"Tang Xi is not a bad person, he just loves face."

Seeing Tang Xi leading the people away, Yang Long explained.

Lin Wei nodded without comment.

Even if it's not bad, his team is a mixed bag.

"This is the mission hall in Area A, but only the first echelon of superpowers can receive missions here."

The mission hall in Area A is actually the first floor of a two-story small foreign-style building, with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

There are many tasks posted inside, all handwritten.

All are very dangerous tasks.

She saw the mission marked as SSS level at a glance.

Go to the Qi Building in the city center to rescue the experimenters.

I guess I hung up on the phone for a long time and no one picked up at all.

"The base director's office is on the second floor. I'm going to ask him if he can see you."

"Give him this and he will meet me."

Lin Wei took out a set of rock fire armor and handed it to Yang Long, and continued: "Just tell him how you really feel about wearing it."


Yang Long took the rock fire armor and went to the second floor.

There are two guards outside the office.

When he saw Yang Long coming up, he stretched out his hand to stop him.

"I am Yang Long, the captain of the Mad Dragon Superpower Team. I have something important to do with the base director. Please let me know."

"Wait here."

One of the guards turned and entered the room.

He quickly came out and said to Yang Long:

"go in."

Yang Long nodded and entered the office.

The man sitting on the chair raised his head and looked at Yang Long.

"Yang Long, what do you want from me?"

"Basic Director, someone wants to see you. She asked me to show you this and said you would meet her."

Yang Long placed the rock fire armor on the table.

The man was a little confused and asked: "What is this?"

"It's called the Rock Fire Armor. It can isolate you from the high temperature of the outside world. This is what I'm wearing. Look, I haven't sweated a drop."

The man was a little surprised, is it so magical?

"Mr. Base, you can try it on yourself. Miss Lin and I bought it, ten first-order crystal cores."

"Let her in."

Yang Long nodded and went out to call Lin Wei.

Lin Wei walked in and saw the man sitting on the chair.

How should I put it? This is a very elegant young scholar. It is hard to imagine that he is the base director of Linchuan Base.

Originally, she imagined a very serious middle-aged man.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be an elegant young man in his early thirties.

"Hello, I'm Lin Wei."

"Hello, Ms. Lin, I am Lin Xiang, the base director of Linchuan Base. Please sit down."

Oh, it’s still my family.

Vera Lin pulled the chair in front of her and sat down.

"I have seen what you asked Yang Long to bring. You are not just looking for me to sell your products, right?"

You won't have to worry about selling such a good thing.

"As expected of you. Indeed, the purpose of my coming here is not only to do business, but also to find the murderer who killed my mother and sister two days ago. As far as I know, this person is from your Linchuan base."

Lin Xiang pondered slightly.

"How do you want us to cooperate with you?"

"I have sent many people to Qi's Building, but they all returned without success."

"What a coincidence, I also went to the Qi's Building yesterday and visited Qi Heng's home."

Lin Xiangteng stood up suddenly: "Miss Lin, are you serious? What about Professor Li and the others?"

Lin Wei smiled and said: "I have rescued them, but they are in my base."

He chuckled and said: "As long as they are treated well, it will be the same everywhere. I believe Miss Lin will treat them well."

Lin Wei was stunned. Lin thought, this is really...

"Mr. Lin, you just need to gather everyone in your base together. I will ask my sister to identify the murderer. My sister has seen the faces of those people."

Lin Xiang nodded: "No problem, we also want to catch this cancer as soon as possible. Many young people in the base have been taken away by these people, and we don't know whether they are alive or dead."

"Don't worry, they are all at my base now. They are fine."

Lin Xiang was relieved to hear what she said. Those young people have great potential, but they are too naive and can be easily deceived.

"Ms. Lin, I would like to purchase a thousand sets of this rock fire armor first, is that okay?"

Water resources are extremely scarce now. Although people with superpowers have strong physical endurance, they will also become severely dehydrated under this high temperature. They have to bring a lot of water with them every time they go far away.

Water-type superpowers are not worth points at all. Teams without water-type superpowers will have a hard time defeating them.

And only ten first-order crystal nuclei are needed to solve this problem, so why not do it.

Now the first echelon of superpower teams are almost all second-level superpowers. Although there are only ten teams in the first echelon, they are still a considerable force.

They can obtain first-order crystal cores much faster, so the savings in the base will naturally be huge.

Lin Wei blinked, to be honest, not that much.

But it was not much. Because of the high demand, she purchased two more armor-making machines.

Now there are five units in total, and the daily output is 500 sets.

She only had 800 sets in hand, thinking that Jun Hao would buy some more, but she thought that she couldn't sell them all to Lin Xiang.

After all, big customers also need to be maintained, but now that online transactions are so convenient, why didn't Jun Hao ask her to buy them?

She was too embarrassed to ask.

"Only five hundred sets."

Lin Xiang was slightly disappointed, but five hundred sets was good.

In this way, the first-tier superpowers can create greater value.

"Okay, I'll have someone get you the crystal core right away."

Lin Wei nodded and started with 5,000 crystal cores. Lin Wei handed over 500 sets of rock fire armor to the logistics personnel at the Linchuan base.

Got 50 million points.

She planned to go back and buy the remaining five armor-making machines.

With the road to Linchuan Base opened, the demand for Yanhuo armor will be even greater.

She had to take advantage of the high temperature to earn more points.

She was certain that this hot weather would not last long.

"Ms. Lin, it will take some time to gather everyone in the base. After all, some survivors are outside and may not be able to come back. Do you think?"

There is no way around this. After all, we have to go out to search for supplies, otherwise we will eat nothing.

Some survivors will even stay outside for a long time before returning to the base, and some may even never come back.

"It's okay. You first gather the people in the base. If after we identify the murderer, the murderer is not among them, then let the superpower guarding the base entrance record the information of the people who come back later, and then identify them."

Lin Xiang nodded, and then asked people to gather people in the base by area.

Let’s start with area A.

Just outside the mission hall in the square.

Lin Xiang also took this matter very seriously. After all, it was the mole in their base who caused heavy losses to their base.

Lin Wei took Lin Yu to wait outside the mission hall.

People in Area A are very impatient. It's too hot outside. Usually when they are not on a mission, they prefer to stay in their rooms to feel more comfortable.

There are not many people in Area A. There are 120 superpower teams, but only seven teams with 84 people came.

Then there are 23 people in the base logistics department and 3 people in the laboratory.

Then there are the families of the superpower team members, the families of the logistics department, and the laboratory personnel, totaling more than 700.

Lin Yu lined up to identify them.

Lin Xiang was also there, so he could suppress these superpowers from yelling.

Lin Yu looked at them one by one and shook his head.

No, neither.

It seems that they are not from Area A, but that is not necessarily the case. There are still people who have gone out and have not returned.

"Everyone, please don't leave yet. I'm going to make an announcement."

The superpowers all wanted to leave, but Lin Xiang stopped them.

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