Mystery: emerging from the wilderness of knowledge

Chapter 55 Battle in the Cemetery (Vote requested!!)

Renekton followed Mr. Coth around the cemetery several times and found many marks that looked like the claws of large animals.

"Is this monster infected with the werewolf virus sharpening its claws? Why does it have to scratch at any tree or stone?" Renekton complained speechlessly.

The main reason is that there are too many claw marks found in this circle, so many that it seems as if the other party deliberately left traces everywhere around him.

"These marks were not left at the same time, but were scratched over the course of one or two days." Mr. Kosi said after carefully looking at each scratch mark.

"Can this be seen?" Renekton asked in surprise.

"Yes, this is the ability of the Keeper of Knowledge. You will be able to do it after you are promoted." Mr. Kosi nodded in response.

"How long does it take for the werewolf virus to infect the target to take effect? ​​During this period, will the body mutate uncontrollably in the direction of the monster?" Renekton asked curiously, staring at the scratches on a tombstone.

Mr. Kosi thought for a moment before speaking: "I don't know, but a werewolf controlling a target does require the target to be invaded by toxins for a period of time."

"Is it possible that the traces here were left by the guy who was infected by the werewolf's toxin? He was only infected by the toxin at the time. The werewolf did not directly control him, so he left these traces when he struggled." Lei Kerton gave his own guess.

"There is a possibility. If so, then he is very likely still around here." After thinking about it, Mr. Cosi also felt that this possibility was not low.

Renekton stood on a raised rock and looked around. The surroundings were densely packed with tombstones and trees. Although there were many things, it was not easy to hide an adult-sized monster.

"This doesn't look like it can hide a monster. What are the characteristics of a monster infected with the werewolf virus?" Renekton asked aloud.

"Their lives tend to be short." Mr. Koth didn't know much.

"The gravekeeper here? If there are really monsters here, he should be the most dangerous, right?" Renekton asked.

"The gravekeeper disappeared several days ago." Mr. Cosi said, shaking his head.

"Became a monster infected with the werewolf virus?" Renekton said unexpectedly.

"Maybe." Mr. Cosi couldn't give any useful information.

Speaking of the tomb keeper, Renekton suggested that he go to the place where the tomb keeper lived to check, and there might be unexpected gains.

The place where the tombkeeper lives is on the roadside at the entrance to the cemetery. It is just a simple one-room house painted with white paint. I came from there when I entered the cemetery before, but I didn't go in to take a closer look.

The tombkeeper's room was a bit messy. The pillows and quilts on the bed were dragged to the floor. It seemed that he was in a hurry when he went out and didn't have time to tidy up or close the door.

Renekton stood at the door and used his Peeping Eyes to look at the environment in the house covertly. He found nothing unusual. Perhaps it was because several days had passed and the original abnormalities had dissipated.

Mr. Cosi walked into the house and carefully looked at every corner of the room, and then restored the layout of the house to its original state.

"The other person left in a hurry and seemed to be stimulated by something." Mr. Cosi finally concluded.

"Maybe he was infected by the werewolf's toxin, or maybe he found a suspicious person breaking into the cemetery?" Renekton continued Mr. Coth's words.

"It shouldn't be that someone broke in. That wouldn't make a gravekeeper panic like this." Mr. Cosi said thoughtfully.

Renekton did not interrupt Mr. Coth's contemplation, but walked out on his own, found a better place and looked at the entire cemetery.

"Werewolves should be more accustomed to the night, right? Will those infected by werewolves also have this habit? If he still stays in this cemetery, then the only place that can satisfy some of his habits and hide himself is..." Lake Dun said.

"Inside the tomb." Koth took over Renekton's words now.

"Are we going to go from grave to grave?" Renekton asked.

"Unless we have a spell that can be used to find people." Mr. Cosi said noncommittally.

In the end, Renekton and Mr. Coth could only start from the entrance of the cemetery to check the conditions of each tomb, and continued until noon, but found nothing.

"I'm so tired. This guy is so good at hiding, or did we guess wrong?" Renekton was a little doubtful of his previous inference.

"We are only halfway through the investigation, maybe it's not here." Mr. Cosi said while checking the situation around the tombstone.

