"These two transactions are not equivalent. You can also add some conditions." Bernadette added after the deal was concluded.

"There seems to be a problem with the power of this ship. Can you send the people on this ship to a nearby port?" Renekton said without thinking.

"Are you sure you want to add this condition?" Bernadette did not agree immediately, but asked again.

"Well, that's the condition." Renekton nodded and confirmed.

Bernadette said nothing more, and the peas in the room began to disappear one by one, and everything returned to how it was before.

"You go to the deck to find Auf, he will arrange for you to board the ship." Bernadette's figure also disappeared along with the surrounding peas.

Renekton and Bugs Bunny, who was timid and didn't dare to say anything, looked at each other.

"Let's go! Pack your luggage, we have to change ships." Renekton said.

After packing the luggage in the room into the leather suitcase, Renekton took Bugs Bunny and prepared to go to the deck to find Orv.

On the deck, Renekton saw a middle-aged man dressed as a pirate with a sailor knife and a revolver hanging on his waist, a pirate hat with two corners turned up, and a thick beard.

The other party was negotiating something with the staff on the ferry. Mainly the man dressed as a pirate was talking. The staff on the ferry listened obediently and kept nodding.

On the deck on one side, there was also a person who was somewhat familiar to Renekton.

Wearing a dark brown coat, he is a fat, middle-aged man with dark brown skin and small eyes. The extraordinary person whom I passed by at the port of Sevia before.

There was a strong aura of decay, coldness and death lingering around him, and his face was as pale as a living corpse.

"He is the Extraordinary who dares not show his face! It seems that the negative effects of that sealed object are quite serious. Even Extraordinaries of this path cannot withstand the erosion of this breath of death." Renekton sighed in his heart.

Looking past the corpse collector path extraordinary who was eroded by the aura of death, Renekton looked at the middle-aged man dressed as a pirate who was negotiating with the ferry staff. Renekton was a little unsure whether the other person was the Auf.

"Don't look. I'm Auf. Just wait a moment. I'll take you away after I've taken care of these people's affairs." The middle-aged man dressed as a pirate spoke to Renekton with a rough voice. shouted.

Renekton nodded clearly and led Bugs Bunny past the pale Beyonder who looked like a living corpse. He leaned on the guardrail and stared at the huge sailing ship on the sea, the famous "Dawn" across the world.

"Why did you conflict with that group of pirates? Are they coming for you?" Renekton looked back curiously at the miserable corpse collector and asked.

Because he was so seriously eroded by the aura of death, this extraordinary person who looked like a living corpse took a long time to react.

The other party opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, and he said weakly: "No, I just happened to meet the pirates who were hijacking the ferry in the cabin. He found the magical item on me and wanted to rob it, and then we had a conflict. "

"That magical item has a great negative impact. Even if I have good resistance to the breath of death, I can't be immune. That's why I asked for your help at that time." The other party seemed to be afraid of Renekton and was also thinking about his item. Magical item, he quickly added.

"Are you a corpse collector?" Renekton felt that with such a talent, it was unlikely that he was a higher-level gravedigger.

"Yes! I was originally going to send my teacher's relics back to the Southern Continent, but now..." The corpse collector stopped talking.

Renekton said nothing. In a sense, this corpse collector was indeed quite unlucky. After innocently encountering pirates and finally risking his life to deal with them, he encountered a more powerful pirate.

While Renekton was communicating with the corpse collector, Off, dressed as a pirate, had already negotiated with the staff on the ferry.

These staff members quickly dispersed, leaving only two people, who accompanied Aof here fearfully, not daring to speak.

"The captain and vice-captain on this ship were all taken care of by that group of pirates. In the name of the Immortal King, they are very skilled at doing this! Huh!" Auf came closer in a few steps and said in a right tone Still disdainful of being a pirate.

"So, they are indeed not the Immortal King's men? Then why would the Immortal King allow this group of people to parade around under his banner?" Renekton asked with some confusion.

"These guys don't just pretend to be under this banner. They will use whichever Pirate King's name is more popular. The Immortal King doesn't care about these things at all, so they will come under the banner of the Immortal King most of the time. Robbery." Off explained the style of this group of pirates.

