The most ruthless person in the apocalypse

Chapter 179 Take the initiative

"Let's go, go out to buy goods, give it some time to recharge, and see you when you come back!"

The experiment needs to wait for the process, so there is no rush. Zhang Su and others drove away from Tianmay Island.

However, just after the two cars were slowly heading north, a slovenly man suddenly appeared from the ditch next to the street. His face was a mess and he looked at the car that turned into a small black dot with a strange expression, and then glanced at Pegasus. Island direction.

"The people in the city are so treacherous. They deceived all of us and even caused me to give wrong information..."

The sloppy boy looked extremely ugly. He rubbed his face, looked around, and then walked towards Tianma Island.

"Sister Xiaoya, do you still have a keyboard? The enter key on this keyboard doesn't work..."

In the monitoring room, Pei Lan tapped on the inoperable keyboard to switch between monitoring screens.

As soon as Zhang Ya looked away from the screen, she suddenly noticed a figure appearing in her field of vision. She frowned and said, "Don't move, don't move, look at the monitoring number 5 just now! Look, someone is coming!"

Pei Lan looked at the screen that Zhang Ya was pointing at, and without saying a word picked up the intercom and said: "Hey, there is someone at the bottom of the mountain, walking towards us, someone is walking towards us, one person, one person! "

"Hey, kid, where did you come from? Someone has taken over this place. Stop wandering in and go back!"

There were piles of red bricks, cement and steel bars on the mountain road, and a group of people were busy building a wall. After Wang Xin got the news, he stopped what he was doing and stood in the middle of the mountain road holding a rifle, signaling for the visitors to leave quickly.

"Yeah? When did someone live here? I came from the village over there..."

The boy first looked at the man blocking the road in front of him, then peered into the concrete brick wall and answered the question perfunctorily.

"Hey, hey, do you have ears? You said there is someone here, but you still go inside? Go back, go back to where you came from!"

Wang Xin frowned impatiently.

"Why is it so dangerous? You won't die after just one look..."

The boy glanced at Wang Xin, then looked at the worker, and then left the mountain road with three steps and one turn.

"Where did this naughty kid come from?"

Jia Shiqin, who was working, saw Wang Xin walking to the wall again and starting to work, and asked.

"Who knows..."

Wang Xin spread his hands without knowing why.

"Should we tie him up and wait for Brother Su to come back and ask?" Jia Shiqin wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked cautiously.

Wang Xin frowned and thought for a moment, then put down what he was doing again and said, "I'll bring him back!"

After that, he walked towards the mountain road.

Five minutes later, everyone saw Wang Xin coming back with a strange look on his face...

"Made, the kid ran so fast and didn't see anyone!"

"The little brat didn't do anything extraordinary, so he shouldn't be a threat."

"But he knows where we are, and that's a problem!"

"Well...if they dare to rob us, let them know how powerful we are!"

"It's better not to cause trouble."

The camp is relatively well-stocked with weapons, but some still want peace.

Soon it was noon, and the two trucks that had gone out to pull supplies returned to Tianmay Island.

While eating, everyone naturally talked about what happened in the morning.

"A boy wandered into camp?"

Zhang Su, who was picking up vegetables, keenly noticed that something was wrong, stopped his chopsticks and said, "What kind of boy? Where did he come from?"

"Not long after you drove away, I saw a boy walking on the road from the surveillance camera. He seemed to be coming from the south. I couldn't see it clearly. The surveillance camera showed that the road was too blurry."

Zhang Ya said.

"What does this boy look like?" Zhang Su put down his bowls and chopsticks and stood up and said, "Forget it, let's go, take me to see the surveillance camera!"

The people who went out to collect supplies with Zhang Su were more sensitive to the group of boys, and followed Zhang Su and Zhang Ya towards the monitoring room.

Liu Tianji and Wang Xin were on duty during this period. The two were very skilled in operating the surveillance software and quickly pulled out the surveillance videos on the mountain road.


When Zhang Su saw the boy's dirty cheeks, he couldn't help but explode.

"Brother Su, do you know this person?"

Wang Xin asked tentatively.

"Made, this naughty boy is from the same village as the group that attacked the pillars. He followed our car before. I led him to the Union Village. I didn't expect him to get here!"

Zhang Su frowned and looked at the sneaky appearance of the boy in the surveillance camera, and was furious.

"Brother Su, we should kill him, Ma De, in this world, let alone children of fifteen or sixteen, we cannot let go of children of four or five years old!"

Lu Yubo said fiercely.

He has no mercy in his heart, and his code of conduct is to kill anyone who feels a threat to him.

"Bo Zai, kill everyone you see. Those are zombies..."

