Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 241 Goodbye Miles

Since the blond Spider-Man had once been fused with Peter, his unconscious soul body did not reject the approach of the spirit body Peter.

As soon as the spirit Peter stretched out his hand, the soul of the blond Spider-Man spontaneously moved closer to him.

Peter could even devour the soul of the blond Spider-Man right now if he wanted to!

When the time comes, his soul power will grow stronger, and he will have the experience of the blond Spider-Man, and even everything!

But Peter refused without thinking.

He's not a demon, so how could he do something like swallowing his brothers from another world to strengthen himself?

However, although he did not absorb the soul of the blond Spider-Man, after some careful observation, Peter still discovered some clues.

The core part of the blond Spider-Man's soul is surprisingly the memory fragments gathered when he came here!

Perhaps it was because Peter's possession at the time brought them together, and then was affected by the quantum energy when the super particle collider exploded, giving the blond Spider-Man the possibility of reuniting the dissipated soul fragments.

Even after Peter's soul left, these blond Spider-Man's soul fragments were still reuniting, and even used quantum energy to spontaneously attract other fragments of him.

Peter made a rough estimate. According to the current progress, it might only take about ten months for the blond Spider-Man's soul to be completely repaired!

However, Peter had a way to speed up the process.

He used spider web energy to weave a large web around the largest soul fragment of the blond Spider-Man.

This big net can accelerate the attraction and gathering of these soul fragments.

In this way, ten months can be shortened by more than ten times to less than one month!

After doing all this, Peter left here.

This is a critical moment for the blond Spider-Man to recover, and it would be best if he didn't stay here much longer.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if the blond Spider-Man's soul was marked with Peter's mark.


After coming out of the soul part of the blond Spider-Man, Peter did not immediately return to the body of the blond Spider-Man to possess him.

He floated nearby and observed.

Then he discovered that this place should be underground. If nothing else happened, it was probably near the original super particle collider.

Because when he possessed the blond Spider-Man, the super particle collider exploded and the violent quantum energy swept over, he threw Miles out in order to save Miles, and he also disconnected from the world. The connection between the blonde Spider-Man.

Therefore, the body of the blond Spider-Man has been buried here.

As for why it hasn't been dug out.

There are only two reasons.

Or maybe it wasn't long since he last disconnected and left, and he hasn't dug here yet.

Or, the buried part is a bit complicated

He remembered that Kingpin's super particle collider was built not far from the Fisk Building.

The direction in which he fled was the direction of the Fisk Building.

In other words, if nothing else happens, he is probably buried under the Fisk Building.

The Fisk Building is a high-rise building, with more than ten or twenty floors above ground alone. The underground has to be dug out, so you can imagine how large the amount of work will be.

Peter's soul drifted all the way up.

Since the soul is an intangible and qualityless existence, nothing in front of him can stop him in the slightest.

After flying for a while, he suddenly felt a throbbing sensation.

Kind of like a spider sense?

But it shouldn't be exactly spider sense.

Because spider sense is mainly manifested in the body, but he is now in a soul state.

Peter drifted quickly that way.

His eyes soon became brighter, and a place like a construction site appeared.

Oh no, judging from the equipment, this should be an engineering organization similar to a salvage team, because Peter has seen the work of the damage control department, which is similar to this.

When Peter came out, there were many construction workers in uniforms and safety helmets busy near him.

Apparently, this is the guy who was dealing with the aftermath of the super particle collider explosion.

[Okmax Company].

Peter saw this nameplate in several places on the construction site.

Well, obviously, the person responsible for the salvage work is actually the culprit himself?

Peter will never forget that the laboratory Kingpin invested in was called Okmax!

But its chief scientist was Octopussy before that.

However, during the battle with Peter, Ms. Octopus took the initiative to jump into the exploding super particle collider, and she was most likely dead.

"Forget it, maybe it's controlled by other capitals," Peter shrugged his transparent shoulders.


There was a sudden shout from above.

It sounded like there were several people involved.

"Emergency evacuation, emergency evacuation!" The sirens at the construction site also sounded.

Peter saw workers nearby starting to evacuate from the passage.

"You know, you are just like my son!" A strong man in police uniform got up from the ground, wiped the water from his head, and complained.

"Really? Isn't this too funny?" Miles, the black spider wearing a black and red spider suit, was standing in front of this man.

The man in front of him was indeed his father-Jefferson Davis.

"Huh?" Jefferson gave Black Spider a confused and questioning look, as if to say, you actually called my son funny?

Black Spider quickly explained: "I mean, just imagine what's under my mask."

"Where it begins, it ends where it begins!"

Before Black Spider could finish speaking, not far from the two of them, a man covered in white but with many black spots floating on his body rushed over to the two of them, screaming.

"Be careful!" Black Spider pushed his father away, but he was held by the man and fell down.

And directly below the two of them happened to be Peter!

It's just that he is in the state of a soul body now, and neither of the two fighting people noticed him.

"This is the crucible where our destinies are intertwined!"

In Peter's surprised gaze, strange holes appeared one after another in the surrounding space.

These holes are like space wormholes, allowing the black spider and the man to travel back and forth through them.

"Don't think that being able to write and write is something special. I also play crossword puzzles every day!" Black Spider replied. It seems that he has also mastered some of the essence of being a qualified Spider-Man - not forgetting to talk during battle.

Peter was deeply gratified by this, but he was more curious about who was fighting Black Spider.

He has experienced so many worlds, but he has never seen this person in any of them!

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