Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 322 Magic Armor: Mark U




Continuous explosions continued to sound in this sea area.

Compared to the huge armored giant, Stark and Nova are like two mosquitoes.

It's a bit exaggerated to say mosquitoes, but overall they look like two sparrows attacking humans.

There is a huge difference between the body types of both parties.

But it was these two "sparrows" that clung to the armored giant.

After a long fight, but still inextricable, Stark decided to make some ruthless moves.

"Friday, fire up my Mark-U!"

"Mr. Stark, Mark-U is still undergoing testing and there may be certain risks." Friday advised.

"No matter! Start!" Stark said firmly.

"Okay, Mr. Stark, the Mark-U has launched."

As Friday finished speaking, an armored cabin flew out of the Avengers base on the outskirts of New York City.

Mark-U is a brand-new armor made by Tony Stark after reforging the giant scythe, a trophy captured from Black Dwarf in Infinity War. It is also a set of armor made of Uru steel. Its full name is : Mark-Uru armor, abbreviated as: Mark-U.

In order to recast Uru Steel, he spent a lot of thought.

He even lowered his face and went to Wakanda to borrow some rough reality stones and study them for a few days, and then went to ask Wang and other mages.

After making Mark-U, he went to visit the new Supreme Mage King. After obtaining his permission, he spent several days in the Mage Library of the Supreme Sanctuary in New York.

Then, he used his own understanding to simulate several sets of spell circuits using technology in Mark-U.

Well, to put it simply, Mark-U is actually a set of magic armor. The outer shell is made of the hardest Uru Kobelco in the universe. It is loaded with several white magics, as well as Iron Man’s own steel armor configuration, reaching the level of The perfect fusion of technology and magic that Tucker dreamed of.

However, this set of armor has been in the experimental stage since it was produced.

Because Stark can't really draw dimensional energy from other dimensions to release magic, but uses built-in spell circuits to release magic, some unexpected situations may occasionally occur.

But now, facing this difficult opponent, Stark decided to use it.

Because he felt that this armored giant seemed to be a bit biased towards magic creatures, so since it couldn't be solved with technology, he might as well try magic!

Use magic to defeat magic!

Mark-U came quickly, because the Avengers base is not very far from here.

Stark flew directly over and collided with Mark-U.

What's strange is that the two pieces of armor clearly collided "fiercely" very quickly, but actually did not make any collision sound.

The armor originally worn by Stark turned directly into fluid nanoparticles and climbed onto the Mark-U, while the Mark-U opened its arms and wore it directly on Stark.

In less than 0.5 seconds, Stark completed the change.

After the change, Mark-U's body is dark black, like a piece of obsidian, and his chest is still the glowing Ark Reactor. Energy circuits extend from the Ark Reactor, which looks mysterious and powerful.

“Come try this!”

[Steel Bossat’s Thunder! 】

Mark-U's energy circuit burst out with light, dimensional energy was extracted, and a huge crimson magic bomb was thrown out, directly hitting the armored giant's face.



Still an explosion!

The violent magic energy caused the armored giant to fall on his back into the sea water.

At this time, nanometal plates appeared again behind Mark-U. They spread out and flew into the air.

Magic light whips flew out from these nano-metal plates and plunged directly into the sea water, trapping the armored giant's limbs tightly.

"So handsome, Mr. Stark!"

Nova shouted, the stars above his head sparkling.

He raised his hands, and a huge beam of nova energy shot out from his hands, through the sea water and into the head of the armored giant below.


The armored giant was in pain and struggled hard.

All the surrounding seawater surged up, forming huge waves.

A Quinjet flew in from a distance.

The door of the fighter plane opened, and Hawkeye stood by the door, holding a bow and arrow, looking at the armored giant below and complaining feebly: "You want me to do this thing? Are you going to let my arrows pick its teeth?"

But complaints are complaints, and Hawkeye quickly shot a few arrows.

Among these arrows, there are arrows with biological toxins hidden, and arrows with electromagnetic bombs hidden. Anyway, there is always one that may work, so I might as well try them all.

The fighter pilot is Black Widow.

She replied casually, then reminded Hawkeye to be careful, and then controlled the Quinjet to fight to the surface of the sea.

Pull the trigger.

call out--

A missile was fired.

In the air, Stark couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised when he saw that his "steel spells" were so easy to use, and he couldn't help but think that he was indeed a genius.

Then he decided to keep trying.

So, he activated the spell circuit of [Steel Bossat's Thunder] again.

This spell is the most powerful among the many steel spells carried on his Mark-U armor.

According to the data he just calculated on Friday, if he can continuously release three or four [Steel Bossat Thunders] to hit the armored giant's vital points, he might have a chance to kill the armored giant directly!

But the next moment.


There was a soft sound.

Stark's expression changed, and the armor fell directly.

At the same time, due to problems with his body, two of the several nano-metal plates above that released the steel magic light whip also experienced energy disorder.

This caused the magic light whip to fluctuate for a moment.

The armored giant, who was quite intelligent, immediately seized this opportunity.

It pulled hard with its backhand.

Bang bang bang!

The remaining steel brand magic light whips broke apart one after another, and even a few nano-metal plates were pulled away, and they were immediately lost.

Stark quickly canceled [Steel Bossat's Thunder] and stabilized his body.

But when he tried to release the Steel Magic Light Whip, the armored giant had already found his henchman and punched him.


Mark-U was hit right in the bullseye and flew straight out, flying over the coastline and gliding on a nearby street for dozens of meters before stopping.

Stark angrily looked around at the road that he had damaged and shouted: "Friday, count the losses, charge them to my account, and repair the circuit. I don't believe I can't kill it!"

"Okay, Mr. Stark," Friday said without any fluctuation in tone, completing Stark's instructions meticulously.

After temporarily losing Stark's control, Nova's pressure doubled. At some point, he was accidentally pinched by the armored giant, and his fists were clenched tightly.

At this moment, a meteor fell from the sky!

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