With the sense of crisis looming on his back, Renekton did not dare to fall asleep easily the next night, fearing that a clown would be standing next to his bed whenever he closed his eyes and then opened them again. Renekton felt an unprecedented sense of urgency.

"No, you can't completely rely on the bronze phosphorus and the unknown secret protector to improve your own strength." Renekton thought in his mind about the current ways to quickly improve his strength.

"Upgrading the sequence is the best way, but although I have mastered some of the characteristics of the reader path currently, I am still far from being able to fully digest them. As for the higher sequences of the secret-peeping path, unless I completely master the characteristics of the reader path, Already have extraordinary characteristics, otherwise if you try it rashly, you will probably get a box lunch directly because of the conflict of characteristics." The more he thought about it, he felt that there were very few ways to improve his strength.

After thinking about it, Renekton set several goals for himself during this period: weapons and equipment are the most direct way to improve his strength. He must find a way to join a gathering of extraordinary people to acquire one or two pieces; and then he must collect secrets as soon as possible. The auxiliary material formula of the human path sequence eight combat scholar. If I want to be promoted to combat scholar, this should reduce the difficulty; go to Mr. Kosi to learn some ritual magic and spells as soon as possible.

In fact, Renekton feels that the most direct way to improve his strength is to find a hidden sage to instill a wave of knowledge. Relying on the ability of reasoning students, he can quickly master this knowledge, but now there is an unknown big boss Crow around him. With the clown hiding in the dark, Renekton did not dare to have contact with the hidden sage easily.

The next morning Renekton showed up at the dinner table with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

"Master? You didn't have any rest last night, okay?" Mr. Butler asked after seeing the dark circles on his young master's face.

"It's okay. I accidentally stayed up too late reading a book. I'll just catch up on some sleep during the day." Renekton made an excuse to fool him.

After having breakfast, Renekton couldn't wait to go out. Now he could only feel safe if he stayed in the office of the Enforcer Team.


Renekton's action of opening the door disturbed a certain black cat resting near the door. The black cat quickly jumped up and made an attack stance. After looking around vigilantly, he realized that Renekton had just pushed the door open and walked out. He stretched as if nothing had happened, raised his paw and licked his own paw. .

"Why are you here? Don't your cat army care about this boss?" Renekton knew that this cat was a magical animal, but the other party should have nothing to do with the clown, otherwise yesterday's cat army would not be here They ran away when the clown showed up.

The black cat opposite looked like what are you talking about? I looked like I didn't understand, so I changed my paw to lick it.

"Don't pretend to be stupid! I know you can hear me. You are a magical animal after all, and you have an army of cats under you. Can you have some image? Don't pretend to be stupid!" Renekton said, staring at the black cat. .

"Meow!" The black cat looked at Renekton with its doubtful eyes.

"Are you afraid of that clown last night?" Seeing that the black cat didn't speak, Renekton continued to ask regardless of it.

When the clown appeared last night, the cats immediately ran away, and the black cat also hid. Apparently they had some knowledge of the clown.

"Meow meow! Meow~" The black cat suddenly fluttered and turned around and ran away before Renekton could ask any more questions.

"Such a big reaction?" Renekton was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party would react so big to the clown.

After this episode, Renekton went out and took a public carriage to the Enforcer team. Before the clown's problem was solved, Renekton did not dare to ride in the carriage alone. Judging from his divination yesterday, The other party is likely to have the ability to disguise himself. Renekton is worried that while he is sitting in the carriage, the driver driving the carriage outside will suddenly turn into the clown last night.

Arriving all the way to the building where the Enforcer team was located, Renekton caught a glimpse of a crow standing on the roof across the road when he entered. It had some dark red feathers on its wings, legs and head. , is the crow standing on the street lamp last night.

"Is it really following me?" Renekton walked towards the building as if nothing had happened, while thinking about the identity of this crow.


"Morning! Renekton, you didn't sleep well last night?" Joseph, who arrived at the office very early, greeted Renekton with the same dark circles under his eyes when he saw him arriving.

"Also? Didn't you sleep well?" In Renekton's sight, Jessica was sleeping on the table. Although Thea was not sleeping, but was touching up her makeup, she kept applying makeup on the bags under her eyes.

"No, we didn't sleep at all." Joseph said with a dark face.

"Did the operation last night not go well?" Renekton asked curiously.

Mentioning last night, Joseph's expression was gritted.

"It went very well. It went too well. The group of ghost ghosts didn't even think about avoiding us. Instead, they played hide and seek with us in the cemetery and hid with us for most of the night. In the end, Thea couldn't bear it and burned the entire tomb. Garden." It could be heard from Joseph's tone that he was relieved.

