Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 435: The base was destroyed and Spider-Man died in battle

Peter, the evil Spider-Man and others were completely unaware that they had been exposed.

At this moment, Peter came to the Earth-1610 universe with Ghost Spider-Man and Indy Spider-Man.

Based on the data they collected from Morlun, they were finally able to use instruments to monitor the signals of other suspected heirs.

However, most of the signals suspected to be from the heirs have now gathered in the Earth-001 universe for some reason.

According to the intelligence they have collected these days, that universe is also the base camp of the Heir Family.

Therefore, at this moment, they certainly would not rashly go to the other party's base camp to find them.

Only one of the signals reached the Earth-1610 universe.

The story of Spider-Man and Black Spider in this universe is extremely similar to the Earth-1610B universe that Peter was familiar with in the past.

However, in this universe, Spider-Man’s death has no direct relationship with Black Spider.

The Spider-Man with the number "42" that bit the Black Spider did not come from the parallel universe Earth-42, but was a spider that bit Peter Parker created by Green Goblin Norman Osborn after studying Spider-Man's genes and reverse-engineering.

The spider was accidentally stolen by Aaron Davis approximately two months before Spider-Man was killed by the Green Goblin.

At that time, Miles was admitted to Vision Middle School with enough luck and excellent grades, so he went to his uncle Aaron Davis's house to tell him the good news.

Just as Aaron Davis handed him a popsicle, the stowaway spider bit Myers' hand.

After that, Miles found that he had acquired abilities similar to Spider-Man.

It's just that at that time he thought he was a mutant.

He told this to his good friend Ganke, who found clues and told him that he might not be a mutant, because Spider-Man had been bitten by a spider, and some spiders do have camouflage abilities similar to chameleons.

Miles didn't want to be Spider-Man at this time.

But shortly afterwards, Spider-Man died in a fight with the Green Goblin.

Miles thinks this might be his responsibility, and if he can face his abilities head-on and help Spider-Man, then Spider-Man might not die.

So Ganke made him a Spider-Man Halloween costume.

From then on, Miles became the Black Spider and took over Spider-Man's job.

After learning about the story between Spider-Man and Black Spider in this universe, Peter couldn't help but sigh that although they are two similar universes, Miles here is indeed much more likable than that over there.

Of course, Peter and the evil Spider-Man came to this universe not to reminisce about the past.

Not long ago, one of the heirs, Verna, came into this world.

Verna is the fourth child in the heir family. She always dresses like a noble lady and likes to wear deep V dresses that reveal her round breasts.

But don't be fooled by her look.

In fact, this guy's level of perversion is second to none among the heirs.

Her favorite thing to do is to train hounds and take them everywhere for training.

However, her so-called "hounds" are actually superheroes or super villains from parallel universes!

After defeating them, Verna would capture them, put on mouthpieces and collars, and continue to cultivate their servility, eventually training them into "hounds" that she would drive around and play with.

In addition to this, one of her evil hobbies is to take her hounds to hunt in different worlds, and then enjoy the shock and fear that the people of that world feel when they see the "familiar" people turn into loyal hounds.

This can bring her great spiritual satisfaction and is her "appetizer dessert" before enjoying the main meal.

This time, she brought several "hounds" into this world and watched the hounds besiege the little black spider.

Until Peter and others arrived.

Although the enemy has a successor with some super powers, he is still not enough to face Peter, Ghost Spider-Man and Indy Spider-Man.

Soon, they broke through these guys' defenses, and after weakening Verna with radiation weapons again, they captured her.

After their owner was caught, these "hounds" were quickly captured one by one.

Unfortunately, after some inspection, they found that these people had actually lost their humanity and self in long-term torture.

To put it bluntly, they may now really regard themselves as hounds.

After the evil Spider-Man was "diagnosed", everyone unanimously decided to kill all the hounds to help them get relief.

Afterwards, Peter successfully invited Black Spider to join their Spider Alliance.

However, when they returned to the Earth-928 universe, the scene before them completely stunned Peter and others.

They saw that the abandoned warehouse that served as their base had been completely destroyed and turned into ruins.

In the ruins, Peter found the bodies of Spider-Monkey Man from Earth-8101 Universe, Spider Judge from Earth-8351 Universe, Peter Parakou from Earth-311 Universe, and Six-Armed Spider-Man from Earth-92100 Universe.

Among them, Spider Judge and Peter Parakou had been sucked into mummies!

After a careful search, Peter and others found the dying Shadow Spider-Man in a corner of the ruins.

From the Shadow Spider-Man, they learned what had happened.

It turned out that not long ago, Solus, the patriarch of the Heir family, personally brought two heirs to the Earth-928 universe.

Solus's strength was so terrifying that he killed Peter Parakou with one move.

Afterwards, Judge Spider, Spider-Monkey-Man and Six-Armed Spider-Man were also killed one after another.

However, before his death, the six-armed Spider-Man led the heirs to a nearby makeshift factory where they were manufacturing radiation weapons, and detonated the radiation device inside.

This is why their main gathering point is just a ruin, while nearby areas have been razed to the ground.

According to Shadow Spider-Man's speculation, the heirs were probably also injured.

Otherwise, they would not have left in such a hurry without even cleaning up the battlefield.

Because if the battlefield is cleared, there is absolutely no chance that Shadow Spider-Man will survive.

Although his concealment ability can indeed reduce his presence to a certain extent, especially when he is seriously injured and unconscious, with the abilities of the heirs, they will definitely be able to find him with a little search.

