Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 227 Gentle Dr. Hulk

Norway, a remote village near the coast.

Some people who originally lived in the village have been moved away one after another in the past period of time.

Instead, they were Asgardians.

In fact, when this small village first started, it was a place set up by Asgard in Midgard (Earth) to supervise and protect the earth.

In the past years, the God King Odin conquered the Nine Realms and established such existences in every place in the Nine Realms.

However, as time passed, the people of Asgard had already withdrawn from here.

The residents of the village also experienced some rotations during the war.

Therefore, the people in this village only vaguely knew that there seemed to be some secret in this village a long time ago, but they did not know what it was.

Until a few years ago, the god-king Odin foresaw the coming of Ragnarok.

He found the village again and began to gradually relocate the indigenous people in the village outside.

In Infinity War, the Asgardian refugees who came to Earth settled in this village.

The village was also renamed Asgard Village.

Today's Asgard Village can be roughly divided into two parts structurally.

In the outermost circle, ordinary people in Asgard live in those scattered ordinary houses.

Although they are so-called gods, apart from being stronger and having longer lifespans, there are not many other differences from ordinary earthlings.

They also don't have the powerful abilities of Thor and Loki.

On the hillside in the center of Asgard Village, there is a medieval castle.

Castles like this are everywhere in Europe, so they don’t attract too much attention.

But now, it has become the new royal palace of the Asgardian royal family.

The people of Asgard unanimously believe that Thor, the former God of Thunder and now King of Asgard, should live here.

However, because Thor set off to the dwarf planet before.

So now, there are several "servants" of the King of Asgard living here.

Such as stone men, green fat men, insect men, etc.

Anyway, they look weird.

Well, you are right, that green fat man is the Hulk.

Because in "Avengers 2", Hulk was controlled by Wanda and wreaked havoc on the street, which made him blame himself very much.

Although he left the earth for a long time, when he returned to the earth, he accidentally discovered that there were still many negative remarks about him on the Internet.

At this time, Hulk discovered that he could not transform back into Dr. Banner.

So, the gentle Hulk decided to find a place to hide in seclusion so as not to scare ordinary people.

After going back and forth, he came to Asgard Village.

At least in the Asgard village, he still has these gladiator companions who are wreaking havoc with Gao Tianzun in the arena with him, and the Asgardian people who are not afraid of him.

There seemed to be no place on earth more suitable for him than here.


After Peter left the Avengers headquarters, he returned to his residence to rest for a night, and then went to school as normal for a few days.

In the past few days, while going to school, he was searching for information in the school library, trying to decipher the nanorobot suit on his own.

However, it backfired.

Scientific research is not something that can be achieved overnight.

Many times, scientific research does not rely on a flash of inspiration, but on solid basic skills.

Only by standing on the shoulders of the wisdom of our predecessors can we see further.

Although Peter is smart, he is lacking in basic knowledge.

Maybe if he could have inherited all the knowledge from the blond Spider-Man, he could do it himself now.

But the blond Spider-Man gave him only a small part of the knowledge he possessed.

Being able to study the characteristics of the Infinity Gauntlet and come up with a disposable version of the Infinity Gauntlet is actually quite remarkable.

So, after several days of research, I still had no clue.

On this day, Peter drilled Xinxing hard, assigned him tasks for the next few days, and told him that he would remotely supervise the completion of his tasks.

Then, he used the "Supreme Mage Card Portal" again and came to Asgard Village in Norway.


The portal opens on the beach near Asgard Village.

Peter was speechless.

This is obviously a prank by Strange.

Just to get back at Peter for always using him as a portal ambassador.

Otherwise, there is no high-level magical barrier or other protection in Asgard Village, and Strange can directly open the portal to the castle, or to the entrance of the castle.

And now.

Peter looked up. He was probably a few kilometers away from the castle halfway up the mountain.

"Forget it, I'll just walk over there myself, just to see what this Asgard village looks like."

Peter stepped forward.

Before they had gone far, they saw a group of people playing on the beach not far ahead.

Standing in the middle of the crowd was a tall, burly green-skinned man - who else could he be if he wasn't the Hulk?

And around Hulk, there were more than a dozen children.

Both boys and girls.

They built a castle made of sand on the beach.

The style of the castle is a bit strange. Although it is also in the style of a medieval castle, it is not the one standing on the mountainside now.

Peter thought for a moment and realized that it was probably an Asgard building.

Hulk was wearing a pair of beach pants and a plaid shirt, sitting on the sand. His huge green palms did not appear bulky, but were very flexible.

He also wore a pair of glasses on his face, which made him look very elegant.

When Peter got closer, he was helping a little girl carefully decorate the windows of a building.

"Should I call you Hulk? Or Dr. Banner?" Peter put away his spider suit, and he seemed very relaxed in such an environment.

"Call me Dr. Hulk," Dr. Hulk raised his head and glanced at Peter, showing a warm smile, "Want to join us?"

"Okay," Peter came to a little boy and knelt down, "What's your name? Do you need my help?"

The little boy had brown hair. He glanced at Peter and said, "Hello, my name is Vidal. Thank you for your help, but I can do it myself."

With that said, he continued to work on his own.

Peter squatted aside and asked curiously: "What are you doing? Doesn't it seem like a palace?"

Vidal's "sand sculptures" are all pillar-like things standing up one after another, but they don't look like pillars.

Vidal replied without raising his head: "I am creating a forest. This is the most extensive eternal forest in Asgard. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the sea of ​​fire. I hope to become the guardian spirit of the eternal forest. .”

Peter was stunned for a moment.

He discovered that when Vidal spoke just now, there seemed to be some energy fluctuations in his body!

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