Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 39 Iron Man and Pepper

Peter continued to rush about the room.

But he soon discovered that he could no longer just dodge like this.

When he only had a pair of steel armor before, he was actually quite relaxed.

Although this steel armor is controlled by artificial intelligence, the artificial intelligence uses "algorithms" and lacks the flexibility of some humans.

With Peter's clairvoyance and spider-sense, it's easy to deal with.

So he didn't panic at all, and he even took a glass of water to drink even in the midst of his busy schedule - he was a little thirsty after being chased up and down just now.

But that was before.

And now, three sets of steel armors, controlled by the intelligent system, come together to deal with him.

They cooperate with each other and their power is greatly increased.

If the difficulty coefficient of the previous battle armor was 2 raised to the power of 2, that is, 2, then the difficulty coefficient of the three battle armors is 8 raised to the third power, which is !

The power has been increased to 8 times its original value!

Quite scary.

In this case, if he still just dodges, he will become more and more passive.

"We must find a way to restrain two of them!" Peter thought to himself and acted quickly.

As he passed through a relatively narrow place, Peter left a trail of separation.

The separation spider silk exploded at the predetermined location and turned into a trip rope.

A steel armor chasing him behind him was tripped due to its excessive speed.

At this time, the delayed spider web bombs Peter had reserved on the remaining sides of the trip rope suddenly triggered.


Several clusters of spider web bombs exploded at extremely small intervals, covering the steel armor layer after layer.

The steel armor was directly wrapped into a cocoon, much like the "hunting belt" used by a spider to wrap its prey in silk.

Without the encirclement of a suit of armor, Peter suddenly felt that the pressure was greatly reduced.

So he didn't stop and continued running along the walls and ceiling in the room.

The other two pairs of steel armors were also chasing him.

At a certain moment, he suddenly braked suddenly, and at the same time, his hands shot out spider silk, which stuck to the two steel armors.

The intelligent system noticed his deceleration and immediately ordered the steel armor to slow down and chase him, but it also fell into Peter's trap.

Peter pulled the spider thread hard, and the two steel armors collided directly and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Peter was startled: "Damn it, are you going to dismantle Mr. Stark's armor?"

"You kid, you sneaked into my office and dismantled my armor?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the elevator nearby stopped, and two people appeared inside.

Peter knew both men.

One of them was Iron Man Tony Stark whom Peter had met.

Another mature woman is Stark's rumored girlfriend and Stark Group CEO Pepper Potts.

Of course, Peter has never seen her, but he usually pays attention to the Stark Group, so he often sees her on the Stark Group's official website and in some interviews, so he can recognize her at a glance.

"Boy, some people outside value each set of my steel armor at 5.6 million U.S. dollars. If you remove the fraction, it will be exactly billion U.S. dollars. How are you going to compensate? By credit card or cash? How about working for me for the rest of your life? "Tony Stark looked at Peter with a very serious look.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Peter jumped down from the ceiling in embarrassment, took off his spider mask, and said at a loss: "Yes, I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts, me, that me."

Pepper Potts tapped Tony Stark's arm and glared at him: "You scared the kid."

Tony Stark shrugged and snapped his fingers.

ka ka ka-

The pieces of the armor on the ground shook, flew into the air one by one, and were put back together in a few breaths.

On the other side, the armor bound by spider silk spurted out flames, burning all the spider silk on the surface.

After a while, three pairs of armors that were as clean as new flew back to the place where the armors were stored.

Only the mess in the room can explain what Peter did here just now.

Only then did Peter realize that Stark, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, was actually teasing him!

That's right, he didn't exert much force at all, and basically used clever energy throughout the process. How could he really cause damage to these armors made of gold and titanium alloys?

And now think about it carefully, if each suit of armor is 5.6 million, wouldn’t the third suit be 16.8 billion?

Why is it 17 billion?

There is also an operation of erasing zeros upwards?

What kind of evil capitalist?

However, after thinking about this, Peter also relaxed.

This shows that Tony Stark is indeed joking with him.

"Come on, kid, come and sit over here," Pepper Potts walked over to Peter, took his hand, and led him to sit on the sofa.

And Tony Stark is already sitting here with a golden sword.

"Tell me, Mr. Pajama Baby, if you don't do your community service, why are you here?"

"I'm not a pajama baby." Peter argued, but looking at everything in this messy office, his tone softened unconsciously.

Fortunately, Tony Stark got down to business, which gave Peter a step down.

He picked up his backpack and took out a test tube and a packaging bag.

What was in the test tube was a spider silk optical microscope. Because this thing would break if taken out of a sterile environment for too long and could not be used, so I had to take a test tube and soak it in a tube of sterile water for storage.

The packaging bag contains SPC-120703 polymer biomass fiber material. Although it is biomass fiber, it is actually the same as other polymer fibers, so it does not have much storage requirements.

Peter put two things on the table and pushed them in front of Tony Stark along with his planning book and research report.

Tony Stark picked up one with interest.

Pepper Potts brought two drinks from the refrigerator and gave Tony and Peter one each.

Tony was casual at first, then became a little more serious.

Seeing his appearance, Pepper also became curious.

At this time, Pepper got herself another drink and sat down next to Tony.

Tony handed her the copy he had read: "Here, you can read it too, it's quite interesting."

Pepper put the drink on the table, took the research report and plan and read it.

Looking at the actions of the two people, Peter felt extremely nervous.

It was a lot like when he was interviewing to get into Midtown High School.

That time it was for school.

And this time, it is for investment, so that he can better devote himself to the superhero cause, and so that Aunt May can have a better life!

A few minutes later, Tony and Pepper had finished reading both of the things Peter had given them.

Tony looked at Peter with some surprise: "Did you make this yourself?"

Peter hesitated and nodded.

Although it was developed in the world of The Amazing Spider-Man when it was fused with The Amazing Spider-Man, it can still be considered developed by him, right?

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