Zhang Su's code of conduct is different from Lu Yubo's. After leaving the city, he hopes to expand his team. Even if he cannot attract loyal partners, it is good to become allies, even if it is just an exchange of interests.

He doesn't care about the conflicts when they first meet. Conflicts will inevitably break out due to different stances. He tries to resolve them through civilized means.

For example, Xidaying Village, such as Lianhe Village, had the ability to kill everyone, but he would not do that.

The same was true for the two naughty boys. When Zhang Su didn't know that they belonged to the same Beitazi camp as the three people who attacked Zhao Dezhu, he also had the idea of ​​​​establishing a connection.

"Ah..." Wang Xin's face was full of embarrassment, and he said: "Good morning, if I had known this, I would have detained him directly. Brother Su, this... I'm sorry."

"He must have discovered our car and followed it to the mountain. Brother Su, how about we attack first?" Qi Xiaoshuai's eyes were full of anxiety.

If the place where you live is exposed, it is always a hidden danger.

Zhang Su let out a long sigh and said: "There must be something wrong with this naughty kid. Let's eat. We will leave for Beitazi Camp in the afternoon. We can't wait for danger to come to our door!"

Since the other party touched his door, Zhang Su concluded that the people in Beitaziying did not intend to write off the previous affairs. In this case, the grievances between the two parties were caused by the people from Beitaziying. Naturally, he would not be a coward!

"it is good!"


"You hurt my brother Zhuzi, and you dare to touch the door and kill them!" Lu Yubo's face was full of ferocity.

After eating quickly, Zhang Su called Zheng Xinyu, Lu Yubo, Pang Pangkun, Tan Huajun and Qi Xiaoshuai to go out together. Whether they were exchanging fire with people or killing zombies, the fighting power of the six people was quite impressive.

"Oh, big brother, my legs are healed, why don't you, hurt..."

Zhao Dezhu was fed up, and he wanted to go too, but it was a pity that Zhang Su didn't take him with him. He wanted to argue a few words, but when he saw Zhang Su's rare cold look, he stifled the second half of his sentence.

"Five magazines each, check the equipment!"

Zhang Su stood beside the car and gave very serious instructions.

Everyone knew what Zhang Su and his party were going to do on this trip, and their expressions were solemn.

When fighting zombies, as long as you plan well, the risks are basically controllable, but conflicts with other survivor forces are difficult to predict.

Although everyone has great confidence in Zhang Su and the others, who doesn't have the ability to survive in this fucking apocalypse?

Being confident but not arrogant is the most basic principle.

"Mr. Zhang, the other party is very scheming, so be careful." Yu Wen warned with great concern. He wanted to follow, but he also knew that with his old arms and legs, it would be better to fight with zombies, but it would be less interesting to fight with people.

"Brother Su, Xinyu, you must be careful, everyone must be careful."

Zhong Xiaoshan stepped forward and tightened Zhang Su's gun belt with her own hands, her face full of worry.

The more you live a good life, the less you want to have disputes with others, but sometimes when the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, trouble will always come to your door.

"Don't worry, don't worry! You can do whatever you need to do, and the protection at the camp must not be relaxed, okay?"

Zhang Su sat in the car and gave everyone a warning.

Everyone nodded and watched Prado and the van slowly drive away from the B&B area.

Yu Wen and Yu Qing stood at the gate to move the car out of the way.

"Brother Su, be careful!"

When the car passed the gate, Yu Qing whispered to Zhang Su in the driver's seat.

Zhang Su looked at Yu Qing. If it had been before, she would have come up to dissuade him. She could have said a lot of things such as putting down the butcher's knife, when will retribution be repaid, and whether enemies should be reconciled or not.

This time was different, there was coldness and determination in his eyes.

"Don't worry, take good care of my brother Zhuzi."

Zhang Su left Yu Qing with a smile.

As the car drove away, Qi Xiaoshuai, who was in the same car, looked at the rearview mirror and said, "Brother Su, Teacher Yu has really changed... If she hadn't met you, she would definitely not have survived."

"Everyone has their own beliefs. She insists on her beliefs but does not hinder the team. Last time in Beidong Town, she was asked to kill people to establish her power. She can figure it out and take action, which proves that she has understood the current world. "

Not everyone can kill without batting an eye, and the process of change will vary from person to person.

As the car went down the mountain, Zheng Xinyu suddenly said: "Hey, Brother Su, do you know how to get to Beitaziying?"

"I don't know where to go, but if someone knows, just find a guide."

Zhang Su took out a cigarette, lit it, and turned south naturally. He knew the general direction, but it would be better to determine the specific direction.

"Brother Su, Brother Su, where are we going?"

Soon, Lu Yubo from the car behind asked.

"Go to Union Village and find someone to lead the way!"

After Zhang Su answered, he stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed of the car and rushed to Beidong Town quickly.

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