Although Peter had suspicions in his heart, he did not speak out.

Because since this transformed alien has the ability to transform into an earthling, it is difficult to guarantee whether there will be such a person around him.

It's a pity that Richard hasn't woken up yet, and he doesn't know when he will wake up. If he wakes up quickly, maybe he can learn something from his mouth.


At this time, Richard, who Peter and others thought was unconscious, found himself in a strange space.

In front of him was a huge star-shaped thing. He couldn't tell whether it was a ball or something, and it was surrounded by metal-like structures.

In the center, directly in front of him, was a huge amber-shaped yellow crystal.

In the center of the yellow crystal, there is a huge Nova helmet suspended.

This Nova helmet is almost exactly the same as the one he usually wears on his head, except that it has been enlarged countless times.

"Worldmind Xandar World Consciousness."

When Richard saw this thing, he understood its significance instantly.

It turns out that Worldmind is a supercomputer that stores data on the entire Xandar civilization.

The Xandar civilization has actually been carrying out a "Digital Life Plan".

They will preserve the consciousness of outstanding people throughout the ages and store them in this supercomputer, hoping that one day they can reappear.

Even if it appears through the body.

When the Nova Corps was destroyed by Thanos and all the Nova Corps members were killed, Adora, Queen of Xandar, transferred the supercomputer to Richard's space fighter and tried to transfer the Nova Corps members as much as possible. His consciousness was also uploaded.

Adora's original intention was to allow Richard to rebuild the Nova Corps in another place and live with the will of the Nova Corps.

However, Richard was attacked by an unknown person while sailing in space. Not only was the space fighter destroyed, but his own soul was also severely damaged.

In fact, what attacked him was the original soul stone!

Under the influence of the Soul Stone, Worldmind and Richard's souls were wonderfully entangled and fused together, as well as the consciousness of the Nova Corps members and some mysterious energies that existed in the universe and even other dimensions.

Since the space fighter was destroyed, Worldmind simply input all of its data and the power of Nova (that is, the special ability born from the consciousness of Nova Corps members + mysterious energy) into Richard's body.

The purpose of this is that Richard is the only survivor and only successor of the Nova Corps.

The second is because it and Richard both shoulder Queen Adora's final mission: to rebuild the Nova Corps.

It was this new star power that greatly enhanced Richard's strength and resistance, allowing him to persist in a coma until he was picked up by Star-Lord and Groot.

Later, during his time on Earth, his personality continued to change. In fact, it was because Worldmind detected that Earth was a good place to rebuild the Nova Corps, so it tried to store the consciousness of the Nova Corps members. Release it.

But Richard instinctively resisted this approach.

Moreover, how could those ordinary members of the Nova Corps compare with Richard, who had been transformed into a "Super Xandar"?

So, Worldmind released several in succession, but in the end they only affected Richard a little, but failed to achieve their goal.

Mainly because Richard's main consciousness is too strong.

But this time, because Richard was hit in the brain by the special energy of the Skrulls, his main consciousness fell into a coma.

As a result, Worldmind took over Richard's body, released the Nova Power, killed all the Skrulls, and took the opportunity to bring Richard to this "Nova Space".

The nova helmet in the center represents Worldmind.

Those yellow crystals on the edge are Nova Power.

And those on the fringes, each one is actually composed of the consciousness of a member of the Nova Corps.

Richard walked to the edge and saw a metal box in front of him.

"This is Anwen Bukan, the third-level sergeant major of the Nova Corps."

"This is Irani Rael, one of the Centurions of the Nova Legion"

Richard saw names one after another, some he was familiar with and had studied together, he had seen them before, some he had seen in books, and some he did not recognize.

But they are all members of the Nova Corps!

But now, they have all become a piece of stored consciousness.

"Children, it is our mission to resurrect them!" A voice came from the Nova helmet located in the center.

Richard took back his hand and walked to the huge Nova helmet.

"Are you Worldmind?"


"Can you control my body?"


"No, I don't want you to control me! My body is my body!"

"We have a common mission. We want to rebuild the Nova Corps." Worldmind's tone was very plain. It was just an omnimachine in the first place. It did not have ordinary human emotions and only had tasks.

Richard shook his head crazily: "No, if I want to rebuild the Nova Corps, I can try slowly, but I don't want you to interfere with my actions anymore. By the way, I was knocked unconscious by the Skrulls. They said they wanted to plunder My memory has become like me! I must get out quickly!"

"You can't leave here now," Worldmind said.

"Why? Did you do something to my body?" Richard was a little angry.

"No, your body has reached the opportunity and will awaken more nova powers. According to the current integration progress, it is estimated that the awakening will be completed in 77 hours and 23 minutes, and you can leave here by then." Worldmind replied.

"77 hours? That's more than 3 days! No, I have to wake up quickly, otherwise I will be killed by the Skrulls!" Richard said anxiously.

"You cannot leave during the energy awakening," Worldmind replied coldly, "The reconstruction of the Nova Corps is above all else."

Richard yelled: "You idiot machine, if I die, everything about the reconstruction of the Nova Corps will be in vain!"

Worldmind said: "Those Skrulls are dead. You are now at the Avengers base. The person next to you is the Earthling Peter Parker. You call him teacher."

"Teacher Parker!" Richard became delighted when he heard this, "Did you help me solve the crisis?"

"Yes." Worldmind replied.

"Is there a way for me to speed up the fusion process?" Richard asked, "You don't want to see me just lying around like this and wasting time, right?"

Worldmind said: "You can actively accept the power of the new star, which can speed up the integration speed."

"it is good!"

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