Only if they are injured, will the heirs leave in a hurry!

"Where are the others? Ashley and the others, were they taken away directly?" Peter looked around but couldn't find Spider-Woman and the other Spider-Men.

Apart from Spider-Man Noir and Peter Parakou, he had saved some Spider-Mans from other worlds and brought them here, but now they are all gone, without even a corpse.

Shadow Spider-Man shook his head: "After being punched by Solus, several of my ribs were broken and I passed out. During this period, I was awakened several times by their fighting, but I was always in a drowsy state. Sorry, I really don't know what happened afterwards."

Peter nodded slightly.

He knew that this was not Spider-Man Noir's fault.

He feels very guilty now.

He felt that he had harmed everyone.

Ever since he killed Kahn, captured Morlun, and successfully found the weakness of the Heirs, he became a little arrogant, and even forgot that the Heirs must have some kind of technology or ability to accurately find the Spider-Man in every world.

It is impossible for them to completely rely on the master weaver, because the master weaver is only enslaved by them, but cannot be their real "one of them".

He should have thought of it earlier. When a group of spider totems gathered here, for the heirs, it would be like goats that originally lived in the mountains and forests and had to be found one by one, but suddenly all became sheep living in a pen.

Delicious meals at your fingertips!

If the heirs found out, how could they not rush over?

"Okay, it's not your fault," Ghost Spider-Man seemed to have some passive ability to see through people's hearts. He patted Peter's shoulder and comforted him.


As he spoke, his head was burning with fire: "You have a large family, why don't you pick some from them and bring them here? Since we can't continue to develop peacefully, we might as well fight them directly."

Peter looked at the energetic Ghost Spider-Man and nodded heavily.


earth-001 universe.

The rescued Morlun sat in the banquet hall of the castle with an extremely gloomy face. His fingers had sunk deeply into the handle of the pure gold chair due to the force, leaving a deep mark on it.

Opposite him sat Damons.

He laughed and said, "My dear brother Morun, you are such a loser. You were killed last time and caught this time. You have completely disgraced us!"

"What did you say!" Morlun slammed the table and stood up.

However, this time, Solus, who was sitting at the top, also lost his preference for Morlun.

He looked at Morun with disappointment in his eyes: "Well, we have killed that group of spiders, and this matter is over. But, Morun, I won't allow it to happen again!"

"Okay, okay, father," Morlun lowered his head.

Solus looked at Gennix who was holding a peephole and said, "Gennix, where did those little spiders that escaped go? Have you found them?"

"Looking for it, father." Gennix opened one eye and closed the other, operating the instrument carefully.

"Master Weaver, how do you explain what happened this time?" Solus said in a low voice.


The Weaver Master and the giant web slowly emerged in the sky. After a moment of silence, the Weaver Master said, "I'm sorry, great Lord Solus. However, although I am the guardian of the web of fate, I cannot always pay attention to every corner."

"It would be better," said Solus. "You know, we hold the loom at the center of reality, and we own the web! Tell me, children, what does that mean to you? Brax? Bora?"

Brax said, "The Big Web is a game, Father, a board, a playground, a place where we can get rewards and punish others at the same time!"

“It’s a place where we can have fun until the end of time,” Bora said.

Damons said: "This is a license, a license for the great Saurus to indulge in pleasure without any responsibility or consequences!"

"Molun, what do you think?" Solus looked at his eldest son who disappointed him.

Morlun looked up and replied, "I know exactly what that means. It is our legacy, and as your heir, it is also my responsibility, a burden as heavy as all history, one that I must bear alone."

"Very close, my son." Solus looked at Morlun with a hint of admiration again. "The Great Web is everything! It is everywhere, touching all dimensions and all territories, and it is ours, our empire! Everything is in our control. It makes us the heirs of all things in the world!"

Solus stood up with a smile on his face.

"Now, we have almost hunted down all the spiders. They have even realized this and have taken the initiative to gather together to fight against us. So, my children, let's put an end to this game!"

"But, father, there is some bad news." Gennix, who had been silent all this time, said at this time.

"What?" Solus narrowed his eyes.

"Verna was caught," Gennix put down the multiverse viewing mirror in his hand, with a helpless look on his face.

"What?!!" Solus was slightly stunned, and then his face turned ugly.

Lately his children have been arrested one after another, more frequently than at any time in the past few hundred years.

This made him, who was already in a bad mood, suddenly feel like all these accounts were useless.

I really want to beat all these useless trash to death!

Solus took a deep breath and said angrily, "I now know the locations of the three key totems: Others, Bride, and Descendants. Next, I need you to go and bring them all back! This time, I want to catch all the spiders in one fell swoop!"

"Yes, Father." x4

"Damons, go catch Hou Yi, he's here."

"Molun, take Brax and Bora to find the Other and the Bride. They are in the same world."

"Okay, Father."

"As you command, Lord Solus!"

The four second-generation heirs received the orders one by one.

"Jennix, tell me, in which world was Verna captured?" Solus's face was very gloomy.

"It's the Earth-1610 universe, but the one who captured Verna wasn't the Spider-Man from that universe, but a few from other universes."

"It seems that there are still some fish that slipped through our net in our previous operation!" Solus said viciously, "Master Weaver, you know what I am going to say."

"Okay, Lord Solus," the weaving master's slightly helpless and uneasy voice sounded from above his head.

Afterwards, a teleportation light gate appeared in front of Damons, Morun and others, swallowing them up.

Solus also stood up and stepped into a door of light that opened for him.

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