Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 400 Return to Avengers 2

Peter quickly found Silver-haired Peter on the battlefield, then he activated his [Little Theater in My Mind] and told him about the current situation.

After persuading Silver-haired Peter, Observer Utu stretched out his hand, grabbed him, and sent him to the Earth-TRN906 universe.

This is the universe where Infinite Ultron was born.

Then, Peter also returned to this universe.

After a brief acquaintance, Silver-haired Peter, Black Strange and others joined the battlefield.

On the other side, Peter and observer Utu did not delay either.

Peter's eyes flashed, and he came in front of the true body of Observer Utu.

His true form is a giant who is much taller than ordinary humans. He looks like a solid entity, but Peter knows that the observers actually have no real entity. They are a kind of life form that is more peculiar than three-dimensional entities.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

It was the "safe place" that Observer Utu gave Peter that left Peter speechless.

It was actually inside the body of the observer Wutu!


"Does it really have to be this way? Can't we create a pocket dimension?" Peter asked.

"The pocket dimension is indeed relatively safe for the inside, but if the entrance is found from the outside, it is easy to invade the inside. If you are discovered by Ultron during this process, then only death awaits you," Observer Utu said seriously, "Besides, in my body, you can better perceive the existence of the timeline."

"Okay," Peter had no choice but to nod and agree to this strange plan.

Then, Utu the Watcher opened his mouth.

His mouth, which was already big enough to swallow Peter's head, suddenly became even bigger.

Peter stood there motionless.

Observer Utu stretched forward his gluttonous mouth and swallowed Peter whole.

Peter's soul suddenly floated away.

A very familiar scene appeared in front of him.

The history before 2015 is basically the same, with the birth of Captain America, the birth of Captain Marvel, the birth of superheroes such as Iron Man and the Hulk, and the Battle of New York in 2012.

It wasn't until 2015 that Iron Man and Dr. Banner developed a new artificial intelligence "Ultron", with the original intention of using artificial intelligence and robots to maintain world peace.

However, in Ultron's eyes, the way to maintain peace is to destroy all life.

To this end, Ultron created an organic body, ready to integrate human functions, machines and consciousness.

In Peter's universe, this plan was thwarted by the Avengers, who also created a hero, Vision.

However, in this universe, Ultron got what he wanted, successfully merging his consciousness and body, and also mastered the power of the Mind Stone.

He then killed a number of superheroes including Captain America and Iron Man.

Then he found the nuclear codes and successfully launched all the nuclear weapons in the world.

When Thanos, who had collected five Infinity Stones by unknown means, came to Earth, Ultron took the initiative and cut him into pieces the moment Thanos walked out of the portal.

Afterwards, Ultron successfully obtained six Infinity Stones.

The past of this universe flashed before Peter's eyes.

This feeling was somewhat similar to his previous experience in the zombie universe, but Peter knew that they were different.

The previous zombie universe was a cyclic universe, so even if it failed, it could start over again because of the timeline loop.

This time, he used the [Observer] ability of the Observer clan and the [Destiny] ability of his sacred spider web to directly intervene in past actions.

In other words, his behavior in the "past" can directly affect the "present"!

If he had revealed his true colors in the past, the current Infinite Ultron would have known of his existence and thus would have known what he is doing now!

By then, everything will move towards another unknown!

Therefore, this time, there is a high probability that you will only have one chance for this action!

Looking at the timeline in front of him, Peter took a deep breath, and the sacred spider web in his soul began to tremble.

At a certain node, a glowing spider silk stretched out bit by bit.

And in front of it, there is a blank space.

The Spider-Man of this universe may have died, or he may not have even had the chance to be born before he was destroyed along with other life on Earth due to the appearance of Ultron.

And now, Peter is going to use his abilities to create a Spider-Man for this universe!


2015 years.

On a bus of Midtown Science and Technology High School.

A boy and a fat man were sitting side by side in the same row of seats.

The fat man was wearing headphones and nodding his head while listening to the song.

The boy was secretly looking at a girl who was chatting and laughing with others several rows away.

The girl has beautiful black hair, big eyes and is tall. Although she is only 16 years old, she already has a hot body that is not common among mature women.

"Peter, when are you going to confess your love to Liz?" The boy was watching intently when he was stabbed in the waist.

"What? Ned, stop joking, what nonsense are you talking about?" Peter was startled and quickly looked away, denying it flatly.

"Stop pretending," Ned shook his head and talked freely. "If I were you, I would just walk up to her and tell her openly, 'Hey, Liz, I like you, go out with me.'"

"It's hopeless, forget it," Peter said before he could say anything when he heard some sneer from behind.

Peter and Ned looked back and saw a dry-looking girl with curly hair.

"Who are you?" Peter asked puzzled.

"I, I'm the one watching two idiots," the curly-haired girl replied.


Ned: .

Peter was about to say something when he suddenly felt a pain in his hand.

"Ouch!" He cried out softly and quickly retracted his hand.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Their head teacher, Mr. Harrington, stood up and turned to ask.

"No, nothing, I just accidentally touched my hand," Peter's eyes went blurry for a moment, then quickly cleared up and he replied casually.

"Peter?" Ned looked at his good friend and felt as if he had suddenly become a different person, with an indescribable temperament.

Peter turned his head, looked at the chubby Ned, and smiled: "Hi, Ned."

"Huh?" Ned was confused.

Peter looked at this Ned and really felt a little nostalgic.

In his world, Ned was determined to be a good logistics officer for the Spider-Team, and then he suddenly started to work out hard, lost a lot of weight, and became quite lean.

However, he still felt very close to the chubby Ned.

Of course, he was even happier that with Ned's help, it would be easier for him to get away.

"Ned, I need your help next."

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