As soon as he arrived at the beach, Bugs Bunny couldn't wait to jump off Renekton's shoulders, and then he was lifted into the air by Renekton's quick eyes and hands.

"Ugh~ Boss, let me down quickly!" Bugs Bunny was struggling with his four legs in mid-air.

"Don't get yourself covered in sand, or you can walk back by yourself later. I won't let you get dirty on my shoulders." Renekton raised the hand that was twisting the rabbit a little higher.

"Okay, but I still want to taste the sea water!" Bugs Bunny stopped struggling when he heard that he was told to walk back to the hotel.

"This is simple." Renekton said softly.

Bugs Bunny felt something was wrong and was about to say something when his boss threw him out. A fat rabbit wearing a black cloak drew a parabola in the air and fell into the nearby waves.

Renekton then sprinkled a handful of iron-black powder in the air, chanted a spell in his mouth, and an invisible giant hand steadily caught Bugs Bunny as he fell to the sea.

Bugs Bunny was so frightened that he waved his paws randomly in the air. After he found himself being caught by an invisible hand, he skillfully arranged some of his scattered clothes and pretended as if nothing happened.

Then he lay down and, with the help of invisible giant hands, took a sip of sea water.

Renekton saw an extremely vivid expression of panic and regret on his rabbit's face. Bugs Bunny lay on his invisible giant hand and kept spitting.

Renekton controlled the invisible giant hand and lowered Bugs Bunny a little lower. Bugs Bunny, who was still lying on his stomach and spitting, was so frightened that he immediately jumped up and cursed on the sea surface.

It wasn't until the duration of this spell was almost up that Renekton controlled the invisible giant hand and sent Bugs Bunny back.

"Is the sea water delicious?" Renekton asked, suppressing the smile on his lips.

"Ugh~" Bugs Bunny covered his mouth and shook his head wildly.

Renekton took the depressed Rabbit back to the hotel room. Bugs Bunny was holding a water glass in the room and kept drinking water, wishing he could change his mouth.

After a night's rest, Renekton took Bugs Bunny on board the ship early the next morning and set off.

This ship is passing through Disi Bay, and its final destination is the southern continent. Renekton planned to stay in Desi Bay for a few days, and after confirming the scope of activities of the Star Admiral, he would take a boat there. Relying solely on the aggregation of extraordinary characteristics, Renekton feels unreliable.

The day after the ferry left the dock in Sevia, the Law of Extraordinary Characteristics Aggregation failed to attract the Star Admiral's Future, but a group of pirates did.

Renekton stared at the ship approaching the ferry he was riding on the sea. There was a huge pattern of skulls and sailor swords on the sails.

"This pirate is quite flamboyant, but why am I not impressed by this pirate group? It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the information obtained from the Church of Knowledge?" Renekton leaned on the railing of the ferry deck and pondered.

"Don't worry, this is just a small group of pirates. Our steamship is the most advanced, and the speed of sailing on the sea is far beyond what this group of pirates using ancient ships can match." A hearty voice came from behind.

Wearing a shirt, a vest, a black trench coat, and a half-high silk top hat, he looked like a very fashionable gentleman at first glance, with a pair of blue eyes that seemed to be full of wisdom and knowledge.

Renekton greeted the other party politely, and then said casually: "People from Lundberg?"

"Oh? You can even see this?" The stylish gentleman had a slightly surprised expression on his face.

"You can easily identify him just by looking at your eyes. Of course, if you wear a pair of glasses, it will be even more obvious." Renekton glanced at the other person's blue eyes.

"Haha, it seems that I may have to imitate the way you young people dress!" the fashionable gentleman said with a smile.

Then he added: "My name is Ruth Krul, a businessman from Lundberg, I don't know what you call me?"

"Al Tynes, a traveling scholar." Renekton said his temporary identity naturally.

"I thought you were going out to play with your elders. You are not much older than my child." Russ Krul said slightly surprised.

