Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 27 Conjecture about Glowing Spider Web

In addition, there is another number that represents his own world.


"Are these the universe numbers of different Spider-Man universes?" Peter suddenly wondered, "It turns out that there really is a multiverse!"

"Could it be that this thing on my body is actually a collection of multidimensional singularities, which records countless parallel universe singularities in the multiverse?"

"And I can use these singularities to shuttle my consciousness between two different parallel universes and possess the 'me' in the parallel universe."

"Then one day in the future, will I be able to physically travel through the singularity and meet myself in other parallel universes?"

Peter had countless thoughts in his mind. He imagined that one day in the future, he, Shadow Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man would sit together and talk and laugh. He couldn't help but find it very interesting.

His thinking also began to continue to diverge.

He knows what the so-called multiverse is.

The multiverse can actually be regarded as an infinitely high building, and each floor is a parallel universe.

However, due to the different choices of residents on the floor, that is, residents in each parallel universe, when moving on the floor, different decoration plans, lifestyles, etc., each floor has different decorations.

The residents on the first floor like Western-style pastoral style, so the first floor is decorated in Western-style pastoral style.

The residents on the second floor like Western classical style, so the second floor is decorated like a medieval castle.

The residents on the third floor like Chinese style, so the third floor is decorated in Chinese style.

The residents on the 5th floor wanted to rent it out, so they converted it into "luxury" compartments of square meters each.

There are also some residents who may have transformed into zombies, so the residents on that floor are zombies.

Some floors may be purchased by non-human residents, and that floor becomes the home of non-human residents.

Multiverse, countless worlds, infinite possibilities!

And the glowing spider web in his mind was the elevator connecting different floors.

Those numbers are the "floor numbers" in the elevator.

As long as you master the elevator and know the floor number, you can go to the corresponding floor.

Most residents do not know or cannot use this elevator, and only a few are aware of its existence.

And he is one of these few!

Peter doesn't think that he is the only one in such a huge multiverse.

Maybe he is a little lucky and smart, but he doesn't think he is the luckiest or smartest one.

Isn't Iron Man much smarter than him?

After being surprised by the existence of multiple realities in the multiverse, Peter took back his divergent thinking.

He was a little curious about what he could gain from The Amazing Spider-Man this time.

Spider sense? It seems not.

Strength, speed, agility? It seems not.

Nothing gained at all?

Peter thought for a moment, perhaps because this gain, like Shadow Spider-Man's "reasoning, insight, and concealment" abilities, was an enhancement in "software" rather than an improvement in "hardware."

That's not bad either.

In fact, in terms of hardware, that is, in terms of physical fitness, Peter is already very good.

He can catch a car kicked by Ant-Man with his bare hands!

If a bus weighs seven to eight tons and is hit by someone, you can understand how much kinetic energy it contains if you think about it for a moment.

But he could catch it with his bare hands.

And he felt that this was far from the ultimate level of his power.

Peter was quite satisfied with this kind of power.

If he were older, he would have to be more cautious in his daily life, which he wouldn't like very much.

After sorting everything out, Peter looked at the time and found that it was already seven o'clock.

Although he had been busy all night, his body was full of energy.

When his consciousness went to the earth-120703 universe to merge with The Amazing Spider-Man, his own body was actually still dormant.

Theoretically, his consciousness can remain awake all the time - he only needs to enter another universe when his body here feels tired.

But that's just a theory.

Because if this continues, even if the body can bear it, the mind will probably not be able to bear it.

And this time travel also made him realize a problem: when he enters other worlds and merges with other Spider-Man, he will inevitably receive some of their past experiences and be affected by some of them.

If he doesn't use it sparingly, he might go crazy.

"Why don't you get up early and make breakfast for Aunt May?" Peter turned over and sat up.

He thought of Aunt Mei in the two worlds he had experienced, both of whom were childless and widowed in old age, very miserable.

Well, my Aunt Mei doesn’t even have a boyfriend.

It’s also quite miserable.

Peter got up from the bed, got dressed, washed himself, and then came to the kitchen.

It's called breakfast, but it's actually quite simple.

Get some slices of toast from the refrigerator, heat up two cups of milk, then open the frying pan and fry two eggs.

Within a few minutes, a steaming hot breakfast was on the table.

When Peter put breakfast on the kitchen table, Aunt May walked into the kitchen just after washing up.

She was stunned for a moment when she saw Peter who was busy working in a scarf.

"Hey, what kind of wind is it blowing today?"

"Hey, did you say that about your own nephew? Shouldn't you say, 'Wow, this young man was so considerate today, he's so handsome' or something like that?" Peter took a knife and spread butter on the toast. , while complaining.

"You are indeed handsome today!" Aunt May took a serious look at Peter, walked over and kissed him, "Hehe, our Peter has grown up and will make breakfast for me. It's great!"

Peter blushed a little. In the past, he really cared too little about the people around him.

Aunt May has been taking care of him all these years and is his superhero.

But after gaining superpowers, he just wanted to go out and do heroic things and be a superhero for others, but he didn't think about giving Aunt May more care.

Aunt Mei picked up a piece of toast, spread some butter on it, put some eggs and lettuce on it, and ate it quickly.

"Aunt Mei, are you busy today?" Peter was a little confused. This didn't seem to be Aunt Mei's usual state. She was usually calm and unhurried.

Oh, except when Peter wakes up late and is almost late for school.

At that time, she wished she could chase him behind with a whip and drive him to school.

Aunt Mei ate heartily. When she heard this, she chewed something and replied vaguely: "Today. Charity cross-country trip."

"Can you swallow your food before you speak," Peter reminded helplessly.


After Aunt Mei swallowed what was in her mouth, she quickly said: "Today the Public Assistance Center will hold a special charity event that combines sports and charity. Sports include whitewater speedboating, four-wheel drive off-road, bungee jumping, etc. It’s so exciting!”

Peter: ".The sponsor won't be Red Bull, right?"

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