"Then what? Why did you stay up all night?" Renekton became even more curious.

"Then we were arrested by the tomb keeper who notified the security bureau. We explained all night, but it was the captain and the bishop who bailed us out in the morning." Joseph's expression became lifeless.

"Set the mountain on fire, you will be imprisoned! You burning the cemetery is even more immoral!" Renekton was shocked by the experiences of the three Josephs. He could only say that it was Thea who had such a bad temper!

"If something like this happens, when will my Sequence 8 potion be approved?" Joseph's words were full of resentment.

"Don't worry, I was the one who set the fire, and it has nothing to do with you." Thea comforted her with a lack of sincerity.

"But we didn't stop you! Besides, we are a team, so of course it has something to do with us." Joseph said.

"Oh! I didn't expect our classmate Joseph to be so team-minded! Don't worry, it's just a Sequence 8 potion. Even if the church doesn't approve it, just go buy the ingredients and make it yourself. I know the formula." Thea said after teasing Joseph.

Before Joseph could speak, Thea spoke to Renekton again: "Our big boy, what's wrong with you? Could it be that he knew that we didn't have a good rest yesterday, and he was so worried that he couldn't sleep all night? That's right, we are black Eye Circle Fans will have one more member.”

"It's hard to describe. I'm much worse off than you are. We'll discuss this issue later. I'm going to go find the captain first. I have something to report to the captain. The captain should be here, right?" Recalling his experience last night, the look on Renekton's face Became uglier than Joseph.

"Go ahead, the captain has been staying in the office since he bailed us out with the bishop in the morning, maybe sleeping secretly!" Thea said with a raised eyebrow.

"You can also take a nap secretly." Renekton nodded to show that he understood.

"Huh? Is our big boy so considerate? He wants to sleep secretly, so he drags us into the water, right? We are not idle employees who work hard!" Thea didn't seem to be affected by staying up late. Still full of energy, he teased every member of the team.

Ignoring Thea's teasing, Renekton turned around and went to the captain's office.

"Dong Dong~"

"come in."

After two knocks on the door, the captain's voice came from the office. Renekton heard that the other person's voice was also a little tired, as if he had not had a good rest last night.

"It was so lively last night! Why didn't either of them have a good rest? I didn't expect that they would have companions even with dark circles under their eyes when they go to work." After complaining in his heart, Lake pushed the door open to him.

"Huh? What happened last night? You don't seem to have had a good rest." The captain said with some surprise when he saw that the person coming was Renekton.

"I met a group of cats, dogs, crows, and clowns, it was almost like a circus." Recalling what happened last night, Renekton complained in his mind to relieve the pressure.

"I met a clown. He must be the one who played pranks in the hospital." Renekton said with a heavy voice.

"Huh? Sit down and talk slowly. Are you in any danger?" The captain was a little surprised that the other party came to Renekton so quickly.

Renekton told the captain in detail what he had experienced last night, including the group of cats that were chasing the cabbage dogs and the crow that stopped on the street lamp. He only omitted the fact that he used his Peeping Eye to observe them. , but still used his intuition as an excuse to emphasize that the leading black cat and the crow on the street lamp were both suspected to be extraordinary creatures.

Captain Icondon pondered for a while before speaking: "As you said, that clown should be the Extraordinary of the Stealing Path who played pranks in the hospital. I will contact the people of the Church of the Mother Earth as soon as possible to arrest him. Yes, protect yourself during this period. I will apply for a pistol for you later. You can come to Irving’s office to get it in the afternoon. Do you need any other weapons and equipment?”

"Give me a dagger. I have never used a firearm. A gun may not be as helpful to me as a dagger when I encounter a crisis. I also want to learn some simple fighting skills. It would be better if I could learn spells and ritual magic. My own extraordinary abilities are not of much help in fighting or escaping." Renekton expressed his needs that he had already thought about.

Captain Ikondon frowned slightly: "It's a little difficult for you to master so many things at once. Even with the assistance of extraordinary abilities, you should be able to learn one or two spells and ritual magic. As for fighting skills, if you have extra time, you can Go find Thea, her fighting skills are the strongest among the people I have ever seen, excluding the bonus of extraordinary abilities."

Then he added: "Fighting skills cannot be mastered in a day or two. I originally planned this matter after you have fully mastered your extraordinary abilities. However, the current situation is special, so it would be good for you to learn some first."

"Well, you go to Kosi first and learn one or two simple spells and ritual magic. In the afternoon I will apply for a pistol and a dagger for you. Then you can go to Thea and learn how to use them briefly. But Don't neglect your study of knowledge, as this will help you better master your extraordinary abilities." Captain Ikondon made a decision in a deep voice, and at the end he told him not to neglect his studies.

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