"That rabbit of yours? Why isn't it with you anymore?" Mr. Cos found that Bugs Bunny left Renekton at some point.

"It felt too hot and ran to rest under the shade of a tree." Renekton said with a shrug.

Bugs Bunny on the side found a piece of grass to lie down in the shade of a tree not far away. After lying down for a while, he felt his butt was a little cold. Not wanting to move, Bugs Bunny rolled around on the grass and fell into a pothole.

"Wow~" Renekton heard his rabbit suddenly cry out. He turned his head but didn't see the rabbit in the shade of the tree.

Bugs Bunny, who fell into the pothole, grabbed the ground beneath him with all four legs to prevent him from rolling all the way down the slope.

Bugs Bunny, who had just stabilized himself, felt a wave of malice envelope him before he could relax. Bugs Bunny turned around and looked deeper into the pit. There was a pair of green fluorescent eyes, looking at Bugs Bunny.

A thrilling chill rose from the rabbit's legs to its ears, and Bugs Bunny felt that his courage was about to be frightened. In an instant, his animal instincts returned, his four legs scratched the ground frantically, and he ran out of the pothole.

"Whoa~ Whoa!! Help! Boss!" He screamed loudly as he ran out crazily.

After Renekton discovered that Bugs Bunny had disappeared after screaming, before he started looking for it, Bugs Bunny's heart-rending screams were heard.

Renekton took out the pistol from the gun bag on his waist with one hand and moved closer to the shade of the tree where Bugs Bunny had been lying.

Bugs Bunny quickly jumped out of a pile of grass after screaming, and then ran towards Renekton quickly.

Behind Bugs Bunny, a black figure also pounced out. The figure had tufts of short gray hair on its body, its nails were very long, its eyes turned dark green, its arms were abnormally swollen, and its legs were somewhat bent. , looks like an incompletely mutated werewolf.

"Bang! Bang!" Renekton fired twice at the monster behind Bugs Bunny.

The effect of the bullet hitting it was not good. It just used the kinetic energy of the bullet to make the opponent's movements pause, and did not cause actual damage.

"Boss! Help, there's a monster!" Bugs Bunny jumped up to Renekton's shoulder and shrank his head.

The movement here had long since attracted the attention of Mr. Cosi. After Renekton fired twice, Mr. Cosi continued to fire.

Mr. Koth's shooting skills are obviously much better than Renekton's, and every bullet hits the head of this monster infected with the werewolf virus steadily.

The bullet hit the face of the monster infected by the werewolf virus, causing the opponent's face to be torn open, and the originally ferocious face became even more ferocious.

Renekton backed up with Bugs Bunny on his shoulder while changing the bullets in the gun to bullets with purifying effects.

This monster seems to have inherited part of the werewolf's self-healing ability. Although Mr. Cosi's bullets hit the opponent's face with bruises, they were not fatal injuries. Instead, they inspired the monster's hatred.

The monster abandoned Renekton and Bugs Bunny, who were closer, and started running in a "Z" shape at an extremely fast speed, rushing towards Mr. Koth.

Mr. Kosi did not retreat because the monster rushed toward him. Instead, he hit the monster harder with bullets. The moment the monster got close to its face, Mr. Kosi shot out the monster's left eye.

At the same time, Mr. Koth twisted his body at an extremely fast speed, stretched his legs to sweep towards the monster, and then remembered the reaction force to change his body's position. Then another shot hit the monster's right eye.

The body that the monster pounced on was directly knocked aside by a set of blows from Mr. Kosi, and the monster struggled painfully on the ground.

Renekton, who had changed his purification bullet, also came closer and shot twice directly at the monster infected with the werewolf virus.

"Bang! Bang!" The purifying bullet left a bright golden trail in the air, and then sank into the monster's chest.

The sound of "Zizzi~" sounded from the monster's body, and wisps of black smoke emerged from the wound hit by the purifying bullet.

The monster struggled fiercely for a while, and then became weak.

Just to be on the safe side, Renekton shot the monster in the forehead again. The monster struggled feebly for a moment, and then stopped moving.

The three purification bullets he carried were all used up, but the monster infected by the werewolf was also eliminated.

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