"Bang!" A huge explosion from the cabin interrupted the conversation between the two, and the steamship's hull shook slightly.

Bugs Bunny hugged Renekton's trousers tightly and looked around nervously.

"Dad!" A somewhat panicked female voice came from the crowd not far away.

A mature and charming lady dressed as a lady approached here with a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old. The little girl's blue eyes were very similar to Ruth Krul's.

"The speed of the steamship is slowing down. It seems that pirates have boarded the ship with us." Renekton was keenly aware that the speed of the steamship was beginning to decrease and it seemed to have lost power.

"No wonder they dared to drive such an ancient pirate ship to plunder." Russ Kelu said with a somewhat angry tone.

"It seems we are in big trouble!" Russ Krul sighed as he looked around at the crowd that was once again in chaos.

"Dad, we're going to be fine!" The young girl seemed to already know what was going to happen next, and she grabbed the hand of her father, Russ Krul, uneasily.

Russ Krul patted the girl's head, calming her uneasiness.

"I'm here! Nothing will happen!" Russ Krul said softly to his daughter and his wife.


Bugs Bunny tugged on Renekton's trousers impatiently.

Renekton turned on his spiritual vision as if he felt something. A group of undead were quickly passing through the obstacles and drifting towards the back deck of the cruise ship.

"Why are there so many undead on this ship?" Renekton whispered to himself.

After staring in the direction of the back deck, Renekton bent down and pulled Bugs Bunny onto his shoulders, and then walked towards the back deck.

"Are you looking for a lifeboat? There is a high probability that it is controlled by pirates. I'll go with you. The more people there are, the greater the hope." Russ Krul saw Renekton preparing to leave towards the back deck and said quickly. .

Renekton was silent for a moment. Chasing those undead would probably lead to a battle.

"Didn't you ask for a bodyguard to follow you?" Renekton turned around and asked.

Russ Krul smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No, this is not a freighter. I originally just wanted to take my family to the Disi Bay in advance and then set off with the freighter."

Renekton nodded clearly. This can only be regarded as bad luck. The channel from Feneport to Disi Bay is actually quite safe. Renekton's previous thoughts were to inquire about the Star Admiral after arriving at Disi Bay, instead of encountering a pirate ship here.

"Do you have a firearm? Or, can you protect the two ladies behind you?" Renekton changed the question.

The thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl leaned tightly against her mother's arms. Russ Krul turned back and gave them a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, if I wasn't sure, I wouldn't propose to go find the lifeboat together," Ruth Krull said.

"Well, be careful, there is a high probability of danger over there." Renekton nodded.

Since the other party was confident, Renekton thought it was okay to look for a lifeboat by the way. If he couldn't deal with these pirates, he would really have to escape for his life.

Following the traces left by the undead, Renekton led Russ Krul and his family toward the back deck of the ferry.

"Dad, it's so scary here!" the little girl pulled her father's sleeve and whispered.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to a sunny place to bask in the sun!" Renekton said to the three people behind him.

There are traces of a large number of undead gathering here, and the remaining coldness and erosion of the breath of death will make ordinary people feel uncomfortable.

A man with a black complexion and traces of moisture on his body, like a drowned undead, suddenly poked half of his body out from the lower level of the cabin.

"Ah!" the little girl screamed.

This terrifying undead was less than half a meter away from her and almost hit her face to face.

Russ Krul and his wife turned around quickly, only to see a black shadow suddenly emerge from the ground, and then disappeared again.

"Is there a ghost?" The little girl's voice was full of fear.

Pointing in the direction where the undead appeared just now, he threw himself into his mother's arms and said to his parents.

Renekton frowned. The undead just now did not look like an ordinary undead. It was probably an undead formed after the death of an extraordinary person. It had already reached the level of sequence eight.

Renekton took out a handful of gray-black sunflower powder from the hidden pocket of his coat. He seemed to feel the danger, and the undead aura that was surrounding him suddenly stopped.

"This group of undead has a leader, or controller!" Renekton secretly guessed in his heart.

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