Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 438 Spider Godzilla

"Hmph! That's right, it's just some food!" Solus snorted coldly, rushed forward again, and launched a series of quick attacks on Peter.

However, by this time Peter had already mastered the rhythm of his attack.

Through his previous research on Kahn, Morlun, and Verna, he discovered a second possible way to restrain the Heir Family.

And now, in the battle with Solus, he has thoroughly verified this method.

That's the symbiote suit!

For some reason, after putting on the symbiote suits, the suspected suppressive effect of the Inheritors on them was basically lost.

Assume that the Spider Totem in normal state has 100% combat power.

When facing the heirs, they can only exert 80% or even less due to the suppression effect.

With the barrier of the symbiote suit, this effect disappears immediately!

If there were no such suppressive effect that weakened the combat power, in fact, the strength of a single successor would not be much different from that of the ordinary Spider-Man.

For example, Kahn's combat power is actually about the same as that of The Amazing Spider-Man, only slightly higher at most.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been defeated by the Amazing Spider-Man before.

When Peter was not suppressed, his strength was not much different from that of Solus, the patriarch of the heir family.

At this moment, Peter felt that all his efforts in setting up a tight net to deal with Solus were a bit redundant.

Take Thor for example. He has fought against the Zombie Sentinel, Sword Fighter, Captain Marvel, and Infinite Ultron, and any of them could beat him.

It seems that the reason why they were able to kill so many Spider Totems and their companions in so many universes is simply because they are so good at picking their opponents.


After all, the normal strength of most spider totems in the universe is at the "Street Fighter" level. Except for some special periods, they generally don't have very powerful companions around them.

This gave the heirs an opportunity to take advantage.

They can achieve the effect of quick killing by relying on their suppression of the Spider Totems and their long-term understanding of them.

But obviously, this approach doesn’t work anymore!

Under the protection of the Poison Blade Armor, Peter simply ignored the threat of Solus' totem suppression.

Then, he began to mobilize the stellar power in his body with all his strength.

In an instant, he seemed to have turned into a little sun!

Solus, who was coming at him with great force, was punched into the ground below by him, causing another earth-shaking movement.

King Kong stood on the other side of the canyon and scratched his head.

My family members, who understands? I just took a nap, but when I woke up, I saw that my house was about to be demolished!

The key is that I can’t seem to beat those two guys!

If you endure it for a while, you will get angrier and angrier; if you take a step back, you will get furious.

Seeing the outer island of Skull Island being demolished more and more, and even showing a tendency to spread to the inner island, King Kong finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He grabbed a big tree at hand, cut off the branches and twigs on it, turned it into a spear, and then threw it towards Saurus and Peter in the air.

It's no wonder that the super spear thrown by this hundred-meter-long beast is quite powerful, and its effect is similar to that of the solid cannonballs without explosive effects in ancient times.

I'm afraid that ships, buildings, etc. made of inferior materials will be destroyed in one go by this thing.

This attack directly triggered the spider sense, and Peter gave up the original attack and dodged sideways.

Solus, who continued to attack fiercely, was knocked away by this blow and only stopped when he reached the top of the sea.

"Damn you monkey beast!" Solus cursed angrily and prepared to rush over to kill King Kong.

Although King Kong has a huge body and invincible strength compared to humans, this is not an advantage but a disadvantage in front of Solus.

Because Solus's strength is no less than King Kong's, but he has a smaller body and a more agile speed!

So, he can kill King Kong in one blow!

However, just as Solus was about to attack King Kong, the sea water below suddenly rolled.




A strange sound like the hum of a buzzer or a super machine starting up was heard.

Immediately afterwards, large areas of the sea below suddenly lit up.

"What is that?" Solus also noticed what was below.

The next moment, a dazzling laser beam shot up into the sky!

Before Solus could make any preparations, he was hit directly by the laser, and his entire body was completely engulfed by it!

"Now!" Peter shouted.

