Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 181 Vibranium Spider Spear

The structure of the Vibranium Spider Spear is actually very simple, and its main function is almost the same as the standard Vibranium Spear used by Wakandan warriors.

In fact, there are some differences between vibranium and vibranium.

When handing Peter the vibranium spider spear, T'Challa briefly introduced this difference to him.

The original vibranium is actually more defensive, and Wakanda developed a synthetic metal of vibranium based on the original vibranium.

The inspiration comes from Captain America’s shield.

Decades ago, a batch of vibranium accidentally leaked out of Wakanda. Later, the vibranium was obtained by Howard Stark, and after some experiments, he accidentally obtained a new type of super elastic alloy.

That is the main material of Captain America's shield - Adamantium alloy.

After discovering the advantages of this Adamantium alloy, although Wakanda did not take it back, it found a way to obtain some of its parameters and even some data from the accidental experiment.

Unfortunately, that experiment was indeed an accident and could not be replicated. Therefore, Wakanda's idea of ​​mass-producing Adamantium alloy came to nothing.

But they were not discouraged and expanded their research ideas.

As a result, they created a new type of vibranium alloy, called Vibranium B alloy.

Vibranium B is different from the original vibranium in that it cannot absorb vibration waves. Instead, it can emit vibration waves of unique wavelengths.

This kind of vibration wave can destroy the structure of most metals, including Adamantium alloy, and turn them into a liquid state!

Wakanda's vibranium train, the claws on the Black Panther suit, and the tips of the vibranium spider legs now given to Peter all use this vibranium B alloy.

After successfully connecting with Miss Karen, the intelligent assistant on the Nano Steel Spider suit, Peter became familiar with the attack mode of the vibranium spider spear.

In fact, it can be roughly divided into two types.

The first is melee mode.

In this mode, based on Peter's battle, Miss Karen's real-time calculation can be used to make timely responses to cooperate with Peter in the battle, which is equivalent to Peter having three extra hands.

The second is remote mode.

The three vibranium spider spears have an internal energy storage system, which can store the kinetic energy absorbed by blocking during close combat and then release it through the vibranium B alloy at the tip.

The maximum effective attack distance is 200 meters. The closer the distance, the better the attack effect.

Theoretically, it can affect most metals within a range of 100 meters.

It can even cause damage to Adamantium within ten meters!

However, it should be noted that because Vibranium B alloy does not have the effect of absorbing kinetic energy like the original Vibranium, the tip of the Vibranium Spider Spear cannot theoretically be used to block.

Once it withstands kinetic energy beyond the theoretical value, it may break.

There are pros and cons.

Of course, this "theoretically cannot be used for defense" is only compared to other parts of the vibranium structure.

But in fact, no matter what, vibranium B alloy is also a synthetic metal of vibranium, and its basic hardness is still there.

Conventional alloys on Earth are still unable to harm it.

T'Challa reminded him of this, mainly because the Thanos and Obsidian generals he would face next had Uru steel weapons that were said to be stronger than vibranium.

What surprised Peter was that T'Challa actually thoughtfully made these three vibranium spider spears into restrainable nano-weapons for him.

Usually, these nano-vibranium particles are stored in a black and gold bracelet.

Stark's Nano-Steel Spider suit is stored in a mechanical watch.

Therefore, if Peter's own nano-suit is added, he now wears an electronic watch, a mechanical watch and a smart bracelet.

Who is a good person who wears so many "watches" on his hands?

But Peter was helpless.

Nanoparticles are not magic. They are not generated out of thin air. They must have a container and be guided by a preset program before they can appear.

So, just wear it.

After getting this new suit, Peter came to a training room in Wakanda under the guidance of T'Challa.

He needs to design a strategy for the vibranium spider spear that suits him so that it can assist him during the battle instead of causing trouble to him.

For example, there are some attacks that he can block by himself. If he doesn't cooperate well, he will be blocked by the vibranium spider spear.

There are some attacks that he doesn't block on his own, and the Vibranium Spider Spear may have to help block them.


Except for Peter's side, everyone else also has their own things to do.

After the meeting that day, Strange found Vision and Wanda.

He told Vision that the Mind Stone on his forehead was one of Thanos' coveted targets and it was best to remove it.

Vision originally thought of this, but he felt that since he had fused the original soul stone, he naturally had the responsibility to protect it, so he didn't bring it up.

Moreover, he didn't think there was a way to remove the Mind Stone.

Wanda was very nervous after hearing what Strange said.

Because she knows that the Mind Stone can be said to be the core that gives Vision independent thinking. If it is removed, Vision will probably die!

But the problem now is that if we don’t take it out, if Thanos takes it out forcibly, Vision will still die!

This creates a dilemma.

Fortunately, Strange came up with a solution at this time: he could ask Princess Shuri.

Due to vibranium, Wakanda has developed beyond the times in the field of microelectronics (specifically, Wakanda also has artificial intelligence in the original work, and Su Rui can publish in this field and even astonish Dr. Banner) situation.).

Now that Wakanda has a solution, Vision and Wanda certainly couldn't be happier.

So, the two of them approached Su Rui.

After hearing the two people's requests, Su Rui also felt that Vision was too dangerous now.

At that time, if the soul stone is robbed, they will immediately lose a general.

On the contrary, if you separate the Mind Stone from Vision in advance, even if it is robbed, you can still retain your combat power. At worst, you can snatch it back again!


In fact, they can completely separate the two infinite rough stones currently on the earth.

The Time Stone itself is part of Doctor Strange's combat power and can be taken there to ensure his combat power.

The original stone of the mind mainly gives Vision independent thinking, but does not increase his combat power much, so he can just stay on the earth.

Just put it in Wakanda for protection.

In this way, even if their expedition fails, they can still keep an infinite rough stone in their hands and have the capital to fight Thanos again!

Don't put your eggs in one basket, this is an eternal truth!

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