Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 341: Broken, how can this Peter be smarter than me?

After listening to the description of the silver-haired Peter, Peter looked at the silver-haired Peter with thoughts in his eyes.

For some reason, he always felt that there was something strange about the silver-haired Peter's experience.

He knew things about his own universe.

He also remembered clearly what the silver-haired Peter said about the beginning of everything.

That was at the age of six.

The Stark Group held an expo. Because it was the first expo after Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man and the Stark Group announced that it would no longer manufacture arms, everyone agreed that this would be an expo. The ultimate exhibition of scientific and technological works.

Peter was also lucky enough to get a ticket to participate in the exhibition.

But at that expo, an unexpected guest broke in-a killer robot.

Everyone fled at that time except Peter.

In his little heart, he has always admired Iron Man.

Fortunately, he was saved by Iron Man who arrived in time.

However, Stark in this world did not stay too long and did not pay attention to him again.

It seems that for Stark, saving people is just a trivial matter.

And this behavior also affected Peter.

Until he grew up and gained the power of spiders and even the ability of sacred spider webs, he still vaguely implemented this spirit.

This is also the reason why when Stark called him to join the Avengers Civil War when he first gained his powers, he agreed without much hesitation.

Nothing more than my love for Iron Man since I was a child, and even my personal worship.


Although he and the silver-haired Peter were both 15 years old when they were bitten by a spider, Peter clearly remembered that the spider that bit him was not in the Hydra base, and it had nothing to do with the Mind Stone!

One in New York and one in Sokovia, Eastern Europe.

The two places are thousands of miles apart, but at about the same time, spiders appeared that could give them spider powers!

Peter was startled.

Spider-Man 2099's words echoed in his mind unconsciously: "There may once have been a 'Spider Demon' in the web. He controlled the web, selected suitable individuals like us in the multiverse, and gave us The 'Spider Power' allows us to become Spider-Man and guard the web for Him."

So, in most universes, Peter Parker would be Spider-Man.

In a small part of the universe, someone Peter Parker knew became Spider-Man, and Peter Parker became a victim.

Then, the so-called "Spider Demon God" may be real and not dead!

Thinking about it, Peter subconsciously glanced at the sacred spider web in his mind.

"Could my sacred spider web be the handiwork of this Spider Demon God?" Countless thoughts arose in Peter's mind.

Unfortunately, he can't verify these conjectures now.

After all, even the fact that "weaving webs and sacred spider webs may be the spider dimension" are just speculations by him, Spider-Man 2099, and Spider-Man 2211!

"Do I need to send you back to your world now?" Strange asked the silver-haired Peter.

He didn't know what Peter was thinking right now.

As the Supreme Mage - well, although he was just the predecessor, he was forced to step down. Strange said that although he resigned, he still remembered the duty of the Supreme Mage, which was to protect this dimension.

But he also remembered what Peter had said to him.

Peter said that he would find a reliable Spider-Man from other universes and form a multiverse spider team with him to maintain the peace of the multiverse.

That's why he asked for advice.

Moreover, although the silver-haired Peter in front of him has only been known for a short time, he is indeed very powerful.

A speed of one million kilometers per hour, Spider-Man's strength and physique, a certain special sensory ability that is mutated by combining powerful psychic abilities with the Spider Sense, as well as his ability to invent and create.

Strange thought about what Peter looked like when he first met him, and was a little confused. He was both Peter Parker, so why did he feel so different?

"and many more!"

Before the silver-haired Peter could say anything, Peter spoke first.

He walked up to the silver-haired Peter and said, "If there is nothing urgent in your world, I hope you can stay here for a while."

"Do you need me for anything?" Silver-haired Peter asked in surprise.

Peter nodded: "I want to make a multiverse monitoring device and form a multiverse spider alliance."

As he spoke, Peter told the crisis that the earth-199999 universe was facing now, as well as what had happened before.

When the silver-haired Peter heard this, his expression became serious.

It is obvious that what the earth-199999 universe is facing is most likely what other universes are facing.

Taking his bizarre time travel as an example, it's hard to tell whether it was because he was fast enough to break the barrier between universes, or whether a dimensional black hole or the like appeared in his world, or whether he was transported from other parallel universes. Sent by someone with ulterior motives.

"Look at your plan."

After thinking everything through, the silver-haired Peter quickly agreed to stay.

Afterwards, Strange returned to the Supreme Sanctuary, while the silver-haired Peter stayed in Peter's laboratory, studying with Peter the construction of the [Multiverse Spider Web System].

Peter soon discovered that the silver-haired Peter's talents were not inferior to his own.

This is quite scary.

You know, his current talents are the result of merging with several Spider-Man.

And the silver-haired Peter in front of him was actually only one year older than him! (Because Peter and Strange lost a year inexplicably when they went to the zombie universe, so calculated this way, they all had one year less actual growth time than the others.)

In just one year, it is obviously impossible to open such a big gap.

After thinking about it, Peter could only attribute it to the fact that the silver-haired Peter had been carefully trained by Tony Stark from the earth-199999S universe since he was a child, so he seemed to be the same age as him, but in fact he had several years more experience than him. .

Well, he didn't admit that Silver-haired Peter was smarter than him anyway.

Who isn't Peter Parker?

However, after being in contact with him for a period of time, Peter discovered that the silver-haired Peter was probably smarter than him.

To be more precise, the silver-haired Peter's mind is more active than Peter's.

Whenever he encounters some difficulties, Silver-haired Peter can often solve them faster.

After several times, Peter couldn't help but doubt his life.


We are all Peter Parker, how come he is so much smarter after studying for a few more years than me?

He is not convinced!

So Peter and Silver-haired Peter secretly competed with each other.

But what he didn't know was that the silver-haired Peter thought the same way!

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