The Demon Emperor of the Perfect World

Chapter 54 Water Realm, Rain Yin and Yang

The world of Xuanyin has been silent for a long time. I don't know what time the sun rises and the moon sets in the outside world. In the big cocoon wrapped in Yin Qi, two blurry figures, Yin and Yang merge together, water and milk blend together.

On a rainy day, he felt extremely cool, as if he was drowning in a pool of weak water, as if surrounded by a clear spring, which made him want to sink forever and not be able to extricate himself.

Suddenly, his body trembled slightly again, which made Yutian's soul so cool that he almost lost his voice.

However, it only lasted for a short moment, and before he could react, his vision changed and he was standing next to a tall water mirror with no boundaries.

There was darkness above, below, left, right and behind him. His figure was reflected in the water mirror, outlining his heroic posture that had just faded and matured slightly, with flowing black hair, a resolute and steady face, and a majestic momentum that could not be restrained.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I didn't look moved at all on the rainy day. Instead, I was very surprised in my heart, wondering why I ended up in such a place.

He stretched out his fingers slightly and lightly touched the water mirror. Strangely, the water mirror made ripples.

The next moment, the water mirror suddenly deflected, and the mirror turned into the sea. It was raining, and he fell into the water without weight.

I can't describe this weirdness, it's simply a kind of torture. In the water, his desperate struggles didn't work. Not only did he not escape from the water, but he sank deeper and deeper. He couldn't breathe. He choked on the water for an unknown amount of time and passed out.

He didn't know if it was a moment or years, but when he opened his eyes, he found that the scene had changed again.

He was lying on a rotten wooden bed, feeling severe pain all over his body and unable to breathe. What he saw was a dilapidated house with a big hole in the roof and rain still leaking.


There was a muffled sound, and three people walked into the broken house. It was Yu Rou, Yu Zimo and Shi Yi...

"Well, how did I get here?"

Ignoring the pain, Yutian's pupils shrank and he was very surprised.

He recognized this scene, it was the day he was oppressed by the Yu clan, injured by Yu Yu, Yu Ji and others, and was on the verge of death.

What happened next was exactly the same as before, without any difference.

After Yutian's initial panic, he calmed down after seeing this scene. Originally, this scene was enough to awaken the hatred deep in his heart and drive him crazy again.

But he understands that he has experienced this scene before, and it is definitely an illusion at this time. He needs to calm down and think about the meaning of this illusion. It will never make him hate again, otherwise, he will be lost in the illusion.

He did not choose to fight against the illusion, and endured the injuries on his body, quietly feeling the changes in himself and the surrounding environment.

The rain has been falling, pattering, noisily, as if it will never stop, the tiles on the roof are tinkling, and the rain is making shallow ripples under the holes in the roof.

Time passed slowly, and I couldn't move even on rainy days. I had nothing to do, so I endured the pain and watched the rain quietly.

The raindrops fall, fall to the ground, fall, fall to the ground,...

Over and over again, repeating the same actions.

He didn't know how long he watched Yu Tian. After the initial impatience, he gradually calmed down and drifted away from his thoughts. He stared at the rain and thought about his life.


He was suddenly shocked and exclaimed.

This rain is very much like his life.

Raindrops fell from high altitude and fell to the ground.

And he was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Rain cannot fall by itself, but it can hit the ground and make a clanking sound. The sound is its sound of resistance. When it hits the ground, the ripples are also its resistance.

It cannot fall on its own, but it can resist. Water drops penetrate rocks, and the puddles on the ground are proof of its resistance.

He had no control over his life at that time. He was seriously injured, but he managed to survive before death. He gritted his teeth and persisted. No matter how injured he was, he just wanted to survive.

Not being willing to give in is a matter of survival, swallowing his anger before was a matter of survival, and being submissive was a matter of survival. That desire for survival was his resistance.

No matter where he was born, no matter how hard life is, he is resisting. Hard life is resistance, and gritting one's teeth and persisting is resistance.

Everything, fighting against fate, wanting to survive, is to resist, no matter life or death, no matter the result.

Just like the rain, no matter its outcome, it keeps resisting.

Just like him, whether alive or dead, it wants to live and is always resisting.

Later, he learned that his Yang was the result of putting oneself in the position of death to resurrect. To live toward death is Yang.

"No, no!"

He is seeking to survive, and so is Yu!

While he lives, Yu dies.

Although the rain resisted, it could not escape its fate. Rain is born in the sky, but dies on the ground, and then turns into mist, returns to the sky, and is reborn.

If being born toward death is called Yang, then the rain is also born toward death, which is also Yang, but it dies, and its life is the next reincarnation.

Yu Tian's heart was shaken, and he understood that the real Yang is not the result of being born toward death, but the process of being born toward death, and the desire to survive.

Yin and Yang exist in everything. Yin and Yang rotate in cycles and are endless. Yin and Yang are everywhere.

Although the rain is dead, its sun that lives toward death is still there, and it does not cease to exist because of its death. The sound of falling to the ground and the ripples are proof that it is facing the sun.

If we talk about it this way, then on the contrary, the steam turns into water, and it is about to fall from the sky, and it is Yin from birth to death.

A reincarnation, from life to death, from death to life, this is the cycle of yin and yang.

The yin and yang furnace spirit uses Yurou's body to make him understand the yin. What she does is vicious, digging the bones of others for personal gain, and pushing herself step by step into the abyss of death. This is her yin.

Raindrops fall from the sky to the ground, the rain turns into steam, rises from the ground to the sky, and the steam turns into rain again. This cycle of reincarnation is the way of Yin and Yang.

From life to death, from death to life, it is a reincarnation, and it is also a layer of transformation of yin and yang.

"I seek the way of yin and yang. Living toward death is my experience, or maybe it is my way, not my inheritance!"

With Yi Yiyu's yin and yang changes, combined with his and Yurou's situation, Yutian figured everything out.

The inheritance of the Yin and Yang furnace is only Yin and Yang, and it is not so complicated. There is only one Tao, and there are thousands of dharma. There are no two similar flowers in the world, no two people with the same experience, and no two people have the same Tao.

Everyone can learn the same Dharma and learn the same magic, but they cannot cultivate the same Tao.

Those who learn from me will live, and those who resemble me will die. How many practitioners of this Yin-Yang Great Way are there in the world? Even if the Yin Yang Immortal Lord, his own way is only Yin and Yang, but it is not the Yin and Yang way that is born towards death like Yutian.

Therefore, understanding Yin and Yang clearly and understanding one's own way is the true purpose of the inheritance of Yin and Yang Furnace.


The scene changed, everything in front of him disappeared, and Yutian's mind returned to darkness, returning to the cocoon of Yin Qi in the Xuanyin world.

PS: Thanks to ‘Book Friends 202303…540309’ for voting for Qidian Monthly.

This chapter is a bit convoluted, so if you don’t like it, you can skip it.

Let me tell you about the two changed settings. Before writing this book, a friend of mine said that Qin Yining should also be included, but later it felt unreasonable in terms of the plot, so I gave up this setting.

Of course, if any boss can come up with a reasonable plot arrangement, I can take her in on a rainy day to satisfy my friend.

There is another one, I don’t know if you remember it. The three legs of the protagonist Goldfinger Yin Yang Furnace are colored. This is related to the following plot. I originally wanted to write him as a villain (he knew the situation of the sea and the sky from the memory of the rainy day). , so the rebellion is reasonable), but I was afraid that if I wrote it this way, it would become more depressing, so I gave up.

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