Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 276 Thor was seriously injured from the sky

Hope also gave Strange an angry look.

Scott chose to ignore Strange and asked Peter directly: "Peter, why do you want to prevent entry into the quantum realm? I think everyone needs a reasonable explanation."

As he spoke, he pursed his lips and gestured to the other side.

Peter didn't need to turn around to know that when Strange said those words, the laboratory was automatically divided into two camps.

One is his and Strange's "opposition camp."

One is the "persistent camp" composed of Dr. Pym, Hope, Dr. Foster and the ghost girl Ava.

Oh, you mean Scott?

This guy is neutral.

Scott was also put on the shelf when it came to rescuing Janet.

So now only Scott is willing to calm down and listen to their explanation.


Peter shot out several strands of spider silk, trapping all four people except Scott. He even added one to the ghost girl Ava, who had been bound by Strange's magic light whip.

Afterwards, he talked about his and Strange's concerns about the quantum realm.

However, when he said that, all the other four people except Scott shouted.

Dr. Pym yelled: "Impossible! I will never give up the opportunity to rescue Janet just because of a ridiculous guess! She has been separated from me for thirty years, and now she finally sees hope. No one can stop me! "

Hope also said loudly: "That's right! My mother strayed into the quantum realm in order to defuse bombs and save innocent people, and was trapped for thirty years. Due to emotional and rational reasons, she shouldn't be left alone, right?"

Hope is obviously a bit more witty than Dr. Pym.

She didn't know Strange, but she knew Peter, Spider-Man.

As the same "Insect Man" and also a good friend of Scott, Hope is quite attentive to Peter's information and has done a lot of detailed research.

She knows that Spider-Man is a very decent person.

And decent people tend to be more principled, and it is more suitable to use some emotional things to impress them.

So, she chose to play the emotional card.

And her words really made Peter hesitate.

There is danger in the quantum realm. First, it comes from Strange's prophecy, and his prophecy is an ancient legend he saw in Kama Taj's library; second, it comes from his spider sense. The accuracy of his spider sense has been proven time and time again.

However, in the final analysis, these things only belong to the category of "prophecy".

These have not happened yet.

And as Hope said, the original Wasp took the risk of shrinking herself in order to save people in a city, and was finally lost in the quantum realm.

To put it bluntly, she is a great hero.

It is somewhat unreasonable for such a hero to be lost in an unknown field.

So inhumane!

Moreover, this is not consistent with Peter's philosophy all along.

What he did before, possessing other Spider-Man, changing their "web-weaving incident" and thus changing their tragic lives, was actually a kind of "in the trolley problem, he directly pulled up the people on the road here". One person, and then drive over from here."

In this way, everyone can be saved without harming any innocent people.

This is obviously what every normal person would like to be able to do, given the ability.

As it stands now, this is actually another trolley problem.

However, one side became Janet, and the other side became the world.

Should we choose to risk the possible dangers in the quantum realm to save Janet, or give up Janet to save the world?

Peter was confused.

Not to mention Peter, even Strange was confused.

Seeing both Peter and Strange fall silent, Hope knew that her words had succeeded.

However, just when she was about to continue her efforts and convince Peter and Strange in one breath, Peter stopped her from continuing.

Peter turned to Strange and said, "I think it's better to hold an Avengers meeting and let everyone vote."

Strange nodded: "This matter is of great importance, and we really need to seek everyone's opinions."

Hope and Dr. Pym looked at each other.

Although they were a little disappointed that they could not directly convince Peter and the others, at least they were not so determined and they saw some hope.

On the other side, Dr. Foster stopped his adopted daughter Ava who wanted to speak.

He knew that the people on his side spoke lightly, and their opinions would not have a decisive effect.

Now, he can only hope that Dr. Pym can succeed, and then he can achieve his goal smoothly.


So next, Peter took Dr. Pym and others through Strange's portal directly to the Avengers headquarters.

Then, the Strange Card Random Gate pulled in all the superheroes scattered around the world one by one.

Except for Thor, the jungler who has not returned yet, and Star-Lord and Groot, who went out with the jungler but have not yet returned, everyone else was called here.

However, before the meeting officially started, Peter was still explaining the matter to Stark and others.

Strange suddenly tilted his head, then his expression changed drastically, and he stood up suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Dr. Banner, who was sitting next to Strange, tilted his head and looked at him.

Strange's face was extremely serious, and he said in a solemn tone: "The king just told me that Thor is back!"

Rogers, who was sitting on the other side, breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Isn't it just right that Thor is back? He can represent Asgard. Is there anything wrong with just discussing this matter together?"

He noticed that Strange's expression did not show any signs of relief, but was instead extremely heavy.

Strange stretched out his hand and drew a portal: "Peter, Tony, Steve, Hulk, follow me."

"Okay," Peter nodded.

Then, the four of them stood up and walked into the portal.

Everyone else was so curious that they wanted to take a look, but the portal disappeared immediately after the five people passed through.

Scott's head was almost cut off, and he was shocked.

On the other side, after the four Peters followed Strange to the Supreme Sanctuary, they were all shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

In front of them, they saw a big hole in the roof of the Supreme Sanctuary.

The solid wood staircase below was smashed directly.

And among the ruins, there was a person lying quietly.

Strange's mage assistant, a high-ranking mage king from Karma Taj, turned to look at them and said quickly: "Come and see, he just fell directly from the sky and was seriously injured!"

Peter and others ran there quickly and looked at the man with extremely solemn expressions.

This man is none other than Thor, the God of Thunder!

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