Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 254 I caught you!

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"This is Peter, and this is Miles. They are both helpers I found, very reliable helpers," Spider-Gwen explained, and then whispered, "Please don't tell Ms. Drew, let alone Mr. O'Hara."

Spider-Man Yinsan looked between Peter and Miles in surprise: "You mean they turned out to be stowaways?"

"Uh" Spider-Gwen was at a loss for words.

Peter stretched out his hand, struck like lightning, and before Spider-Man Yinsan could react, he pressed directly on his shoulder.

Spider-Man Yinsan wanted to struggle, but Peter used the blessing of the poison blade suit and the skill of spider fighting skills to firmly control him and prevent him from moving.

Spider-Man Yinsan was extremely shocked.

"Do you know now that I am a reliable helper?" Peter smiled.

"I know, I know, let go," Spider-Man Yinsan yelled.

For six months, he fought alone against the crime lord Nalin Oberoi, who was possessed by an extradimensional demon. The battle was more intense than that of many Spider-Men from other universes.

"Avengers? Peter, are you an Avenger in your world?" Spider-Gwen asked enthusiastically.

This is also why he was able to obtain the bracelet of the Spider-Man League and become an elite member of this league.

Miles also thinks Spider-Man's idea is better.

"Yes, in addition to the Avengers, I also formed a Spider Team. Well, they are also called the Young Avengers. But I feel that the Spider Team is more interesting, right?"

Spider-Man Yinsan reached out and pinched his shoulder, moved a few steps to the side, and looked at Peter with fear.

Spider-Gwen also gave the name a thumbs up.

His experience was certainly not as lighthearted as he made it sound.

"Wow, this seems even more spectacular than the Okmax in my world!" Miles exclaimed.

Spider-Man Yinsan nodded: "Follow me."

Six months have passed since he was selected by the "Saint", inherited the power of spiders and ancient yoga skills, and became Spider-Man.

Peter nodded in agreement: "It's much more spectacular than the Avengers headquarters in my world."

This is the truth!

"I'm glad you can help, Mr. Peter, Mr. Miles," said Spider-Man Yinsan, now more honest.

But now, there is a being who can suppress him with one hand as soon as they meet!

Even if there were various reasons such as underestimating the enemy and not taking precautions in advance.

"Yes, I think Spider-Man is good," Spider-Man Yinsan agreed matter-of-factly.

But precisely because of this, his growth rate is faster than that of most Spider-Man at the same time.

Peter withdrew his hand.

It's equivalent to Spider-Man in other universes starting with monsters, while he starts directly from the BOSS.

Obviously, although everyone has different names, as Spider-Man, they have a natural sense of identification with the name Spider-Team.

The three Peters followed Spider-Man Yinsan and soon came to a tall building.

Peter stretched out his hand to shake Insan Spider-Man's hand and said, "Spot's target is Okmax Company. As a native of this world, you should know where Okmax is, right?"

But to be suppressed is to be suppressed, and it is completely suppressed!

This is consistent.

While they were talking, the four of them had landed on the wall outside the Okmax Building.

"What's the next step? Do you want to go in?" Miles asked.

Spider-Man Yinsan said: "Okmax is the territory of Baileyjan Oberoi. If we rush in, we may be attacked by him and his men."

"May I ask, who is this Bailey Jain? Is he very powerful?" Miles asked.

Spider-Man Yinsan said: "Well, it's probably equivalent to the Kingpin of your world?"

"Oh, so I understand," Miles nodded repeatedly.

"It's okay, we'll wait for him here. As long as he's nearby, I can find his traces as soon as possible," Peter said confidently.

Spider-Gwen and others didn't know where Peter's confidence came from, but since he said so, they still chose to believe him.

So the four of them stopped on the wall.

Peter's spider-sense radar spread out and began to scan and monitor the nearby situation again and again.

Under the influence of the spider sensing radar, as long as there are some spatial energy fluctuations in the surroundings, he can catch it and react immediately.

I couldn't catch the spots before, that's because the spots kept running away.

But now, he took the initiative to get in.

Peter has studied Spot's ability. He cannot open two portals at the same time and appear in two places. He can only come one at a time.

Therefore, as long as Spot is subdued the moment he comes out of the portal, everything will be easy.

Hard work pays off.

After waiting for about three minutes.

Peter suddenly opened his eyes: "He's coming!"


A black hole portal suddenly appeared inside Okmax Company.

Spotted figures emerged from it.

After walking a few steps, a portal appeared in front of him again, then disappeared instantly and appeared in another room in Okmax.

It didn't take long for him to pass through several rooms and arrive at his destination - a laboratory with a super particle collider!

"Let's go, let's go, see you later," Spot stretched out his finger and opened one portal after another in the laboratory, driving out all the researchers who were stranded in the laboratory.

"Wow, you're such a nice person!" Spider-Man Yinsan broke a window and rushed into Okmax, but he couldn't stop Spot.

Miles and Spider-Gwen also broke through the windows from the other sides.

But obviously, they were all a step too late.

The three of them quickly joined together.

Just as they were about to enter the laboratory, a barrier appeared in front of them.

This is a shielding barrier installed by the laboratory to prevent energy leakage during collision experiments.

But at this moment, this original protective measure has become an "accomplice" in blocking Spider-Man's conspiracy to stop Spot.

"Stop! Stop, you hear me! Spot, you can't do this!" Spider-Man Yinsan yelled.

Miles also shouted: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this, please stop it now, Spot!"

Spider-Gwen also hammered at the shielding barrier anxiously.

However, this shield used to resist the collision energy of particle flow is obviously of very high quality.

The attacks of three people could not shake it at all.

"Give me a little more time, just a little more, it'll be fine soon." Spot's hands were operating quickly on the console.

"I think you don't have time."

At this time, a voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red sword light flashed across, and a huge hole was cut in the solid barrier!

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