Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 446 Analysis of the Multidimensional Thanos

However, the things about the past Thanos revealed in Morgan's description did arouse Peter's curiosity.

This Thanos has apparently awakened some more terrifying ideas under the influence of the Avengers of that universe.

First of all, he did recognize the existence of the multiverse.

Actually, this is not difficult.

Because for most people, time travel is actually a fantasy.

It’s like the “light cone theory” mentioned earlier (a cone-shaped pattern formed by the entire object from the present to the future).

From a scientific point of view, you can observe the future of this object through it, but it is difficult to see its past through it.

Because its present is a point on its "past light cone". Theoretically, there are endless such points, and they can come from any direction, so it is very difficult to deduce forward.

This is why "space and time" are always mentioned together.

Because from a scientific point of view, time and space have always been inseparable.

Therefore, as long as Thanos does not have the ability like Peter to go back to the past directly through the Line of Destiny, a light cone of a higher dimension, he will realize the existence of parallel universes and multiverses from the actions of him and the Avengers of that world.

Therefore, he will realize that even if he succeeds in a certain universe, or he succeeds in a certain universe, there may still be Avengers from other universes jumping out to add variables.

From the perspective of the multiverse, his success in a certain universe is only a "local success."

And the ambitious Thanos wants "total success"!

So, what did he want to do?

Peter was startled.

"Did you find any trace of Thanos later?" Peter asked, "Captain Marvel was away for so long, so she went to look for Thanos, right?"

Morgan shook his head. "It is said that Ms. Danvers was sent by Thanos using the Space Stone to a special triple star system gravity field consisting of three supernovas. Therefore, it is not easy to enter the hyperspace channel by accelerating there. It took her several years to get out of that field."

"After she broke away, she spent another year searching for Thanos in the universe, but she couldn't find any trace of him. So we guess that Thanos may have left our universe again not long after leaving Earth."

"Is that so?" Peter nodded slightly.

It seems that his bad guess might have been correct!

Thanos must have traveled to other universes with the Infinity Gauntlet, looking for ways to destroy and reshape the multiverse!

"This damn lunatic!" Peter cursed inwardly.

He didn't know where this guy Thanos got such a strange sense of mission, he had to restart the universe to make it more balanced.

There's something wrong with your brain!

But despite the scolding, Peter still took action immediately.

First, he took Morgan to the cabin and found Stark and others.

Both Stark and Potts expressed surprise and joy at the appearance of their daughter from a parallel universe.

Others also looked at Morgan in surprise.

Not long ago they saw the baby version of Morgan, but unexpectedly they saw the girl version right away.

Moreover, since the universe Morgan lives in is extremely similar to the universe of Peter and others, they can even find some shadows of Stark and Potts in Morgan.

The biological daughter is confirmed.

After a large-scale family reunion ceremony, Potts took Morgan to see herself and exchanged some private words with her.

And Stark stayed.

Everyone has experienced ups and downs, and as early as when Peter brought Morgan back, they had realized from Peter's expression that something bad must have happened.

Peter didn't hesitate and told them what happened in the parallel universe.

"Go to a parallel universe to borrow Infinity Stones? I'm surprised you could come up with that idea!" Strange was the first to speak. He stared at Stark and others with wide eyes and his tone was very unfriendly.

It was rare for Stark to not respond stubbornly.

Although he was killed by Strange, who was incarnated as Blood Strange, in the parallel universe, he was already very familiar with the multiverse system and could still understand Blood Strange's actions.

What the Avengers of that universe did was essentially to gamble their own destiny with the gems of the other six universes and their future.

If the bet is won and the gems are sent back to the past nodes intact, there is nothing to say.

But the problem is that they lost the bet.

None of the borrowed Infinity Stones were returned, which directly led to disasters in the other six universes!

Not to mention just killing a few of the culprits, even destroying their entire universe wouldn't be an exaggeration.

Because the disaster suffered by those six universes was completely unprovoked!

"Fortunately, we won the battle on our own, so we didn't have to go to that step," Dr. Hulk shrugged and smiled foolishly.

"What about Thanos? Do you mean that he has gone to other parallel universes? Then, your system has not discovered his existence?" King Thor asked doubtfully.

Everyone's eyes then turned to Peter and Silver-haired Peter.

The fact that they have a [Multiverse Spider Web System] and an extremely large Spider Alliance is now well known in their circle.

Silver-haired Peter raised his wrist and popped up the monitoring panel of the [Multiverse Spider Web System], saying, "There is generally no problem. Every Earth in the parallel universe that has been discovered so far is within our monitoring range. I think I know where the problem lies."

Peter, Stark and others also understood.


This is the limitation of their [Multiverse Spider Web System]!

Since Peter set up this system using the Spider-Man in each universe as the medium, most Spider-Mans live on the Earth in the corresponding universe.

Moreover, 99.9% of Spider-Man only live on Earth.

Very few go to the universe for development.

Even someone like Spider-Man just went to another Earth and stayed there.

In fact, it’s no different from being on Earth.

There is even Captain Spider-Man from the Earth-13 universe that Peter connected to on the Web of Life and Destiny, who also lives on Earth most of the time.

It seems that the center of their universe called "Marvel Universe" created by the "Marvel Editorial Department" is the Earth.

Therefore, although the [Multiverse Spider Web System] claims to be able to monitor tens of thousands of parallel universes, in fact it mainly monitors the Earth in those tens of thousands of parallel universes.

But what about Thanos?