"No one questions it?" Renekton was a little confused.

"Doubtful? They only robbed ferries and never attacked cargo ships with stronger protection."

"And the name of the Pirate King is just to prevent the people who were robbed from resisting. This does not mean that they are a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps. Their leader also has the strength of Sequence Seven." Aof explained.

Then he added: "Of course, in the eyes of people with some strength, they are just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps."

Renekton nodded, roughly understanding what was going on.

"When will we set off?" Renekton was more concerned about when he could go to the Future.

"We have to wait a little longer. The people on this ship will pay our craftsmen to help them repair the ferry. Don't worry, it won't take too long. There is no problem with the ship's power system. The pirates just destroyed the operating system, and Those who can command and repair the ship can quickly be solved by the craftsmen." Aof explained the current situation in detail.

Renekton simply chatted with Auf about what he had seen at sea. As a pirate who had been at sea for a long time, Auf knew much more detailed information than the information given by the Church of Knowledge.

Soon, the staff of the ferry came to the deck with a bag of collected banknotes and gold coins. Aof took the money handed over by the other party and threw it to the subordinates who were following behind him without even looking at it. Then he took several members of the Dawn crew and followed the staff into the cabin.

Renekton looked at Auf's skillful business and felt that he often did this kind of robbery at sea.

As Aof said, repairing the ferry's operating system was quick. In about half an hour, Aof led a group of people back to the deck.

"You guys, take this guy who is about to turn into a living corpse aboard the ship." Aof said and pointed to the corpse collector sitting on the deck with a face as pale as a living corpse.

Then he walked to Renekton and said, "Hold on to my shoulders, let's set off now."

Renekton was stunned for a moment and thought of an ability: "Spirit World Travel".

This means that I don’t plan to take myself to the Dawn, but to go directly to the Future!

"Lie down on your shoulder." Renekton warned Bugs Bunny on his shoulder, and then stretched out his hand to place a hand on Off's shoulder.

The surrounding environment rapidly changed and stretched, turning into a richly colored oil painting. The time traveling in the spirit world did not last long. The surrounding scenery changed again. Off had already brought Renekton to a rocky island.

After traveling through the spirit world three times in a row, Renekton appeared on a pirate ship anchored on the sea.

Under the watchful eye of Renekton, many mysterious and complicated symbols were painted on the sails, sides, and hull of this pirate ship. These symbols were connected with each other to form a whole with strange effects.

"Auf? Why are you here? Did the Queen ask you to come?" came a lady's voice, which sounded a little surprised and excited.

The figure of a lady wearing a purple dress embroidered with gold and gold-rimmed glasses, with fair and smooth skin on her face, small ears, and a pair of slightly dark purple eyes was quickly outlined in the starlight.

Renekton took a look at the future hermit lady, and then looked away.

"I accepted the Queen's order to bring this young man to your ship for a while. I don't know anything else. You can ask this young man directly. If there is anything else with the Queen, I will go back first. ." After Aof said this, his figure quickly faded and disappeared.

Renekton didn't expect Auf's explanation to be so simple and crude. He thought he would arrange an identity for himself so that he could stay on board the Future.

Star Admiral Cattleya's eyes fell on Renekton after Auf left. There was a faint purple halo in her eyes, and she was obviously looking at Renekton with her voyeuristic eyes.

In Cattleya's eyes, the spiritual light on Renekton was normal, but the blue, green, and red spiritual light on the rabbit lying on his shoulder was simply dazzling.

Cattleya frowned slightly. She couldn't figure out why someone put so many magical items on the extraordinary animals they raised, but she had nothing on her except a few spiritual items.

If Auf didn't explain too much, she even suspected that the rabbit on her shoulder was the real body.

"Hello, my name is Al Tynes. I made a deal with Queen Mystery and asked her to send me to the Future for a while. I have some experiments and want your first mate, Frank Lee. s help."

Seeing that the star admiral had no intention of speaking first, Renekton had no choice but to introduce himself first.

When she heard Renekton say that she needed Frank Lee's help, the expression on Cattleya's face became strange. An experiment that requires Frank's help, she is worried about the future of the Future.

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