As soon as he appeared, Bugs Bunny quickly reached out to cover his nose and mouth, looked around carefully, and then looked at Renekton doubtfully, his bright red eyes seeming to say:

"Boss, aren't we going to the Future? Why are we coming to the Mushroom?"

Renekton raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The whining wind suddenly sounded, blowing in all directions, blowing away the light green mist-like spores and fine white hyphae that filled the air, isolating a safe zone around it.

On the deck, on the sides of the ship, and on the sails, mushrooms of various sizes took root tenaciously on the ship, constantly spitting out white thin threads of mycelium, which drifted outward with the whining wind, pulling out a huge white sheet in the air. The curtain was pushed down bit by bit against the howling wind.

"Wow, these mushrooms are so smart!" Bugs Bunny blinked and looked around, sighing in a low voice.

Ignoring Bugs Bunny's sigh, Renekton carefully watched the mushrooms around him. The deep blue and almost purple glow in his eyes outlined one mysterious symbol after another, and he quickly analyzed the information contained in the surrounding mushrooms.

In these rapidly reproducing mushrooms, he vaguely saw squirming flesh and blood, crimson moonlight and crazy desire to reproduce. They were intertwined into an abstract and twisted tree, tightly entwining the "Future", bit by bit. It penetrates and takes root.

"These mushrooms have an abnormally strong desire to reproduce, and they are constantly evolving. What on earth did Frank use to cultivate them?"

Talking to himself for a moment, Renekton stretched out his right hand wearing a mechanical glove and pressed it down. A light that was neither brilliant nor pure erupted from the glove and quickly swayed around.

Silently, the mushrooms growing wantonly around them lost their color, and a little bit of the weather disintegrated and turned into a piece of gray "dust". The spores and hyphae in the air also quickly lost their activity and turned into the most ordinary dust. It floated into the air in the wind and submerged into the sea.

The deck, which was completely covered by mushrooms, was soon covered with gray-white "sand", swirling on the deck with the sea breeze.

Between the gaps in the deck and towards the entrance of the cabin, there are still many mushrooms growing out, trying to re-cover the entire ship.

Renekton glanced inside the cabin, then stepped forward.

A series of misty lights that seemed to be composed of a massive amount of illusory things erupted from his body, like a picture composed of countless mottled lights and shadows, gently covering the "Future", making every mushroom rooted on the ship clear. reflected.

These mushrooms may be big, small, black, white, or covered with spots. Without exception, they are all beating like living hearts, constantly spraying out white mycelium and light green spores. Reproduce to your heart's content.

Their reproduction method is not simple. They not only divide themselves, but also mate with other mushrooms, sea fish, plants, brown bears, and even pirates around them to breed new varieties of mushrooms.

Some of these mushrooms secreted white milk, some shed bright red blood, and some shed red wine with a strong alcohol smell. Some produced pumpkins, some grew into the shape of fish, and some grew into fish shapes. Some have grown human reproductive organs

My eyes are polluted. Such a thought flashed through Renekton's mind. Then he raised his hand and grasped it hard in mid-air. The mottled light and shadow around him suddenly started to shake.

On the "Future" shrouded in mottled light and shadow, the laws of physics have been changed to a certain extent. The temperature is rising, and the air has become sticky, salty, and humid, making it unsuitable for mushroom growth and reproduction.

The mushroom, which was spitting out spores and hyphae and intercourse with all the living creatures around it, suddenly slowed down. Deep wrinkles appeared on its tight skin, secreting a liquid with a complex taste and color, which gradually shriveled up.

In the cabin restaurant area that was not occupied by mushrooms, Cattleya's eyes suddenly filled with a dark blue and almost purple glow, and one mysterious symbol after another was outlined.

Stars emerged one after another around them, densely packed and dazzling.

These stars shed rays of light one after another, shrouding the entire restaurant in misty starlight, and isolating the influence of the mottled light and shadow swaying around it.

After doing this, she turned to look at her second officer, Heath Doyle, and simply ordered: "Drag Frank back."

Heath nodded, and the surface of his body was covered with a layer of darkness, which melted into the shadow of the floor like a liquid, and swam towards the pile of mushrooms that submerged Frank.

The movements of the mushrooms that were wildly intercourse with Frank also slowed down, and were quickly covered by the shadows controlled by Heath. The surrounding shadows squirmed quickly, solidifying into illusory but solid black shackles, dragging Frank out from underneath. , pulled into the starlight created by Cattleya.

