Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 2 Codename: Shadow

Both the original person known as Shadow Spider-Man and Peter who is now possessed by him and passively receiving everything, can't believe it all.

So, Peter came to the Daily Bugle and wanted to ask Jonah face to face.

As a result, he saw "Jonah" who was shot dead in the office!

The scene when he appeared in the office with a pistol was also seen by the police who "happened" to be there!

After escaping the pursuit of the police, Peter came to the morgue of the police station and discovered something suspicious about the body.

When he returned to the small room where he stored the information and tried to find some clues from the information left by Yurik, another Peter possessed him!

Peter opened his eyes, blinked, and found that the pain in his mind had completely disappeared.

The fusion of memory fragments made it difficult for him to tell whether he was Peter as the Shadow Spider-Man or the Peter who had just entered high school.

Or is it both?

But this made him sure of one thing: in this world, no, in a certain world, there are people like him!

Even though he was bitten by a spider, he also gained extraordinary abilities!

However, compared to Mr. Spider-Man, codenamed Shadow, his life is much happier.

Although he has never seen his parents since he was a child, he has an Aunt Mei who loves him very much!

"Can I still go back?"

Thinking about it, Peter tried to communicate with the strange cobwebs in his mind.

He soon confirmed that he could still go back!

As long as he actively cuts off the luminous thread from the light spot, his consciousness will leave this world and return to his own world!

But this way, Peter was not so anxious to go back.

He wants to see another world, another Spider-Man, and another adventure!

Peter focused on the photos in front of him.

These are the details of the Green Goblin gang members:

[Sergei Kravinov, also known as: Hunter Kraven, occupation: animal trainer, nationality: Woolly Bear Country]

[Adrian Toomes, also known as: Vulture, Savage, Nationality: Unknown.]

[Dmitri Snergakov, also known as: Chameleon, nationality: Bear Country, half-brother of Hunter Kraven, has the ability to perfectly shape other people's faces into imitation objects! 】

"The core members of the Green Goblin gang are all recruited from circuses and freak shows, so it's not surprising that they have some weird abilities." After merging the abilities of Shadow Spider-Man, Peter found that his logical reasoning ability was also improved. A huge improvement.

"The dead Jonah is fake, so he must have been captured by the Green Goblin!"

"Why did they take Jonah?"


"Because before he died, he wanted to use Jonah to expose the Green Goblin group's criminal evidence, but the Green Goblin found out about it. The Daily Bugle must have the Green Goblin's informant there! Then, the Green Goblin sent someone to capture Jonah. , and had the chameleon disguise himself as Jonah. Only, he was shot and killed!"

"Who did it?"

"It should be Felicia Hardy!"

"She said that she witnessed Thomson shooting Yurick, so she took advantage of the chaos and took away the evidence collected by Yurick. And she had a relationship with Yurick, so it was natural to avenge Yurick. of."

"It's just that there are too many coincidences in the world. The person who shot Yurick was a chameleon disguised as Thomson, and they didn't expect Felicia to be so decisive, so the chameleon died."

"It's just that Felicia will definitely be in danger, because since they captured Jonah who was contacted by Yuric, they will definitely not let Felicia, who is closer to him, go!"

"Wait, no, there is another person who is also their target!"

"That's me, Peter Parker!"

"Because before Yurick's accident, I was his best photography partner, and I even had a conflict with the Green Goblin in Felicia's bar!"

"They will definitely come to look for me at home. No, Aunt Mei!"

Peter stood up suddenly.

Although this Aunt May is not his Aunt May, he still has a strong affection for Aunt May after fused with some memory fragments of Shadow Spider-Man.

He couldn't sit still when he thought that Aunt Mei might be in danger because of him.


Parker's house.

dong dong dong.

Aunt Mei stood in front of the room and knocked on the door.

"Peter, are you at home?"

After waiting for a while, no one responded, and Aunt Mei opened the door and walked in.

She just seemed to hear something moving in the room and was ready to come in and take a look.


A gust of wind blew in my face.

Aunt Mei noticed that the window in the room was not closed.

She breathed a sigh of relief and complained a little: "This kid, how many times have I told you, if you go out, please close the window. It's true."

With that said, she walked towards the window.

Before taking two steps, a huge black shadow suddenly jumped down from behind.

Aunt Mei noticed the movement and turned around subconsciously: "Peter?"

"It's Toomes!" The black shadow threw Aunt Mei to the ground and said with a sinister smile.

Only then did Aunt Mei realize that this was a completely unknown person.

He was wearing a large black robe, his head was bald, and his mouth was full of sharp fangs. He didn't look like a normal human being.

What's even more frightening is that his eyes are hideous and terrifying. When he looks at her, it seems like he's not looking at a person, but more like looking at food?

The vulture looked at Aunt Mei's body and said with disgust: "Hiss, hiss - a bag of old bones, your husband has more meat. It's also more delicious, hiss -"

Aunt Mei felt a chill and her eyes suddenly widened. She couldn't believe what this man said.

The meat itself is more delicious?

What's the meaning?

A terrible thought came to her mind.

Could it be that he was not torn apart by wild dogs, but was torn apart by the man in front of him?

"Let him go, Toomes!" A figure in black robes appeared in the door frame, breaking the atmosphere in the room.

The vulture pinched Aunt Mei with one hand and turned around: "Spider-Man, you can move, right, with that weird web? But how fast can you move, Spider-Man? Fast enough to stop you? Should I tear her neck to pieces?"

"No" Peter had a moment of weakness, he was just a teenager after all.

But now, the part that belongs to Shadow Spider-Man takes over.

Somewhat uncontrollably, he took out a revolver from the pocket of his black windbreaker and pointed it at the vulture's head.

"I can!"


Amidst the decisive voice, a gunshot was heard.

The revolver automatically rotated once, and the recoil was almost negligible due to Spider-Man's strong physical fitness. The bullet hit the Vulture between the eyebrows with great accuracy and penetrated directly into his head.

The powerful kinetic energy instantly messed up the vulture's brain, causing him to fall down!

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