Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 42 Daredevil and the Punisher

Using people from different worlds to judge people in this world seems to be a bit preconceived and biased.

But this kind of "old acquaintance" with a "criminal record" is worthy of Peter's investigation.

After all, this is the only guy who is more suspicious in his reasoning!

"Karen, help me look up this guy named Adrian Toomes." Peter said.


Perhaps because of the test, Iron Man gave Peter as much autonomy as possible, and even gave him some authority.

Just like checking people now, this should not be the authority that Peter can enjoy.

But it was also prescribed to him.

This guy doesn’t have a lot on his resume.

Adrian Toombs' parents died when he was young, and he was raised by his older brother Marcus, where he excelled in school.

But later, his brother Marcus had a car accident. Toomes gave up his studies to take care of his brother, but unfortunately, he still failed to save his brother's life.

After lying in a hospital bed for several years, Marcus died.

As an adult, Toombs relied on his early learning and his own efforts to become an outstanding electrical engineer and inventor. He founded a scrap recycling company-Bessman Salvage.

In fact, when he collects scraps, he collects and repairs some useful tools in the scraps, and then reuses them to make some cheap but easy-to-sell "90% new" electrical appliances.

It was not until 2012, after the Battle of New York, that Baseman Salvage received a commission from the city council.

Toombs thought this was an opportunity for him to rise, so he bought a new truck, hired many new workers, and even took on a huge loan.

But unexpectedly, the Federation and the Stark Group later also focused on this piece of fat - for the earth, the high technology of the Chitauri army is indeed fat.

Moreover, they are actually considering safety.

After all, these alien technologies are of great concern. Rather than leaving them to civil organizations, it would be safer to keep them in our own hands.

Under the power, Toomes had no chance to resist.

Eventually, Baseman Salvage went bankrupt and was liquidated.

What surprised Peter was that in the following years, Toomes did not sink. Instead, he quickly paid off his debts and lived a good life.

Well, it's not that Peter is jealous or anything.

But this is not consistent with common sense.

Let’s not talk about how Toombs paid off the huge debt. He doesn’t even have a company to his name now. Where did his money come from?

If there is a suspect index, then in Peter's mind, Toomes' suspect index has directly increased from 30 to 70!

I wanted to investigate him before, just to find clues.

I want to investigate him now because I want to find evidence!

However, the more information Peter wanted about Toomes could not be found.

This guy is obviously hiding something on purpose.

This made his suspicion index rise again, but at the same time, it did cause trouble for Peter's investigation.

At this time, the bus Peter "got on" had unknowingly arrived in Queens and was heading in another direction away from Peter's home.

Peter came to his senses and got out of the car immediately.

In the next few days, Peter once again lived a life of "home-street-school".

But now, the focus of his extracurricular activities is no longer doing scientific research, but tracking down the whereabouts of Adrian Toomes.

Unfortunately, progress is quite slow.

Firstly, even though Peter was absent from class every day, it was inconvenient for him to be surrounded by so many people at school, and it was also difficult to talk to Karen in school.

Secondly, this guy acted very cautiously, and perhaps had a strong sense of counter-reconnaissance, which led to Peter's special investigation, but he didn't find much information about him.

Peter also went to the dark alleys in chaotic areas at night to find some gangsters to collect intelligence.

In this way, although the progress is slow, it is not completely without gains.

A week later, the weekend came again.

Peter slipped out and caught a ride to Manhattan.

His target was a block in Manhattan, its approximate location being the entire area between 34th and 57th blocks, 8th Avenue and the Hudson River.

The gangster he caught and interrogated called: Hell's Kitchen.

From the little gangster's mouth, he also learned that there were many gangs from different countries in Hell's Kitchen.

Some of the most famous are: Hellhound, Irish Kitchen and Mexican drug trafficking organization.

A few months ago, these gang forces suffered a devastating blow.

First, a masked knight named Daredevil defeated Wilson Fisk, the leader jointly elected by these criminal organizations.

Then, a lone gunman known as the Punisher took steps to permanently eliminate most of the criminal organization.

However, the centipede is dead but not stiff.

Today, there are still many ambitious people in Hell's Kitchen.

After their leader was arrested and several large gang organizations disbanded, the remaining small gangs and factions began to compete for control of this area.

According to the little gangster, he had heard about many gangs in Hell's Kitchen using energy weapons in exchanges of fire, and the other party obviously had stable access to such weapons.

Moreover, some of the information the Secret Service had ultimately pointed to Hell's Kitchen.

So, Peter decided to try his luck in Hell's Kitchen.


Hell's Kitchen.

Peter is actually not familiar with this place, after all, he has never been here.

Fortunately, he has a battle-suit intelligent assistant, Miss Karen.

Not only does he have a sweet voice, he also has navigation ability, which can quickly find his target and plan a suitable route.

It's even clear which car nearby can hitch a ride.

With the help of Miss Karen, he quickly shuttled between the buildings until he reached the top of a building.

Here he saw two people.

One was wearing a somewhat rough polymer fiber suit, and his whole body was tied to the chimney with chains.

There was a man standing next to him, wearing a body armor and carrying many weapons.

Peter was slightly stunned and quickly lay down.

"Karen, is the one tied up the same Daredevil?" Peter asked doubtfully.

"Yes, Daredevil, also known as the Devil of Hell's Kitchen."

A picture popped up, which was the photo of Daredevil taken by the media.

"Then who is the other person?" Peter felt that the other person looked familiar.

Another picture popped up: "After comparison, the probability that this is another violent member of the Punisher active in Hell's Kitchen is as high as 90%."


Peter was a little surprised.

He didn't expect to see the two famous vigilantes from Hell's Kitchen so soon.

However, the way of meeting was somewhat unexpected.

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