Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 378 Of course it was swung over by spider silk!

In the Hydra operations base discovered in Siberia, Iron Man learned the truth about his parents being killed by the Winter Soldier from Dr. Zemo, the one who instigated everything.

So, Iron Man, Captain America and Winter Soldier started a fierce battle.

Iron Man fought one against two, but was eventually defeated by Captain America, who destroyed the reactor in his chest.

Peter frowned at this scene.

You know, there was shrapnel in Stark's chest, but I don't know whether he used the cradle of life to remove it at that time.

It would be fine if Captain America knew this, but if he didn't know this and still did it, it would be tantamount to murder.

After that, the Winter Soldier was taken to Wakanda by Black Panther and fell asleep in Wakanda's cryostat.

Peter even saw the Iron Spider suit on Iron Man's side!

Oh my god, that was the set he later gave to himself!

Even the shape is similar!

All of this was consistent with his memory!

Peter couldn't wait to read on.

Then, the comics' perspective shifted to Strange.

Through the conversation between Strange and Wong, Peter saw the locations of several Infinity Stones.

The Power Stone was originally hidden on an ocean planet called "Morag", but was stolen by Star-Lord and then obtained by Ronan the Accuser.

After a struggle, the Guardians of the Galaxy used the Power Stone to defeat Ronan the Accuser and handed it over to the Xandar Legion.

Finally, the person who was coveting the Infinity Stones was pointed out.

It’s Thanos!


Peter turned the last page and closed the comic book, which was obviously just a short story, and was shocked.

This thin book happened to record what happened during the period from "Civil War to the Beginning of Infinite War" in his world, and it was basically correct!

However, after Peter watched some others, he found that the direction of the story was completely different from that of the story in his world.

In the so-called Infinity War, Thanos first destroyed the Asgard refugee ship, and then sent Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive to attack Wanda and Vision.

If Captain America, Falcon and Black Widow had not arrived in time, they would have succeeded.

However, what Peter wanted to complain about was that, judging from his experience fighting against Thanos, Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf and others, Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight should not be much worse than Ebony Maw and others.

Even judging from the Dark Legion data seized after the war, General Corvus Glaive and his men were slightly higher in status than Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf.

Strength too.

Besides, Wanda and Vision’s strength is obvious to all, and they are definitely in the top tier in their world.

In the end, they couldn't beat the two of them and were chased away by Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon?


Peter was unable to vent his complaints for a moment.

It's not that I look down on the captain and the others.

It’s just that the battle power comparison between the two sides is indeed a bit disparate, and the captain’s talent is not in this aspect.

The situation in the comics also illustrates this point.

On the other side, Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf came to the Supreme Sanctuary in New York, where they fought against Spider-Man, Iron Man, Doctor Strange and Wing. As a result, Doctor Strange was captured alive!

Ebony Maw won in an almost crushing victory.

I don’t know whether the Ebony Maw in the comics is too powerful, or the Strange in his world is too strong.

Anyway, this performance is very different from the one he remembered.

It was more like the newbie version of Strange who was chased and beaten by Kaecilius when he first met Strange.

At the end of this story, superheroes such as Black Panther, Wanda, Falcon, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, and half of the people in the universe were wiped out.

And this reminded Peter of what Strange once said to him.

Once, Strange told him that in fact, one of the versions of the "future" that Strange saw at the very beginning was this version.

And all the changes seem to be because of him?

"Could it be that, because I possess the sacred spider web, I have been able to break free from the shackles of my original destiny, and at the same time, my world has entered a completely new version?" Peter's heart skipped a beat.

Logically, he shouldn't believe what's in this comic.

But there seemed to be a voice in his subconscious telling him: That's it!

"No matter what, now I can control my own destiny, and I can also help others get rid of the so-called fate!" Peter quickly adjusted his mentality.

He is now no longer the naive person he was before.

After going through so much, he has grown up a long time ago.

Today, he is the master of the Holy Spider Web, the leader of the Holy Spider League, the honorary leader of the Spider-Man League, and the recognized super powerful superhero in the Earth-199999 universe.

"What's wrong, Peter?" Gwen just flipped through a few pages of the comic book casually, then lost interest and came to Peter to look at the comic book in his hand with him.

"Nothing, this story is quite interesting," Peter smiled and put the comic back on the shelf.

"That was actually something we did not long ago to fill in the gap before Endgame, but it was made into a movie. Didn't you see Avengers: Infinity War? It was released last month."

A voice came from behind.

The old man had stood up from his office chair at some point and was standing not far behind Peter and Gwen.

"Avengers: Infinity War? Is it still in theaters?" Peter asked.

"Unfortunately, it's out of theaters, but you can preview it in private theaters," the old man shrugged and asked in confusion, "You like our work so much that you even sneaked in here, but you haven't seen our latest movie? Are you one of those people who likes our comics?"

"No, I'm just interested in the story," Peter laughed, "Gwen, what about you?"

"Why don't we go check it out later," Gwen also laughed.

She had just seen Spider-Man in the comics.

This was enough to arouse her curiosity.

Although in many worlds, Spider-Man has been made into a doll or something like that due to his popularity, and there are even related festivals.

But very few of them have been adapted for the big screen.

It’s really interesting to think about two Spider-Men going to see a movie starring Spider-Man!

"You two, really," the old man shook his head, walked over and handed them two notes.

Peter took it and looked at it. It turned out to be two handwritten visitor certificates with the signature of "Stan Lee" below.

"Take this, so you don't have to be sneaky when you leave," said the old man.

"Thank you, old man, but we don't actually go down there," said Peter.

"Not going down there? Then how do you get there? Did you come here by helicopter?" the old man was confused.

call out--

Peter stretched out his hand, shot out a spider silk, and his body followed instantly.

He hung upside down from the ceiling and slid slowly in front of the old man using the spider silk. He looked at the old man while hanging upside down and said with a smile: "Of course I swung over using the spider silk!"

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