Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 223 Poison Blade Battle Clothes

The Black Death Sword is actually a symbiote, and it is also the ancestor of the symbiote.

It was first created by Gnull from his own shadow.

The shadow is actually like a "symbiosis" of the entity.

Later, after Gnar killed the Celestials with the Black Death Sword, he was expelled to the abyss plane where it was born.

There, Gnar used the severed skulls of the Celestials as a furnace to continuously temper the Black Death Sword and transform it into a completely black sword of the dead.

All subsequent symbiotes became afraid of fire and sound waves due to being surrounded by flames and banging sounds all day long.

Later, Gnar began his revenge plan.

He wields the all-black Necronomicon Sword and slaughters wantonly in the universe, spreading darkness.

In the end, he died in a battle.

The all-black Necronomicon sword broke and degraded, falling on the planet Kante.

During this period, some of the slaves created by Gnar were called symbiotes, which he created by imitating the existence form of the Black Death Sword.

The Black Death Sword, which had lost its host, finally met the strange existence of Peter.

Peter is a human being and meets the requirements of a host.

But he is also a symbiote and can completely merge with the Black Death Sword.

As a result, the second generation of Venom and the Black Death Sword had a wonderful blend, allowing the characteristics of the two to merge with each other and become a brand new symbiosis.

"From now on, you can call me Poison Blade, Poison Blade Symbiote!" Peter muttered, looking down at the black sword in his hand.

At this time, the surrounding hives began to squirm again.

After the initial shock, it has apparently recovered.

It seems that although the hive does not have a clever brain like Venom and Carnage (after all, it is just a symbiosis formed by ancient creatures that have been mutated under the influence of the Black Death Sword, and of course does not have the same intelligence as humans), it seems that most creatures will subconsciously Protect yourself as much as your wealth.

Hive apparently also regards the Black Death Sword as its own private property.

It will never allow the Black Death Sword to be taken away by Peter!


A large amount of dark yellow symbiote material crowded towards Peter.

A large amount of black biomass also poured out of Peter's body at this time.

Soon, he turned into a black symbiote warrior covered in black and holding a blood-red sword in his hand.

Different from the previous second-generation Venom suit, the color of the Venom suit is somewhat metallic. The eight-pack abdominal muscles on the upper body are clearly defined and look very strong. There is a huge red spider pattern on the chest, but unlike before, this spider pattern has far more than eight legs, but more than ten. Some of the longer legs extend directly to the back and arms, making the arms It seemed to be covered with blood-red veins.

On his head, his eyes and mouth are very similar to those of Venom and Carnage. They both have the classic "symbiote face", with long eyes hanging upward and a wide-open mouth - not so much that he looks like Venom and Carnage. , it would be better to say that Venom and Carnage are the racial characteristics inherited from the Black Death Sword.

Of course, the eyes and mouth are also red.

He also wore a black cloak on his head, adding a sense of mystery to him.

Finally, there was the war blade in his hand that was unclear whether it was a knife or a sword.

Its handle is black, but its blade is blood red.

On the whole, the Poison Blade suit gives people a mysterious, powerful, terrifying, and bloodthirsty feeling.

Its name of "Poison Blade" may not only be because it partly comes from the second-generation venom, but also because the word "poison" itself contains viciousness, viciousness, etc., symbolizing extreme cruelty.

"Since you are so proactive, you just want to try my poison blade!" The corners of Peter's blood-red lips curled up to his ears.

Then, he raised the poison blade and cut it a few times.

Swish swish!

"Ah!" The hive let out a fierce scream.

The power of the poison blade even exceeded Peter's expectations.

Wherever it passed, the hive's symbiote substances were cut open like tofu, without any lag at all.

There's even something in the Baneblade that seems to have a special damage bonus against the Hive Symbiote.

After cutting them, Peter could feel a lot of symbiote energy being absorbed into his body, and this energy obviously came from the hive symbiote!

In other words, the poison blade actually has the same effect as the "blood-drinking sword" in the game.

I just don’t know whether this “blood drinking” is only for symbionts, or for all other living things!

Peter didn't think too much about it for the time being.

He swung his sword quickly and cut the hive into pieces in a few strokes.

In his [Spider Fighting Technique], some of the fusion moves do involve the use of weapons, and are not entirely bare-handed techniques.

So even though he had been fighting with bare hands and now suddenly had a weapon, he didn't seem shy at all.

Even after the initial familiarity, Peter became more "unruly".

He actually turned the tables and took the initiative to hunt down the Hive Symbiote!

The hive symbiote was unable to stop him from rampaging inside his body, and could only endure it while wailing.

While Peter was attacking, his spider-sensing radar was also unleashing its full power.

He looked like he was beating around, but actually he was beating around.

However, when fighting randomly, he would use the spider sensing radar to carefully feel the energy flow in the hive symbiote's body.

Theoretically speaking, symbionts are all one body and there are not so many differences.

But as a symbiote, Peter could find some differences.

Just like finding the core of the whip accurately before!

With Peter's unremitting efforts, soon after, he found a place where energy mobilization fluctuations occurred frequently!

Then, Peter swung his sword and quickly killed over there.

The symbiote hive was a little slow at first, unaware of Peter's intentions.

It wasn't until Peter appeared less than twenty meters away from its core that it suddenly woke up.

Later, Peter discovered that this guy's core had actually been removed!

The core can also move freely, which is somewhat unexpected.

However, I only discovered this now, which can only be said to be too late.

Peter's spider sense has long been firmly locked on the core of the hive. No matter how it runs, it can't escape Peter's grasp!

While a "cat and mouse" drama was playing out inside the symbiote hive, the situation outside was also quietly changing.

After sending out the symbiotes that Peter and Super Spider-Man had dealt with one after another, Tiger King returned to the underground with his mechanical guards.

Mechanical guards have the advantage of not being afraid of being possessed by symbiotes, and they also have their own sonic weapons, making them the best choice for dealing with symbiotes.

When Peter entered the symbiote hive, the symbiotes outside were also surrounded by mechanical guards.

As high-power sound waves continue to spread, the symbiotic people are controlled one after another.

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