"Here it comes!" Four Hundred Aunts No. 2, who had been ready to go, controlled Leopardon and raised her arms high.


A huge sword flew out from Leopardon's hand and stabbed directly at the position of Solus in the light column.


With a short scream, Solus completely lost his life.

At this moment, British Spider-Man's eyes lit up.

A star staff appeared in his hand, and a beam of light shot towards Solus' position.


Wait until everything is settled.

Peter dispersed the stellar power around him and slowly fell to the ground.

Four Hundred Aunt No. 2 also drove his Leopardon to the vicinity and then jumped out of Leopardon.

Spider-Gwen came to Peter and took off her mask. In addition to the joy of victory in the battle, there was also a hint of regret on her face.

She didn't come here just for fun, but to prove to Peter that she could help him.

Peter's excellence has always put an invisible pressure on her.

Because he couldn't help Peter and Peter was so busy, the two of them gradually began to spend less and less time together.

Having stayed in the earth-199999 universe for so long, Gwen also knew Peter's ex-girlfriend Betty.

In fact, Betty still likes Peter, but there is too much difference between their views and so on, so they have to break up.

She didn't want to go the way of Peter and Betty.

"Is he dead?" Spider-Gwen asked.

Peter nodded: "The breath of life is indeed gone. It's up to British Spider-Man next."

"What is he doing?" Aunt Four Hundred No. 2 was very curious.

"The heir family seems to have some kind of ability to resurrect from the dead, but I believe this ability is not completely untraceable, so I asked Mr. England, who is good at mysticism, to lock onto Solus' soul or something in his body to find the place hidden behind them," Peter explained.

In fact, if possible, he didn't want to use Solus to complete this tracking mission.

After all, this means that they will most likely have to deal with Solus again.

But it's a pity.

They might be able to kill Solus, but they couldn't capture him or his children.

No matter what, Solus is a "Leech Totem God" with extremely powerful strength.

Therefore, Peter's ultimate plan was to capture as many of the heir family members as possible while they were scattered, leaving Solus alone and helpless.

In this way, the enemy's overall strength is weakened, while our overall strength is strengthened. We can take this opportunity to completely destroy the heir family!


A large string of bubbles suddenly emerged from the nearby sea water.

Then, a huge monster with a strange red and blue spider pattern on its skin slowly walked out of the sea.

He is the spider totem of this world.

Spider Godzilla!

The appearance of Spider Godzilla is somewhat like a combination of an upright Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Stegosaurus, but it is extremely huge.

His height is nearly 110 meters, equivalent to a building of more than 30 floors, and the long tail behind him is nearly 170 meters, equivalent to a building of more than 50 floors.

As far as Peter knows, the former Stark Tower is only 347 meters high, which means that if the Stark Tower is turned sideways and Spider-Godzilla stands on it, it can take up half of it!

Even under normal circumstances, he would be one-third the height of Stark Tower just by standing on the ground!

When Spider-Godzilla walked ashore and got a little closer to Peter and the others, the sense of enormity became even more intuitive.

Just one of his feet is more than 18 meters long and 17.66 meters wide, which is simply breathtaking.

In comparison, the black-haired King Kong that looked very big before now seems a little "small".

"Hi, Godzilla," Peter took Spider-Gwen's hand, put his arm around her waist, and with a little force on his feet, he jumped onto Spider-Godzilla's shoulder.

Spider-Godzilla felt a little uncomfortable with Peter's behavior. After all, no one had ever dared to stand near his head.

However, the aura emanating from Peter quickly made him feel relieved.

"Hi, Peter," Spider-Godzilla's voice sounded in Peter's mind.

This was a conversation they had using their spider sense.

In fact, Spider Godzilla has a very high IQ, so he can express his meaning clearly, which is actually not difficult to understand.

However, unlike Spider-Man in other worlds, Spider-Godzilla is the undisputed king in this world.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, he has been protecting this earth.

