After answering Renekton's question, the Hidden Sage quickly turned into a torrent of information and disappeared. Renekton originally planned to give the Hidden Sage the knowledge church exam questions to help him, but the other party left without even giving him a chance to speak.

"Alas~ I haven't had a clue about the last mission, but the next mission is coming. Is there no one available for the Knowledge Wilderness?" Renekton sighed in his heart.

After knowing the function of that huge ring, Renekton couldn't sleep.

I simply got up from the bed and prepared to let Bugs Bunny experiment to see if he could successfully visualize.

In a small nest on one side, Bugs Bunny was sleeping on his stomach and was woken up by Renekton's rough shaking.

"Wow~ Boss, there's an earthquake! Run!" Bugs Bunny immediately exclaimed after being shaken awake and prepared to run away.

Renekton wordlessly stretched out his hand and grabbed Bugs Bunny's ears and brought him back.

"Sit down, there is no earthquake. What kind of knowledge has the Hidden Sage instilled in you before! You are becoming less and less like a rabbit!" Renekton said speechlessly.

"There's no earthquake! Then boss, why did you wake me up? I just dreamed that I planted a big watermelon growing on a tree, and I was happily eating colorful watermelons!" Bugs Bunny muttered.

"Grows on trees? Colorful? Watermelon?" Renekton didn't know how his fat rabbit connected these keywords together.

"I need to meditate on a pattern to do an experiment." Renekton did not dwell on the rabbit's dream, but instead talked about his own purpose.

As he spoke, Renekton felt that what he drew was not necessarily careful and clear enough, so he changed his mind and said, "Forget it, just watch it, I'll show you the real thing directly!"

He stood up and turned on the gas wall lamp in the room, and then quickly meditated in his mind to outline the image of the huge ring. Then his own spirituality vibrated and resonated with the huge circle meditated in his mind.

A brass-colored ring made of countless gears slowly emerged behind Renekton.

There are several chains shaking like tentacles around it. The gears are rotating rapidly, driving the huge ring to rotate slowly. As the ring rotates, illusory smoke and sparks continue to rise all around.

As this huge ring emerged, Renekton felt that his spirituality was slowly passing away, but his connection with the spirit world had been strengthened a lot. Renekton felt that the spells he used now would gain from the spirit world. With the blessing, the spell casting speed will become faster, and the spell strength will also be improved.

"It feels like a spellcasting aid." Renekton commented in his mind.

Then he looked at Bugs Bunny, who was watching this scene with wide eyes, and said, "Look clearly at the circle behind me. You will need to visualize it for meditation later."

"Ouch! Okay boss." Although Bugs Bunny didn't know why, it didn't stop him from thinking that the boss looked cool now! It wants it too.

After Renekton showed what the ring looked like, Bugs Bunny lay down in his den and began to meditate.

As Bugs Bunny meditated, Renekton felt the huge ring in his mind being touched. Renekton also entered a meditative state, and then threw his consciousness into the huge circle, this time without being hindered.

Renekton felt an illusory light point emerging around him, and immediately, Renekton used his consciousness to touch the illusory light point. The originally illusory light point seemed to be supported, and quickly condensed into a real light point.

Through this point of light, Renekton felt as if he had established a deeper connection with Bugs Bunny.

Before Renekton could figure out what was going on, he was kicked out of the space again and ended his meditation.

"Boss, I succeeded!" Bugs Bunny jumped up from the nest excitedly.

"Well, try meditating and outlining the circle in your mind while leveraging your own spirituality." Renekton nodded and said.

Bugs Bunny quickly started trying, and Renekton saw a shrunken version of the ring emerge behind Bugs Bunny.

Bugs Bunny felt very magical jumping around, but he couldn't reach the ring behind him. The ring seemed to exist between reality and illusion.

Bugs Bunny stopped after jumping around, looked at Renekton and said in disbelief: "Boss, I don't seem to be able to use that hat to do tricks anymore."

Bugs Bunny waved his paw, then paused in the air: "I don't think I can cast spells yet, so I can't use them."

Renekton was speechless for a moment, thinking that this rabbit was a genius and could learn simple tricks by himself, but it turned out that he could use it but couldn't.

"I'll look for that crow and ask him to help us perfect how to use it." Renekton said after thinking for a while.

