Mystery: emerging from the wilderness of knowledge

Chapter 80 The test you can’t escape

When Renekton woke up, it was already the next morning. The bright sunshine shone on his face through the window, causing some discomfort and causing Renekton to wake up from his sleep.

After waking up, Renekton was about to get up when he suddenly noticed that there was a crow with some crimson feathers standing on Bugs Bunny's nest. Renekton's movement to get up was paused in the air.

"Mr. Huang? What's the matter with you?" Renekton's voice was full of doubts.

"I'm just a crow. I'm still sorting out the books in the library. Our Lord's oracle has been issued. Soon, people from the Church of Knowledge will step into the system of spiritual warlocks." The crow sounded a little excited. said.

At the same time, there is a brass ring slowly emerging behind it, with an all-knowing eye in the middle of the ring.

"Good guy, there must be more animals than people entering the spiritual world warlock system now!" Renekton complained silently in his heart.

"Is the church moving so fast? Then why did you come to me?" In order to cover up the flash of complaints in his heart, Renekton immediately asked a topic.

"I'm here to supervise your exam! If you finish the exam quickly, I won't have to stare at you all day." Crow shook his head and said while retracting the brass ring that appeared behind him.

Renekton rubbed his head helplessly. He originally wanted to find a chance to read a book again, or find a hidden sage to instill some knowledge.

"You're not going to let me take the exam now, are you? Didn't you say yesterday that the exam time can be extended a little longer?" Renekton looked at the crow standing on Bugs Bunny's den with a confused tone.

"The extension means that if you haven't passed the exam, we will give you a little more time to make up the exam." Crow Crow explained ruthlessly.

Renekton's expression froze on his face. The opponent had long known that he would fail the exam, and even the time for making up the exam had been extended for him.

"Then can I just make up the exam?" Renekton said dejectedly.

"No!" Crow refused simply.

"Okay, then...wait for me to have breakfast?" Renekton asked Crow for his opinion.

"Okay, I'll come back later." After the crow said, his figure gradually faded until he disappeared into the room.

Renekton looked at Bugs Bunny who was still sleeping in his nest and suddenly felt a little unhappy. He couldn't escape the exam, but this rabbit could still sleep well in his nest.

Renekton simply walked over and shook Bugs Bunny awake from his deep sleep.

"Ugh~ Boss! Let me sleep a little longer!" Bugs Bunny muttered and turned over in his den.

With a black thread on his head, Renekton stretched out his hand to twist the rabbit's ears and pulled Bugs Bunny out of the nest. Regardless of the rabbit's resistance, he twisted it to stay for breakfast.

"Woo!" Bugs Bunny bit hard at the vegetable leaves held in his two paws, as if they were the culprit hands that dragged him out of the warm bed.

"Huh? Does the little rabbit like to eat these leaves? I will ask Sally to prepare more in the future." Mother Isabel watched Bugs Bunny nibbling on the leaves and thought it was something he liked to eat.

"No, it just wants to be fresh. After a while, it will change its taste to other foods." Renekton stopped his mother's suggestion.

"Okay." Isabel didn't pay too much attention, picked up the milk at hand and took a sip.

After breakfast, Renekton took Bugs Bunny to the study on the second floor. As soon as he entered the room, a crow was already waiting for him on the desk in the study.

Renekton couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He felt that this crow definitely used its prophecy ability.

"The Knowledge Church is really obsessed with exams!" Renekton sighed in his heart.

"Wow! Why is the crow here again?" Bugs Bunny boldly ran over and sat next to the crow, and reached out to pat the crimson feathers on the crow's head.

"I will supervise Renekton's exam, do you want to take the exam too?" The crow tilted his head, and Bugs Bunny's paw fell.

"Well, prepare one for it, but it can't write. What can you do?" Renekton felt that he should share the same difficulties as Bugs Bunny.

"Wow~ I'm just a rabbit!" Bugs Bunny looked at his boss in disbelief, his eyes full of panic.

"It's very simple. I just need to let it learn to write for the time being. As an extraordinary creature, it's not too difficult for it to learn to write." Crow nodded and said.

"Yes." Renekton nodded thoughtfully, always feeling that these small and unique spells of the Knowledge Church were invented to allow others to do questions better.

"You guys are going too far! Don't you even ask how the rabbit feels?" Bugs Bunny shouted angrily when he saw his boss reaching an agreement with the crow so quickly.

