Smallville Township Police Department lobby.

"Sue, we are going to court!"

Byron's mother's eyes were filled with tears as she stared at the lazy young man across the table.

The other party showed no remorse, and even had a "Byron deserves to die" attitude.

"Prosecution?" Jino seemed to have heard something funny. He knocked on the table and said with a smile, "Your son broke into my house without permission and injured the guard of the manor."

"If you want to sue, go ahead and I'll even be kind enough to hire a lawyer for you."

Keno fiddled with the pen on the table and said calmly: "But I need to remind you that the best legal team in the United States will serve me, and the cameras in the manor will also prove that your son broke into private property."

"By the way."

Gino put down the pen in his hand: "The local judge is also a friend of the Luther family."

"Even if I want, I can let you accompany me for a fortune that you can't afford at all."

"So if you don't want to go bankrupt, this is the end of the matter."

Gino stood up. He didn't intend to stay here. There were still many things to deal with. Lana and Chloe, who were frightened, also needed to be comforted. Maybe he should activate a heavenly magic to eliminate the two girls' memories of this story.

Before leaving, the boy did not forget to hit the sluggish Byron mother again: "Also, you should probably thank me for eliminating a burden that was holding you back."

"Well, no need to thank me."


The door was closed, and the Sheriff who was hiding in the corner slowly walked to the opposite side of Byron's parents' table.

"I'm very sorry."

The police chief took off his hat apologetically and looked at the middle-aged woman who was holding her husband and crying.

The woman was in tears, clearly unable to accept the news that their son had died.

What was even more unacceptable to her was Gino's attitude.

"Sheriff! The person who killed Byron is Geno Luther. He should be tried!"

Byron's mother gritted her teeth, looked up at the police chief, and said through gritted teeth: "He even burned my son to death with a flamethrower. This is murder and a crime!"

Yes, in order to cover up some things, Keno unified caliber changed Byron's cause of death to a flamethrower.

As for whether others believe it or not?

According to American law, it is not illegal to shoot someone who breaks into a house without the consent of the owner.

The Sheriff shrugged: "I'm sorry, the other party's handling was reasonable and compliant. Your son did break into the other party's manor and even injured several guards."

"According to the law, it is not illegal for them to shoot your son with a gun."

Just kidding, he's not a brainwashed idiot. He's just making a living as a police officer. How could he offend the powerful Luther family for strangers?

But the remaining conscience in his heart still made him couldn't help but remind him: "And you are not responsible for this matter. My suggestion is to let it go."

"No, he must pay the price for this!"

As expected by the Sheriff, Byron's mother, a middle-aged woman with a bloated figure, had hatred in her eyes and could not listen to the Sheriff's advice at all.

"My son broke into someone else's house, but the person who killed my child was not at fault at all?"

"Then good luck to you."

Unable to persuade the stubborn woman, the sergeant gave up, put on his hat and left the waiting room.

After the man left, Byron's mother looked at her husband: "Hait! We want to avenge Byron!"

"Uh, um, Helena, maybe we should put aside our hatred."

Byron's father, a tall, thin, middle-aged white man, touched his nose.

Unlike his wife, the old man had no love for Byron, but more of disgust.

"And the same as the Sheriff said."

He patted his wife on the shoulder: "This land belongs to the rich."

"Besides, Byron has always been a lunatic."

A secret smile appeared on the woman's husband's lips: "Perhaps we should enjoy our lives in the following days?"

"Shut up!"

The woman pushed her husband away angrily and looked at him with disappointed eyes: "I didn't expect that you were actually looking forward to Byron's death in your heart!"

"Okay, if you don't want to, then I will personally go and avenge Byron!"

The morning after tomorrow.

Luther Chemical Plant.


The silver-white Bugatti sports car roared on the road leading to the factory.

The air in the small town is crisp early in the morning, and crystal clear dewdrops hang on the branches of the grass on the roadside.

Keno drove the car,

The trees on both sides of the road swept away in both directions at extremely fast speeds.

"So, you have achieved results?" Gino held the steering wheel with one hand and answered the call from Lex with the other.

"I understand, I'll be right back."

After hanging up the phone and stepping on the accelerator, the already fast sports car became even faster, like a stream of light passing by, kicking up dust on the road.

Just when the iron gate of the factory vaguely appeared in the field of vision, and Jino was about to apply the brakes to stop, a figure suddenly emerged from the dense forest on one side of the road.

I have been waiting for a long time,

Byron's mother, with a fierce face, was wearing a floral dress and holding a large shotgun in her plump hand.

The skirt on his body was wet with dew, and it could be inferred that this man had been hiding in the grass for a long time.

Her eyes shone with hatred.

The woman raised the shotgun and shouted through gritted teeth: "This shot is for Byron!"

What about the rich? All beings are equal before firearms!

Pull the trigger and the barrel shoots out flames.


The powerful recoil caused the woman to fall onto the grass in a panic.

Streaming shotgun blasts hit the boy in the Bugatti sports car.

Byron's mother's eyes flashed with the pleasure of revenge.

She avenged Byron!


The shotgun blast shattered the car window, and countless life-threatening pellets hit the driver's seat.

She could even predict the blood splattering on the other side.


Just a few seconds later, the smoke from the gun barrel blew away, and the driver's seat of the sports car was empty.


Byron's mother looked like she had seen a ghost, but the next moment, a blond boy in a white shirt appeared in front of her as if out of thin air.

Jino stared at the woman expressionlessly, holding the barrel of the gun with one hand and squeezing it gently.

The gun barrel made of steel twisted and deformed like a "whining", and the straight lines were violently destroyed into a ball of iron twists.

"Well, we met this morning. You are Byron's mother, right?" Gino retracted his arm and stared at the woman with an indifferent expression.

He glanced at the broken glass in front of the car that Lex gave him, and his already cold expression became even colder.

"I have two plans here." Jino raised two fingers: "First, be burned to death."

"Second, freeze to death."

"What do you want to choose?"

"What?" Helena looked confused and had no idea what Gino was talking about.

But soon, a red beam flashed, followed by extreme pain.

"Ah!" Helena screamed like a pig, and she looked at her empty right arm.

The entire arm was completely cut by an unknown red light, and the severed limbs lay quietly on the grass. The extreme pain made her almost faint.

"It seems you don't like the first one." The red light in Jino's eyes dissipated and turned into a blue light.


The extreme cold current swept over Helena's body, freezing her ugly posture of screaming in terror into the ice sculpture.

Jino looked into the ice sculpture's eyes and shook his head: "Remember not to mess with Luther in the next life."

After saying that, the boy opened his mouth and blew gently, and the originally solid ice sculpture shattered into thousands of broken ice shards that covered the grass.

Immediately push forward the plot of Zhutian Universe, I think I can write something cool, keep working hard, tomorrow I will think about the outline of the copy and the plan for the formation of the protagonist's future force, and then I have to put the purchase of comics on the agenda, blah blah.

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