm injured, why don't you give me a discount?"

Seeing the gloomy expression on Scar's face, Yu Wen quickly added: "Sir, in order to avoid the hindsight of not being able to get the food when it's time to hand over the food, I will mention the difficulties in advance, because I know the specific situation of the camp. This winter is coming, and we really It’s difficult.”

"And you don't really want us to survive. If we all survive, who will pay the protection fee? As long as people are alive, they can more or less pay some. Sir, do you think this is true?"

Scarface didn't know Yu Wen's profession and knowledge, but he was convinced by the other party's words...

Yes, the purpose of the Qinglong Corps is to collect food, not to kill people. Everyone is dead. In the end, don't they have to do it themselves to have enough food and clothing?

"I don't see that the old man still has some brains. Needless to say, you must be in charge of the camp. Okay, let's talk about it. I'll give you a discount for the first time. Eight hundred units. Don't bargain anymore. Even if it's sixteen productivity, eight It’s not difficult to get a hundred units of food, but you have to work hard to survive in the apocalypse, otherwise you won’t be qualified to live at all!”

The scarred face directly blocked Yu Wen's intention to continue lowering the price.

Yu Wen looked distressed and said: "Okay, eight hundred units is eight hundred units. So, everyone, come with me and go that way."

Unexpectedly, Scarface frowned when he saw Yu Wen pointing at Tianma Island.

"Old man, you agreed very happily. Do you want to deceive me?"

Before that, they came out of Qing County and found two survivor gathering places to negotiate the same issues, but both were very unhappy. Moreover, the other party tried every means to prevent them from entering the gathering place. However, the old man in front of him was uncharacteristically enthusiastic, which made him feel something was wrong!

Yu Wen smiled calmly: "Why don't you agree? This is a very good deal."

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