Heath's figure emerged from the shadows. He looked down at Frank, who had transformed from a brown bear into a human body, and walked aside silently.

Frank's eyes were slightly absent-minded and his mouth was slightly open. Because he had transformed into a giant bear before, his clothes had been completely damaged and he was lying naked on the floor. His body was covered with a layer of sticky liquid with a complex smell, and his body was still wet. It was trembling slightly and spraying out a little bit of thin liquid.

On his body, the originally thick body hair seemed to have been scraped by a sharp blade, revealing patches of bald spots the size of a palm, as well as fine blood marks on his skin.

Cattleya glanced at Frank, confirmed Frank's physical condition, and then turned away from him.

Beside her, Nina looked Frank up and down for a while, then spat with some disdain and turned to look at the mushrooms isolated by the starlight.

Those mushrooms were dying visibly to the naked eye, becoming shriveled up and yellowed little by little, as if their life force was being sucked away by some existence, and finally turned into pieces and fell to the ground.

This situation lasted for less than a minute, and basically all the mushrooms that could be seen on the ship and the things left behind by the mushrooms disappeared.

Nina looked at Cattleya aside with some disbelief and asked in confusion:

"Is this settled?"

"Captain, you anticipated this scene in advance and invited someone to help?"

Cattleya nodded slightly, then shook her head and said:

"I originally wanted him to take away Frank's work and give Frank some normal research projects that would not harm others."

In the restaurant, a blue light flashed past, and Renekton teleported directly to the cabin with Bugs Bunny. His eyes swept over Frank who fell on the ground, and motioned for Bugs Bunny to go over and treat the over-exhausted first mate.

Then he turned his head to look at Cattleya, nodded slightly and said:

"Long time no see. It looks like I came at the right time."

Cattleya glanced at Renekton in confusion. As a "occultist", she could easily tell that Renekton's face was covered by illusion.

Renekton smiled at Cattleya and briefly explained:

"I accommodated a somewhat problematic 'Knowledge Emperor' trait, and the current state is not very good."

The temporary condition is not good, which means that it will be resolved after a period of time and become a true "Emperor of Knowledge". This kind of promotion speed is too shocking even for those favored by God.

As her thoughts drifted, she nodded slightly to Renekton, and then took the initiative to explain the situation on the "Future":

"Frank told us this morning that his experiment was successful and brought out mushrooms with different flavors to share with the crew."

"Everything was normal at first, but when the lunch break ended, those mushrooms suddenly got out of control, multiplying like crazy, and soon took over the entire 'Future'."

"The potions and spells that Frank prepared to kill the plant activity were not very effective on these mushrooms. They were unable to suppress their spread in time, and finally turned into what you see."

Madam, although this was an accident, there must be factors of deliberate indulgence on your part. Otherwise, how could a demigod not notice the problem and not be able to deal with these mushrooms? Well, except for demigods like "Warrior" and "Destiny" who lack the necessary means. Does Shenyou want to teach Frank some lessons and make him restrain himself in the future? The price seems a bit high.

While thinking, Bugs Bunny had already eased Frank's condition and brought him over.

Sensing the glances around him, Frank scratched his head in embarrassment, then pulled a tablecloth from the dining table and wrapped it around his waist.

Looking at Cattleya's gaze, Frank lowered his head in confusion and apologized sincerely:

"Sorry, Captain, I made a mess on the ship again."

Cattleya sighed with a complicated look and said calmly:

"Your salary for the next six months will be used to cover the losses caused to the 'Future' and some of the crew."

"Pack up the things in your laboratory. Later, the 'Future' will dock for supplies. You can put them at the stronghold on the shore. In the future, please do not conduct such too dangerous experiments directly on the ship."

Hearing Cattleya's announcement, Frank breathed a sigh of relief, nodded quickly and said:

"I understand, Captain."

"It scared me to death. I almost thought you were going to drive me off the boat."

With a sigh, Frank looked at the "dust" left after the mushrooms disintegrated outside the restaurant, and whispered:

"Obviously there were no problems before, so why did the change occur?"

"Are you sure there were no problems before?" Cattleya looked at Frank and asked in a serious tone.

She had observed these mushrooms before, and their activity, ability to evolve, and speed of reproduction were obviously abnormal. It was a bit like the accident when she encountered the influence of the aura left by the Mother Earth in the sea of ​​ruins where the ruins of the God War evolved.

Is there also a problem in this sea area, or is there something wrong with the materials Frank used, or maybe something happened nearby during that time, which affected Frank's mushrooms and caused them to mutate?

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