Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 293 Three Great Empires

Peter and the others, who are currently alone, don't know what happened to the earth anyway.

After Thor contacted Heimdall to no avail, they decided to change their thinking.

They are not particularly worried about the safety of the earth.

Even if something unexpected happens, there is still Iron Man on Earth, there is Wakanda, there is King and Karma Taj's mages, and there are Heimdall and the female warriors and their Asgard remnants.

Overall, the lineup is quite luxurious.

Besides, there's no point in rushing now, they just need to try their best to get back.

Since we can't contact the earth and can't teleport back, let's get a spaceship and fly back.

Although the earth is not truly connected to the stars, there are still natural interstellar wormholes near the solar system.

Of course, neither Star-Lord nor Thor have data on this interstellar wormhole.

So they are going to see if there are any other cosmic civilizations.

For example, the famous Kree Empire in several nearby star fields.

As interstellar scavengers who have been traveling in the universe for a long time, Star-Lord and others are very familiar with a lot of information about the Kree Empire.

Taking this opportunity, Peter and the others, the "earth natives", also refreshed themselves on some basic common sense in this universe.

In this universe, there are three extremely powerful forces, namely the Kree Empire, the Skrull Empire and the Shi'ar Empire. They were once known as the three great empires of the universe.

At that time, even Xandar could only carry it back.

Among them, the Skrull Empire was the earliest cosmic power. At its most powerful, it had 978 member states, each of which owned the territory of at least one planet with life.

Even the Kree Empire, many of its early technologies were given by the Skrulls.

But later, the Skrull Empire was caused by the Cosmic Cube, causing civil strife, and a mysterious being destroyed the home planet.

After that, the Skrull Empire, which lost its home planet, set its sights on the Kree Empire, trying to annex this little brother who had defected in order to restore its own power.

However, the Skrull Empire's plan of action failed, which completely angered the Kree Empire.

The Kree Empire launched a full-scale war against the Skrull Empire and destroyed the Skrull Empire. Its original power was almost wiped out.

Since then, the Skrull Empire, the oldest cosmic power, has declined, and its member states have also fallen apart and returned to a state of autonomy.

As for the Kree Empire.

This is a rather ruthless country that believes in nationalism, imperialism and militarism. They use a living computer called "Supreme Intelligence" as the top manager of the entire empire, and living people only serve as assistants to the Supreme Intelligence. .

So in fact, most cosmic scavengers like Star-Lord don't like to go to the territory of the Kree Empire.

Because if you're not careful, you might be caught and shot.

The other Shi'ar Empire is an emerging power. It is mainly a commercial complex that trades with other interstellar powers.

However, not all races enjoy the same rights in the empire, and the Shi'ar have a disproportionate influence in its ruling system.

Usually the affairs of the empire are managed by the "Supreme Council".

The vast majority of the parliament are foreigners from the empire. However, in fact, the real head of the parliament (the emperor or empress) has great ruling power and can issue decrees to formulate policies.

The Emperor is protected by his personal guardians, the Imperial Guard, which consists of the most powerful and elite soldiers in the entire Empire and is led by a Guard Captain. Shia's military power is led by the will of the people.

The Shi'ar, the main race in the Shi'ar Empire, are a cold-blooded humanoid race that evolved from the descendants of birds. They have crests on their heads that are similar to human hair.

The Shi'ar and the Earthlings actually look quite similar. They have two common "hairstyles": Most of the Shi'ar, especially those nobles, generally let their head feathers grow into a triangle shape, with one corner on the top of the head, and the rest of the horns. One on each shoulder; the other is to let the thick head feathers spread out, but the top of the head is very flat.

At the same time, the Shi'ar are also a very difficult race to mess with.

According to Star-Lord's description, each of the Shi'ar can lift objects weighing one ton and have super endurance.

It’s almost like DC’s Kryptonian next door.

Everyone is super!

Fortunately, these Shi'ar are not like Kryptonians who can shoot lasers from their eyes or breathe out like strong winds.

At most, a small number of Shi'ar individuals have atavism, giving them wings and the ability to fly - the Shi'ar have hollow bones like birds, and there are some vestigial feathers on their forearms. It is the last remnant that has lost its wings during millions of years of evolution.

However, in addition to the powerful genes of the entire race, the Shi'ar also possess many technologies that a universe overlord empire should have, such as super-light space starships, ship-borne or individual energy weapons, force field weapons, super-light communication technology, Holographic projection technology, invisibility technology, star gates, etc.

In addition, there is an ultimate technology, which is the "exploding star technology".

Star explosion technology can directly bring stars into the supernova evolution period!

Many people say that the Shi'ar Empire will be a new generation of cosmic overlord after the Skrull Empire, and even more powerful than the Kree Empire!

Therefore, although the Shi'ar Empire seemed to have a low reputation in the past, in fact, even Thanos did not want to provoke it easily.

This is what Gamora said.

A lot of information about the Shi'a Empire also came from her mouth.

The overall evaluation of the Shi'ar Empire is: Although the Shi'ar people have bellicose and militaristic blood flowing in their bodies, the Shi'ar Empire still adheres to the principle of supremacy of peace in many interstellar affairs.

For example, during the perennial and devastating war between the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire, the Shi'ar Empire was ordered not to involve the war on other innocent planetary civilizations, even at the expense of breaking the three empires. peace agreement between.

And their target this time is the Shi'ar Empire.

The Shi'ar Empire's stargate is a high-tech device used for long-distance transmission across galaxies. There are planetary-level stargates, used to transport a single person to another galaxy or star system; there are also space-level stargates. , can support starship transmission.

Although interstellar wormholes in the solar system are natural, they may also exist in the star map records of the Shi'ar Empire.

At the end of the day, just borrow a star gate and use it to teleport to a similar location.

At this time, Peter couldn't help but miss Iron Man and Friday.

They once captured Thanos' Dark Legion battleship. The Dark Legion once invaded the earth and must have the coordinates of the interstellar wormhole in the solar system.

If Iron Man were here, he should be able to find him in no time.

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