Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 200 Take off the gloves!

Thanos was really scared now.

However, when he wanted to withdraw his hand, he found that Sol had already pressed his other hand on his.

As a result, the situation on the field became:

Thor moved his hands up and down, firmly controlling Thanos' left hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.

Strange first used [Ekon Illusion] to transform into a dozen clones, and then used a magic light whip to restrain Thanos' right hand.

"Ah!" Thanos roared, and the power in his body burst out.

His foot took a heavy step, and the entire Campa planet trembled.

Peter swayed, then quickly stabilized his body.

However, at this time, Thanos activated his huge force and actually used Thor, who was hugging his left hand, as a hammer to hit Peter!

"Okay, now it's the real Thor's hammer," Peter complained, turned around to avoid the real Thor's hammer, and hit Thanos with a bouncing punch on the chin.

Thanos leaned back slightly, but quickly recovered.

This shows how strong Thanos' physical fitness is.

When Peter used the same move to hit Black Dwarf, Black Dwarf was directly hit and killed in a row.

Thanos, on the other hand, couldn't even get a "stiff" blow.

Moreover, when playing Black Dwarf before, it was still Peter's "normal".

But at this time, it was the enhanced version of "Venom Peter" who defeated Thanos!

The power difference between the two is several times greater!

Peter was only slightly surprised before he shot out the spider silk and stuck it directly along Thanos' body.

Then, using his jujitsu skills, he wrapped his legs around Thanos' neck, made fists with both hands, and hit Thanos' temples on both sides of his head hard.




Once, twice, three times. Peter hit it more than ten times in a row, but found that it was of no use at all.

Thanos' body is actually as hard as Uruguay steel, and there isn't even a dent when his massive fist weighs several hundred tons!

What Peter doesn't know is that Thanos himself is not that strong physically, but the increase in power stone is an increase in the authority of "power".

Even though he didn't directly fuse the Power Stone, he just borrowed the Infinity Gauntlet to "wear" the Power Stone on his body.

But the Power Stone still elevated his abilities to a level that ordinary beings couldn't look directly at.

Before obtaining the Power Stone, Thanos also used a Tyrant sword made of uru steel.

But after he obtained the Power Stone on Xandar, he discovered that his skin was not inferior to Uru Steel, the so-called hardest metal in the universe, in terms of toughness and aggressiveness.

In other words, his body is a super weapon that is better than uru steel weapons!

Then why does he still need the tyrant's sword?

So he threw the Tyrant Saber directly on his spaceship.

However, you won’t be hurt too much ≠ completely fine.

No matter how hard something is, it will be uncomfortable to be hit by hundreds of tons of force.

Not to mention, they still hit continuously.

Thanos shook his head wildly, trying to shake Peter off.

At the same time, his body also began to rush forward, backward, left and right.

His power simply doesn't look like a living thing.

Strange and his clones, who were holding his right hand, were flying in the air like a group of kites, being torn around.

The "Thor's Hammer" holding his left hand was dragged around on the ground by Thanos.

Saul didn't dare to say a word now, because if he spoke, he might be filled with sand.

He now somewhat understood why Stark put himself in a tin bucket.

"Control him!" Stark came belatedly.

Steel armors fell from the sky one after another. Some of them sprayed small flames like short welders from their hands, while others disintegrated into several parts as they approached.

In short, everyone is working hard to restrain Thanos.

Not to mention, after many steel armors joined, Thanos was actually gradually brought under control.

Mainly because Stark's steel armors have very tricky angles.

They are all attached to several joints of Thanos' body, and they are interlocked, one on top of the other.

Perhaps if one or several parts hold him like this, Thanos can easily break free with his own strength.

But when the quantity accumulates to a certain extent, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes.

I still remember that there is a gear that can never finish turning, called the "Gurgol Gear".


And when these simple things are added up, it becomes a terrifying effect.

If you want the last gear to turn 1 turn, the number of turns the first gear needs to turn is: 1 followed by 100 zero turns!

That is 1 Googol.

This is mathematically implausible, but it is true.

Stark was utilizing a similar principle at this time.

Through the layer-by-layer stacking of steel armor components, Thanos' power to break free is constantly divided.

During this period, Thanos realized that something was wrong and prepared to use the Power Stone or the Reality Stone to destroy them, but Thor's full power output of thunder and lightning suppressed the Infinity Gauntlet, preventing him from using it for a while.

While the steel armors had not yet fully formed into iron coffins, Strange unleashed the [Ikon Illusion] to its fullest extent, conjuring hundreds of clones and binding Thanos all over his body.

After the steel armors were attached, Thor used a tacit understanding to "charge" and "weld" them to make them fit perfectly.

Under the combined effect of more than a dozen battle armors and many accessories, Thanos was gradually imprisoned in this "Gurgol Iron Coffin".

The whole body became stiff!

As a result, Thanos could only stand still and drag everyone blindly into the desert.

At this time, Hulk also arrived.

He rushed forward suddenly and held Thanos down tightly.

"Peter!" Stark yelled.

Peter immediately let go of Thanos' head and came to Thor's side.

Thor continued to output the power of lightning with all his strength, disrupting the connection between Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet, especially the Infinity Stones.

Peter used both hands to grab the Infinity Gauntlet and pull it out hard.

One, two, three times. The venom on Peter's body will overflow from the nano-steel suit!

Finally, with a pop, the Infinity Gauntlet was pulled off!

As the Infinity Gauntlet came off, Thanos' power suddenly dropped a lot.

Not to mention resisting this "Gurgol Iron Coffin", even the Hulk and Strange pressing on him were able to control him to death.

Peter was lying on the ground happily holding the Infinity Gauntlet.

He knew that this infinite war was finally over!

And they are about to win!

Thor let go of his hand and came to Thanos' head: "Thanos, I said, I will kill you to avenge Loki!"

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