This person is the overlord of the universe!

Most of the time, his activities are in the vast universe!

"I have a question," Dr. Hulk said, "In our world and in Morgan's world, it seems that in most of the worlds in our system, the Time Stone is in the hands of the wizard, right?"

Dr. Hulk said as he looked at Strange.

Strange nodded. "Indeed, in many universes, the Time Stone is hidden in the Eye of Agamotto and is kept by the Sorcerer Supreme. However, in many universes, the Eye of Agamotto is just an ancient artifact and has nothing to do with the Time Stone. Any questions?"

Others also looked at Dr. Hulk. Obviously, this new character, which was a fusion of Dr. Banner and Hulk, still possessed Dr. Banner's extremely smart brain. He must have thought of something.

"Is that so?" Dr. Hulk nodded slightly, "Then there are two possible conclusions."

"First, Thanos deliberately avoided every universe where the Time Stone was in the hands of the Sorcerer Supreme. In this case, Thanos should have the ability to obtain information about the corresponding universe to a certain extent."

"Second, Thanos deliberately avoided Earth because he didn't want his actions to be known by certain entities. At least, not after he had prepared as much as possible."

Silver-haired Peter was surprised and said, "You mean, Thanos may have noticed that we have formed a Spider Alliance that can monitor the multiverse. So he deliberately avoided the earth to avoid our eyes and ears?"

"But your speculation is based on the premise that Thanos will go to every universe to collect Infinity Stones. What if Thanos does not collect Infinity Stones?" King Thor said.

"No, he will collect it," Peter began.


"Because he has been collecting Infinity Stones! Moreover, 'History' has proved to him that the power of Infinity Stones can indeed help him achieve his goal. So, unless he finds something more powerful, he will subconsciously collect Infinity Stones!" Peter explained.

It's simple psychology.

If you have to solve a math problem, do you directly use the formula you already know, or do you figure out a formula yourself before solving it?

And there is a time limit for doing this math problem.

——Because of the existence of the Holy Spider League, every action taken by Thanos in the multiverse will increase the possibility of his exposure.

In such a situation, he will be more likely to pursue what he already knows rather than find new formulas on his own.

"I don't know if you still remember what happened with Egg," Peter continued.

King Thor clenched his fists: "How could I not remember! That old guy beat me so badly!"

"You mean, the person behind Ego might be Thanos?!" Stark tasted something new.

Peter nodded: "That's right! I remember when we met Peter Quill, he told us a strange thing"

Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord, was met by Peter and his friends after they killed Thanos on Campa.

He told them about his experience.

In order to assimilate the entire universe, the living Ego has placed his clones on thousands of planets in the past years and gave birth to offspring with the women on those planets.

Star-Lord is one of them, and the only new Celestial who inherited Ego's Celestial genes.

So he tried to convince Star-Lord to join him in a conspiracy to divide the universe equally.

However, Star-Lord rejected him and joined his companions in fighting Ego.

After a difficult fight, they finally found an opportunity to enter Ego's interior and blew up Ego's brain.

After that, they took a lot of effort to escape from the natural disaster when Ego was destroyed, and even lost the life of Star-Lord's adoptive father Yondu.

However, before they could walk far, they discovered that the originally collapsed Ego planet actually began to grow in the reverse direction, and soon returned to its pre-destruction state!

As a result, the Guardians of the Galaxy, who had originally escaped, suffered heavy losses again. Star-Lord lost almost all of his teammates and could only escape with Groot, who had turned into a sapling.

“By the way, I’ve also encountered some very strange things,” Nova spoke up when Peter said this.

Nova was encountered by Star-Lord on his way out of Ego, after he experienced his home planet Xandar being destroyed by Thanos.

His mother, the queen of Xandar, sent him away from Xandar before she died.

And he prepared to go to Asgard to ask for Asgard's help.

As a result, halfway through the journey, he was suddenly attacked by a mysterious force.

Because everything happened so quickly, he didn't even realize what it was before he passed out.

Later, he discovered that he seemed to have acquired a magical ability inadvertently, and his brain's computing ability became different from before.

Later, he encountered the Guardians of the Galaxy's spaceship and saw Star-Lord who was escaping.

After they discovered the Dark Order's fleet in the star field near Asgard, they were attacked again by some mysterious force.

This time, neither of them had time to react before they both fell into coma again.

As a result, their spaceship lost control and crashed on the planet Campa, and finally met Peter and his friends.

"Do you suspect that the one who attacked you twice was Thanos from a parallel universe?"

"Yes. But why did he just knock me out instead of killing me?" Xinxing frowned.

"We can't ask you to spy on us, right?" Scott joked.

"Spy?" Rogers was stunned for a moment and his face changed.

"What's wrong? You don't really believe it, Captain," Scott spread his hands.

"No," Rogers said with a somewhat grim expression, "Bucky was once controlled by someone and did many things he himself did not want to do."

Stark's face suddenly sank.

When talking about the Winter Soldier, the first thing he thought of was his parents.

Although so much time has passed, it has been explained clearly that his parents were killed because the Winter Soldier was controlled, and it was not the Winter Soldier's subjective will.

But no matter what, Stark just couldn't let it go completely.

So he could only control himself from meeting the Winter Soldier and causing trouble for him.

"You mean to say that Richard is also under mind control?"

"It seems that this possibility is not impossible. The opponent is Thanos who possesses six Infinity Stones. The Soul Stone and the Mind Stone can both affect people silently!"

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