"Boss, don't you really believe in Him?" Bugs Bunny said doubtfully.

"You can see this? But I don't believe Him because He hid something from me, but that doesn't stop me from asking Him for help." Renekton was a little surprised by Bugs Bunny's keen observation.

"The dependent of knowledge and wisdom, the ancient guardian, the eyes that see the world, the wise man sitting in the sky, the guardian of reason and knowledge." Renekton recited the honorable name of the angel of the church in dragon language.

"You gave up the exam so soon?" The crow's voice soon sounded in the room.

"You yourself also know that those questions are outrageous?" Renekton continued speechlessly.

Then he said: "It's not about the exam, I need your help with other things. Do you remember what I told you before about a system that is completely different from potions?"

"Remember, you haven't given up yet?" Crow nodded.

At the end, he added: "Those questions are not outrageous. As long as you can master the relevant knowledge and use reasoning flexibly, it is very simple. This is something a detective is very good at."

"I have made new progress." Renekton ignored the crow's words.

Renekton then showed the ring again and explained its functions and abilities.

The crow was silent for a long time after listening to Renekton's narration. When he spoke again, the crow's voice had changed. The sharpness that originally characterized the crow was gone, replaced by a kind of majesty.

Renekton knew that this was the angel's main consciousness temporarily taking over this incarnation.

"It's not convenient here. Let me take you to the spirit world first. You can better demonstrate the power of this circle in the spirit world." The angel finished his words.

Renekton only felt that the surrounding scenery blurred for a while, and then turned into a pile of brightly colored blocks accumulated one after another, like an abstract painting.

After the surrounding scenery became clear again, Renekton found that he had arrived in front of a very abstract library.

"This is the library I built in the spirit world. Occasionally, spirit world creatures come here to read books. Of course, if anyone asks me for knowledge, I will usually throw a book to him from here." The original crow image Already changed.

Wearing a brown hooded robe, an old man with many wrinkles on his face, with withered hair and beard, holds a cane that looks like a dead branch.

"Hello! Still don't know what your title is?" Renekton politely saluted the old man and drew the Omniscient Eye on his chest.

Renekton's intuition told him that the old man in front of him was probably the true form of the angel.

"My name is 'Tolka', you can call me Mr. Huang. I am a non-staff member of the Church of Knowledge. I usually stay in the spiritual world. Even within the church, not many people know about my existence." The old man said in a very warm voice.

"Okay, Mr. Huang, what are we going to do next?" Renekton asked politely.

"Don't be too reserved, just keep the way you usually get along with my incarnation!" Mr. Huang said in a gentle tone.

Then he added: "Let's test the range of the ring's capabilities first. I will find some opponents for you. By the way, you little rabbit, too!"

As Mr. Huang said, Bugs Bunny, who was still curiously looking around at the surrounding scene, was suddenly pulled to Renekton's feet by an invisible hand.

"Wow~ There's a ghost here!" Bugs Bunny hugged Renekton's thigh and shouted in panic.

Renekton couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He really couldn't understand how this rabbit could be so curious and timid at the same time.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Huang asked aloud.

"There's a problem. I don't have many spells at my disposal, and I also need casting materials." Renekton said helplessly.

After being promoted to a wizard, there are some spells that come with it, but wizards need corresponding materials to cast spells. They cannot be as simple and quick as extraordinary people using their own extraordinary abilities. In the spirit world, Renekton could not find any spell-casting materials for a while. Can use.

"I understand. I will temporarily give you some Sequence 6 abilities and some temporary spellcasting knowledge so that you can use spells." Mr. Huang nodded and then gave a solution.

"What about the rabbit? It's not a creature in the reader's path. This method shouldn't be useful to it, right?" Renekton asked for Bugs Bunny, who was hugging his thigh.

"It's very simple. I can let it temporarily fully master the top hat it wears on its head. This sealed object has the extraordinary characteristics of a magic master and a clown. It can use those tricks through this sealed object." Mr. Huang Solutions are also given.

"Okay, I have no other questions." Renekton nodded clearly.

Hearing this, Mr. Huang stretched out his hand and grasped the void in front of him, and bits of brass-colored halo was pulled out from the void, and then he waved and threw the halo into Renekton's body.

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