The Demon Emperor of the Perfect World

Chapter 56 The Cave of the Heart

At the entrance of the village, everyone gathered around, and the scene was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. They did not dare to speak loudly, for fear of waking up the rainy day.

And when he closed his eyes attentively, his body glowed, and black and white light lingered continuously, as if he was undergoing transformation.

The ten caves in the sky are hovering like ten bottomless pits, never saturated, constantly absorbing the spiritual essence of heaven and earth, converting the absorbed and refined spiritual essence into Shenxi, feeding it back to Yutian's body, strengthening his physical body.

The two qi of yin and yang in the body carry Shen Xi and flow along the meridians. This is the process of his sublimation to the cave heaven realm.

Generally speaking, very few people know about the realm of Ten Cave Heavens, and there are even fewer monks who can cultivate to this realm. It is extremely rare in this lower world. Even in the three thousand continents in the upper realm, if they are the Ten Caves, they can be the saints and saints of the great religion, and become the well-deserved genius, let alone the Ten Caves that can be sublimated again.

This process is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, the cave will be shattered or the body will collapse. Therefore, very few people take this road.

At least in the memory of Rainy Day, only Shi Hao took this step, and no one else.

From this we can see how difficult and remarkable what Yutian did at this time was.

The yin and yang qi flowed through all of Yutian's meridians, and even his blood and bones were filled with yin and yang aura.

What made Yutian uncomfortable was that the yin and yang qi circulated, and his body was alternately cold and hot, falling into a feeling of two heavens of ice and fire.

It was as if he was not cultivating on the road to the ultimate realm, but was suddenly exposed to volcanic magma, and the next moment entered the Nine Nether Cold Pond, alternating between hot and cold, endlessly.

At the same time, his bones were crackling like exploding beans, his flesh and blood bulged, and his whole body was surging. If you look carefully, his skin exudes a black and white charm.

He looked so miserable and looked extremely terrifying.

"He will succeed!"

Shi Yunfeng leaned on crutches and looked at the current situation on the rainy day with a worried expression.

Not only him, but everyone was frightened at this time and held their breath.


Suddenly, the ten-hole circling cave sky stagnated, and the pure white cave sky and the jet black cave sky that were facing each other moved inwards. The two collided violently, and then began to spin wildly, turning into a black and white yin and yang fish.

Inside the two caves, the 'black and white' two-color magma drips down and saturates each other. The black fish has white eyes, and the white fish has black eyes, merging into a two-dimensional Tai Chi cave.

The other eight caves rotate in opposite directions with the Tai Chi Cave in the center. The Tai Chi Cave in the center commands these eight caves. The aura is strange and shocking, full of a strong sense of oppression.

One after another energy ripples spread in all directions, and then converged as the Shidongtian was withdrawn into the body.

"I feel like this is not the ultimate situation!"

Yutian opened his eyes and frowned.

Since the time of Nine Cave Heavens, he has been thinking about how to take his own path to the Cave Heaven Realm, and whether he can carve out his own special Cave Heaven like Shi Hao's physical Cave Heaven in the original work.

Immediately, he closed his eyes again, and the runes all over his body burned fiercely, and the divine light within the ten caves escaped and disappeared into his body, blending with the endless energy and spirit, washing over his body and wandering around.

"After all this, you're still not satisfied?"

Shi Hao only had three caves in the sky and had not reached the extreme realm of the caves, so he was puzzled. On a rainy day, all ten caves had been sublimated. What else could he do?

Xiaobai, Maoqiu, and the Green Scaled Eagle family were all stunned, as confused as Shi Hao.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

A dull sound like the sound of war drums and hammers came, low and depressing, as if gods and demons were coming, and a blood-colored glow was boiling, which was astonishing.

Everyone in Shicun was shocked. Listening carefully, this sound sounded like the beating of a heart.

However, this low muffled sound, mixed with the bloody glow, was filled with a violent aura, which made people jump with fear.

The muffled sound is endless, the ten caves outside the rainy day are roaring, and the divine light continues to dissipate, seemingly with no intention of ending.

After absorbing it for so long, this infinite divine light seemed not enough. The ten caves in the rainy day began to hum, tremble, and became a little unstable.

At the same time, his physical body shrank and began to wither, and blood flowed along the blood vessels and gathered toward his heart.

"No, Xiao An is in danger!"

This scene scared everyone in Shicun to the point where their faces turned pale. They all began to feel uneasy and at a loss as to what to do.

The little white fox even whimpered softly and rushed forward as fast as he could, eager to stop the rain immediately.


The big willow tree glowed all over, blocking everyone. Then, a green twig swayed and dropped lightly, the tip of the bud lightly touching the chest in the rain.

Two drops of Shenxi liquid exuding blue clouds condensed out, and suddenly exploded into Shenxi rain mist, filled with vast vitality and spiritual energy, pouring on Yutian's body.

The misty blue clouds began to nourish the physical body on a rainy day, just like a traveler in the desert drinking sweet water. In an instant, all discomfort disappeared and the physical body returned to its original state.

Yutian's physical body was replenished, and the excess Shen Xi in his body continued to merge with his own essence and spirit, converging in his heart. At this moment, his heart was emitting red light, and every heartbeat sounded like the sound of gods and demons, carrying the Taoist rhyme.


The ten caves rotated faster, a blood-red heart appeared on his chest, and the divine light inside surged like a vast ocean.

Yutian then shouted loudly, the runes burned, and his heart beat very powerfully. Every beat was like a Taoist rhyme, like the creation of the world.

Gradually, the divine clouds converged, and a red divine light condensed out of the heart and flew into the ten caves.

At this moment, the muffled sound disappeared, and the world became silent. Time went backwards and forwards, then solidified, and the world seemed to have stopped.

For a moment, I felt as if I had traveled far away on the rainy day, returning to the beginning of the universe, and seemed to have seen the return of all things.

"So, is this the ultimate in the cave?"

Yutian's mind returned, and he stared down, looking at his chest and whispering, feeling the changes in himself.


The Yin-Yang Furnace Spirit was shocked. He only thought that ten caves would be opened on a rainy day, and he might be able to get out of the extreme realm by relying on the Yin-Yang Way. However, he did not expect that he could also open up an unprecedented eleventh cave.

"This, is this still a human being? I'm not dreaming!"

Everyone in Shicun, including Shi Hao, was frightened.

None of them had seen such a powerful Cave Heaven realm. Shi Hao didn't know yet that he would reach the eleventh Cave Heaven realm in the future. Now he himself doubted whether he could surpass Yutian.

Shi Yunfeng did not speak, but stared at the rainy day behind the crowd, feeling very relieved, with a kind smile on his old face.

Liu Shen was also very surprised. The green branch swayed in the wind, exuding gleaming blue clouds.

"The cave in the heart?"

He deduced it carefully and praised the rainy day from the bottom of his heart:

"You are very good. The eleven caves are unprecedented and extraordinary. Your future will be limitless!"

PS: Thank you to ‘book friend 178294’ for your monthly vote, thank you to ‘book friend…838755’ for your 100 starting coin reward, and thank you to ‘book friend…341482’ for your starting monthly vote.

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