"If you can pass the exam, I will tell you how to grow a bed that can grow into various shapes, produce fruits with different flavors, and can also keep warm." Crow stated in a steady voice while staring at the frustrated Bugs Bunny.

"Bed?" Renekton was stunned for a moment.

"Really?" Bugs Bunny said with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

Renekton saw that saliva was about to flow out of the corners of this unsatisfactory rabbit's mouth.

"Of course it's true, why would I lie to a rabbit." The crow said this in a very arrogant tone.

"When will the exam start?" Bugs Bunny said impatiently.

Renekton on the side was a little speechless. He didn't expect that the rabbit would be caught by the crow so easily. He could only be said to be an angel of the White Tower, who knew the weaknesses of others very well.

Renekton took out the test paper that the crow sent to him yesterday from the drawer, and then, regardless of the negotiation between it and Bugs Bunny, he sat on the chair nearby and started to answer the questions.

The crow waved its wings and pulled out a few test papers from the spirit world. Then he looked at Bugs Bunny and nodded, waving his wings again, and a little bit of brassy light fell on Bugs Bunny's body.

"Okay, take these questions and try them out." The crow waved its wings and signaled Bugs Bunny to take the test papers and do it himself.

"Okay!" Bugs Bunny nodded excitedly.

He picked up the test paper on the table, went to Renekton to get a quill, and sat down on the desk to answer the questions.

Renekton couldn't hold back his curiosity. He glanced at Bugs Bunny who was doing the questions seriously and found that he was really thinking seriously, and then he was writing and drawing on the test paper in a decent manner.

Seeing that the rabbits were writing so seriously, Renekton had no choice but to continue working on the questions with his head down.

The test questions that Crow gave Renekton were not so many related to mysticism. Instead, there were many various geography and mathematics questions.

Giving full play to the spirit of never leaving any blanks and making up the answers even if he was making up, Renekton finally finished the papers before the sun set.

Looking at the sunset outside the window, Renekton stretched himself, not expecting that the day would pass like this.

The crow waved its wings, and the last test paper that Renekton completed automatically flew in front of it, and then became transparent and disappeared into reality.

"You finished reading it so quickly?" Renekton asked curiously.

The crow took one look at the test paper and threw it into the spirit world. Renekton would not suspect that the other party did not read it carefully. This was an insult to a cherubim.

"Well, there's not much to see. I already saw it when you were answering the question." Crow's voice said calmly.

"What about the result? Failed?" Renekton was very self-aware of his results.

"To be precise, I got a few points. Let's take the make-up test in a month." Crow replied in a steady voice.

"Uh, is it so bad?" Renekton felt like he was facing the class teacher when he failed in the exam.

"Well, originally the make-up exam was in two weeks, but I felt that two weeks was not enough time for you to succeed in the make-up exam, so I gave you an extension of time." Crow continued in a calm voice.

Renekton couldn't answer the question for a moment. Although this was helping him, Renekton felt that he had been discriminated against by the other party.

"What about the rabbit?" Renekton asked curiously about the rabbit's performance.

If all the rabbits passed the exam, Renekton felt that he would be discriminated against.

"Same as you!" Crow said in a calm voice.

After the crow finished speaking, the figure gradually became illusory and transparent, and disappeared into the room the next moment.

Renekton and Bugs Bunny looked at each other, as if they could see the dislike for themselves in the other's eyes.

"The bed that can grow fruits of different flavors and sleep on is gone!" Bugs Bunny said in a disappointed tone, like a defeated dog.

"It's okay, you can move the bed to the orchard, and you can eat and sleep at the same time!" Renekton reminded the lost rabbit.

"Yes!" Bugs Bunny's eyes lit up and he regained his energy.

"Then I didn't do those questions in vain just now." Bugs Bunny thought about how hard he worked so hard just now and felt that all his efforts were in vain.

"It's okay. At least it makes you realize that you are not suitable for studying." Renekton said casually.

"Well, that's right! Boss, you are not suitable for studying either." Bugs Bunny's sincere words made Renekton feel like a knife had been stabbed in his heart.

Renekton wanted to refute this sentence, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of how to refute it.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you are not suitable for studying. The Hidden Sage is the best learning partner!" Renekton was completely determined to find the Hidden Sage to instill knowledge.

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