The most ruthless person in the apocalypse

Chapter 192 Cleaning up the remnants (page 12)

"Hold the grass."

Wang Xingui couldn't help but be surprised. According to the evidence that Zhang Su just mentioned, it would not be too much to wipe out the Beitazi camp. But the explosion just now was so scary that he still feels lingering fear.

"I am the village chief of Beitazi Camp, Zhao Guishui, brothers, the people who harmed you have been killed, and the rest are innocent people. Don't commit more killings, and don't let your men commit more killings. What a sin!"

Zhao Guishui's heartbroken tone echoed in the sky.

"Innocent? How many crimes have you committed?"

Zhang Su's eyes turned cold. When the fight broke out, there would no longer be any innocent people on both sides, and he also heard some voices that disagreed with Zhao Guishui.

For example: Lao Zhao, stop talking nonsense, go ahead and avenge your brother; the fish is dead and the net is broken; I want to avenge my eldest brother...

The most annoying thing is that even at this time, the other party actually tried to sow discord, saying that he should not let his subordinates commit more crimes. Obviously, he wanted to arouse his subordinates' dissatisfaction with the leader.


Zhang Su did not respond to Zhao Guishui's words, but directly issued an attack order. He wanted to see if anyone dared to disobey!

"No, no, brother, listen to me..."

Zhao Guishui did not give up, but his voice suddenly stopped. Zhang Su knew that someone had taken it away, and the courtyard was ready to fight.


Bang, bang.

Ta da da da, da da da...

In the second confrontation, not only fire cannons were used, but also earth mines were used. Unfortunately, the accuracy was not accurate, and the power was poor. Compared with the big thunder, it was far from it. It didn't matter if the missile hit the person, at most it was Cut the skin.

In less than five minutes, the yard where Zhao Guishui was located was in a mess with automatic rifles. The water tank tiles and window glass were shattered on the ground. The plastic steel doors and windows were full of bullet holes. Charcoal and corn piled on the wall were everywhere. Several corpses fell. In the pool of blood, no one survived.

Zhang Su came to the door of the courtyard filled with gunpowder smoke and said: "Old Yu, Master Jia, you go to the courtyard of the collapsed house to repair the wounds. Don't wait for those guys to turn into corpses and harm people! Xiaoshuai, Da Chao, you go guard that courtyard, don't Let people run away!”

"Is there... someone in the yard?"

Guo Dachao looked at the quiet courtyard with the door closed in surprise.

"Let's go, let's go. If Brother Su says there are people, there must be them."

Qi Xiaoshuai knew Zhang Su better than Guo Dachao, so he waved him away and took him away.

Of course there were people in the third courtyard, and their voices were trembling and full of panic and fear. Zhang Su was not sure what was going on, and planned to talk about it after he had dealt with the matter in front of him.

Zhang Su walked into the yard with a few people around him, shined the flashlight directly into the storage room, and sneered: "Get out!"

"Is there anyone else?"

Lu Yubo was startled and quickly aimed his gun.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't shoot, I'm coming out!"

Perhaps frightened by the sound of the gun being pulled, Zhao Guishui timidly walked out from behind a piece of iron sheet, raising his hands above his head, with snot, tears and fear on his face, and his crotch was wet.

"Zhao Guishui?"

Zhang Su pointed his gun at Zhao Guishui with one hand and stepped forward.

"Hey, eh, it's me, it's me..."

At this moment, Zhao Guishui still looked like the village chief of Beitaziying. His legs were trembling and he almost knelt down on the spot.

Seeing Zhao Guishui's cowardice, Zhang Su actually believed that he really had nothing to do with those conflicts, but this thought flashed past.

"You can hide pretty well, okay, since you're not dead, go and gather in the next yard first!"

After saying that, he searched him first, threw a dagger to the ground, and then kicked him out of the yard.

Taking advantage of Zhao Guishui's time to gather the villagers, Zhang Su and his team counted the people killed in this battle, annihilating a total of twenty-eight people, and discovered the two and a half young men who had deceived him in Niuquan Town.

"Mr. Zhang, there are some bomb-making materials in the ruins, but Lao Jia and I can't move the stones. I'd like to ask everyone for help later."

Yu Wen and Jia Shiqin completed their mission and returned to Zhang Su.

There was no one alive in the yard that was razed by Big Leizi. Even if they were not killed on the spot, they were beaten to death by the cement board. Teacher Yu and Master Jia stabbed the brains they could get, and they came to those who could not reach them. Loading a bullet, he moved very quickly, and he didn't forget to search for supplies.

"Okay, let's go and take the things away after the matter is settled. They are all treasures!"

Zhang Su saw the power of Dalei Zi and felt that this thing was definitely a killer weapon, and it was crucial for both offense and defense.

During the conversation, several people walked into the courtyard that was quiet from the beginning to the end of the war.

When Zhang Su saw the group of people in front of him, he immediately frowned.

"Brother, these are the hard workers of our village, and they will all be yours from now on."

When Zhao Guishui saw Zhang Su walking into the courtyard with a cold face, he quickly nodded and bowed.

Behind him stood fifteen old men, children, and women whose hands and feet were bound. Most of them were sallow, thin, and in ragged clothes, like famine refugees who had fled hundreds of miles away. Their eyes were gray and full of fear.

"What's going on with you?"

Zhang Su asked, pointing to the young and old women.


"I didn't ask you."

Zhang Su glanced at Zhao Guishui.

"This little brother..."

An older man in the crowd bowed his hands to Zhang Sugong and said, "We...we are all old farmers working in Beitazi Camp."

"Why should work be restricted?"

Zhang Su asked.

"Because...well, we eat less and work more, and they are afraid that we will run away, so..."

"We are slaves!"

A middle-aged woman spoke, and the fear in her eyes was replaced by anger. She glared at Zhao Guishui, who was hunched over, and said viciously: "He treats us like cattle and horses. He only eats one meal of bran porridge a day, and the rest is work. It's not like that." Don’t treat us as human beings!”

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!" Zhao Guishui saw Zhang Su's expression was cold and quickly licked his smile and said: "Brother, it's not you who wants to..."

Da da!

"Fuck you!"

Zhang Su pulled the bolt of the gun, raised his hand and fired two shots, directly killing Zhao Guishui who was standing by with a smile on his face.


Explain me.


Wang Xingui was startled. This scene reminded him of the scene when Zhang Su's motorcade was robbed that day. It was the same without warning, and with the same two shots, the former boss of Lianhe Village died.

King Yama is indeed the King of Yama, he takes human life without saying hello!

"As a village chief, if the enemy invades, he will not fight with the villagers, but will hide secretly, and then go so far as to sow discord, I, hehe!"

Zhang Su glanced at Zhao Guishui's body, then looked at the people in front of him and said, "Were you all coerced?"

The fifteen people nodded slowly, with indescribable sadness on their faces. Some of them were wiping away tears. It could be seen that they had indeed suffered a lot these days.

"Come on, raise your heads and look at me."

In the apocalypse, Zhang Su would not believe that anyone could do anything to survive, but he did not want to accidentally kill the slaves enslaved by Beitazi Camp. That would not be good.

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