In recent times, Spider Godzilla was awakened because of the use of nuclear weapons by humans.

Initially, he was attacked by humans with an atomic bomb in an attempt to destroy him.

But it didn't work.

Godzilla was too lazy to bother with these little reptiles, so after causing some destruction and warning them, he fell back into sleep.

Later, an earthquake occurred in a mine in a certain country, and two of Godzilla's enemies appeared.

They are called "MUTO".

The MUTOs can be regarded as pests to the earth's ecology. They are particularly good at reproduction and have a huge appetite.

These two MUTOs are obviously the survivors who were left behind when the MUTO clan was exterminated long, long ago.

One of them is called "Devil" and the other is called "Green Goblin".

They are also a couple Muto with the ability to reproduce!

As the guardian of the earth's ecology, Spider Godzilla immediately set out to deal with them.

However, although Spider-Godzilla is very strong, he still has a hard time against the combined efforts of MUTOs and MUTOs.

The two sides fought a very fierce battle, and finally Spider Godzilla finally killed the Devil MUTO and the Green Goblin MUTO, winning the first battle and also making a name for himself.

Shortly after defeating the MUTOs, a monster from space also awakened.

His name is Venom Ghidorah.

Spider Godzilla chased the alien invader all the way, but was defeated by Venom Ghidorah in the first battle in Antarctica and had to retreat temporarily.

During the second underwater battle, Spider-Godzilla bit off one of Venom Ghidorah's heads.

However, he himself was severely injured and sank to the bottom of the sea after being hit by a weapon called "Oxygen Destroyer" by humans.

Later, with the call of M.J. Mothra and the help of human nuclear bombs, he finally recovered and fought Venom Ghidorah again.

However, Venom Ghidorah is too powerful.

He once possessed the spider Godzilla hundreds of millions of years ago, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of it.

During the possession period, many of his abilities were also learned by Venom Ghidorah, which gave him the means to restrain him.

Finally, it was only after M.J. Mothra’s inspiration that Spider-Godzilla entered his super-powerful Crimson Lotus form and was able to destroy Venom Ghidorah in one fell swoop!

At that time, Peter was stunned when he heard Spider-Godzilla talking about his own universe.

Unexpectedly, even though the world is different and the protagonists are very different, there are still a few "core characters" in this world.

"Spider-Man and the Green Goblin", "Spider-Man and the Goblin", "Spider-Man and Venom", haha, every world can really form the so-called indissoluble bond.

However, the military strength of this world is really high.

Each of these Titans has the ability to easily destroy a human city.

Even the slightest action of theirs can cause great damage to the human living environment.

However, from Spider Godzilla's perspective, they are actually the real natives of this world.

After all, they have been living on this planet long before humans were born.

To put it bluntly, this Spider-Godzilla is the most experienced of the many Spider-Men that Peter has met.

Uh. Although he spends most of his time sleeping.

And his ability is also very powerful.

Like other Spider-Men, he also has spider sense and the ability to spin silk.

Therefore, compared to other behemoths, he possesses more abilities, stronger strength, and a smarter mind.

This is why he can protect the Earth from many powerful enemies.

According to Peter's estimation, Spider Godzilla's silk might be able to launch him directly to the moon.

His spider silk is really super thick and long. Not to mention a person running away, even a few cars can easily run on it!

So, for Spider Godzilla, the earth is really like his back garden.

This time, the reason why Peter chose this world as the main battlefield was naturally because he was impressed by the abilities of Spider-Godzilla.

Spider-Godzilla has the ability to breathe atomic breath. Although his atomic breath does not contain nuclear radiation, it is the most efficient killing skill Peter can think of.

The quantum breath exhaled by Spider-Godzilla after entering the Crimson Lotus state is as powerful as Peter's full-strength attack.

Sure enough, with his help, Solus was easily captured!

Now, it depends on the follow-up of British Spider-Man.

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