Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 269 Miles’ Road to Redemption

Although he rejected the offer to take over as the leader of the Spider-Man Alliance, Peter did not directly cut off contact with this side.

It will take about a month for the blond Spider-Man to regain consciousness. During this month, he can still come freely every day.

It is equivalent to having a clone here with a validity period of one month.

As for the deadline, you have to discuss it with the blond Spider-Man.

Although considering his great efforts in resurrecting the blond Spider-Man, there is a high probability that the blond Spider-Man will not refuse him to come over.

But it is someone else's body after all.

It's okay if he comes to help.

Instead of searching aimlessly in other parallel universes, it is better to gamble on luck and wait here.

He planned to wait for the blond Spider-Man to be truly resurrected, and then go to the Earth-42 universe to take up permanent residence.

But this is all in the future.


After the post-processing and arrangements for the three of them were completed, Spot's whereabouts became a more important and urgent matter in the Spider-Man Alliance.

Spider-Gwen made a mistake (sneaking Peter and Miles, two non-Union members, to other worlds), so she was pulled away by Jess Drew and gave her a tough lesson.

Or maybe he will stay in that universe forever.

The tone of the entire world has therefore moved towards darkness.

But the abilities that have been given to Miles cannot be stripped off and given to Miles in the earth-42B universe.

But they couldn't let him continue like this.

Therefore, if possible, Spider-Man 2099 and the others would like to capture him as soon as possible.

But now, because of Peter, they decided to give Miles a chance of his own choosing.

Of course, the [Plane Travel Watch] also needs to be charged, and the Alliance will not let it be used casually to waste energy.

He plans to make more targeted monitors to release them and connect them to the world's monitors, so that he can react in time as soon as spots appear.

If he wanted to run away, there was really nothing he could do.

Mainly because this guy's abilities are so rogue.

As for Miles.

Spider-Man 2099 and the others were originally going to handle this matter coldly.

He can travel to any parallel universe at will, and is more flexible than the [Plane Travel Watch] used by Spider-Man Alliance!

When using [Plane Travel Watch], you have to travel through the quantum channel of the web for a period of time first!

Strictly speaking, he is still a "new Spider-Man" who has just stepped into the road of Spider-Man.

It would be a bit embarrassing if we just came here for a walk.


Then there is the follow-up issue of Peter, Miles and Spider-Gwen.

But, how should it be done?

They don't have a clue yet.

It just so happened that he was also thinking about going to college in his own universe.

In addition, the earth-1610B universe is also the "home" shared by Spot and Miles.

However, during this period, Peter became a very special presence in the Spider-Man Alliance.

So, after some analysis, Peter, Miles and Spider-Gwen returned to the earth-1610B universe.

Miles' decision was endorsed by Amazing Spider-Man B and Peter, and then endorsed by Spider-Man 2099 and several others.

The chance of that spot returning here is quite high.

As for the longer future.

Peter took Spider-Gwen to the underground spider cave of Aunt May's house in this world.

And he still has a "criminal record" on him.

No matter what Miles over there will ultimately think of him, he will fill the shoes of Spider-Man over there and make up for that world as much as possible.

Or return to your own universe.

But it’s obvious that the expectant Spider-Man actually cares about Spider-Gwen.

In addition, Peter's addition is somewhat due to Spider-Gwen.

He can even have breakfast in the earth-1610B universe in the morning, be Spider-Man in the earth-42B universe at noon, and go back to the earth-1610B universe to sleep at night.

That is to say, his spider ability was not originally his, but should belong to another Miles Morales from the earth-42B universe.

After the meeting, Peter temporarily joined the Spider-Man Alliance.

Because Spot's ability will open big holes in the parallel universe, increase the frequency of the appearance of different-dimensional bodies, and make the "plot" of the Spider-Man Alliance that has been repaired with great difficulty once again collapse.

However, Peter gave a guess.

The core of Spider-Man Alliance is actually four people: Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man 2211, Jess Drew, and The Amazing Spider-Man B.

He had planned to go to a relatively distant university to study quantum physics before, but now, it is just a little further away.

As for the round trip issue.

As long as you have Spider-Man Alliance's [Plane Travel Watch], traveling back and forth is actually not particularly difficult.

Because of her operation, Spider-Man 2099 was unable to punish Spider-Gwen seriously even if he wanted to.

As for Spider-Gwen, it was purely because she had nowhere to go.

According to internal monitoring of the Spider-Man Alliance, the Miles of that universe did not become Spider-Man, causing that universe to lose its only Spider-Man, and that Miles inherited the mantle of his uncle Aaron Davis— —Became a Prowler!

A person who was supposed to go to the light ended up going to the darkness.

Fortunately, the damage caused by the web-weaving incident was very low, and the Spider-Man Alliance has repaired it after discovering it.

Perhaps Miles can become a truly mature Spider-Man during his experience in the earth-42B universe, and then join the Spider-Man Alliance and become a member of the elite alliance. Like Punk Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen, he can go to different places. world to capture extradimensional beings.

Even now, with Spider-Man Alliance's monitors fully on, there is no way to accurately capture the traces of the spots.

Judging from the previous words between Spot and Miles, Spot seems to hate Miles very much and regards Miles as his lifelong enemy.

After returning here, the three of them separated temporarily.

After the merits and demerits were balanced, Spider-Gwen was only given some symbolic punishment without any pain, and the incident was almost considered a thing of the past.

These four people are the earliest founders of the Spider-Man Alliance, and their abilities are also better than other Spider-Man.

Naturally, Miles had to go home and deal with his parents, and then had to go through the high school graduation and school selection process.

After the blond Spider-Man is resurrected, it will be up to him whether he wants to officially join or not.

As for why it is only "temporary", of course it is because this body does not belong to him.

So, after some comprehensive consideration, Miles made a decision (without going against his ancestors).

As a result, his whereabouts in the future are basically determined.

Moreover, if she is here, she can also help Peter keep an eye on the situation.

After all, Peter sometimes has to go back to his own world, and he can only be "hosted" here.

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