Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 130 The Spider Team is established

The sinister Stark suddenly released his steel armor while high in the air, and Peter was thrown down unexpectedly.

After falling a few meters in annoyance, he turned around in the air, reached back and made a "weak" gesture, and then rolled on the roof, removing all the kinetic energy converted from gravitational potential energy.

The steel armor responded with a "weak" gesture and flew away.

Peter quietly climbed along the wall from the rooftop to his own floor, and first went to Aunt May to take a sneak peek.

Well, with the lights off, you can still hear Aunt May's steady breathing, which is good.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief and quietly slipped back to his room, opened the door and got in.

After taking off his suit, Peter lay on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

There are really too many things happening today.

First, he met Spider-Man who was about to lose his powers in the earth-92131 universe. After returning, he appeared in Betty's room. Then he teamed up with Iron Man to kill the Venom symbiote.

It would take several scenes to be filmed in a movie, but he went through it all in half a night and a few hours.

Since he couldn't sleep anyway, he simply sat up again, sorted out the recent events, and then planned what he would do next.

First of all, the Nano-Spider suit must be remade.

After getting used to the convenient nano-spider suit, even if the suit made for him by Tony Stark is more advanced and has more comprehensive technology, he doesn't like to wear it anymore.

Mainly because it's too much trouble.

Every time I put on that suit, I had to take off my clothes first, hide them, and worry about being discovered.

But the Nano Spider suit is different.

The nano-spider suit only requires a watch. Unless someone knows about it, most people would never guess that the ordinary watch on his hand actually hides a spider suit.

Second, this weekend, he was going to take Ned to get acquainted with "work."

Ned previously told him that he wanted to be "the man behind Spider-Man," his personal team of heroes.

Ned would indeed be a good helper. He is proficient in computer technology and would be a good assistant to Peter who does not have his own artificial intelligence assistance.

——Karen is indeed his auxiliary artificial intelligence, but Karen is actually a sub-body of Friday.

If artificial intelligence assistants were divided into levels, then Ultron was probably at the advanced level, Jarvis and Friday were at the intermediate level, and Karen was at the junior level.

As for other so-called artificial intelligences on the market, of course they have no grade.

As a junior artificial intelligence, Karen also needs to rely on the Stark Group's data processing system. At certain times, it will definitely not be as easy to use as a real-life assistant like Ned.

After all, human beings often think very differently from artificial intelligence.

If someone can help you when you encounter something, it may have unexpected results.

Just yesterday, Ned finally thought about it. He decided to join Spider-Man's small team and become the man behind Spider-Man.

So, they decided to wait until the end of this week to set up this grassroots team.

Third, he had to tell Betty and ask her not to reveal his identity as Spider-Man.

But Betty herself doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense.

There shouldn't be much to worry about.

In fact, Betty herself is also a good candidate for the "Spider-Man Team".

Although Betty is not a hacker, she does not have outstanding computer skills like Ned.

But she has good writing skills, and her grades in cultural classes in school have always been very good. She said that after graduation, she wants to work in a newspaper or a TV station, and become a media worker.

She became the host of the school TV station when she was in school, which is also a manifestation of her outstanding ability in this area.

And if she can join his small Spider-Man team, she can serve as a "publicity mouth."

In the past, Peter actually had no idea about this aspect.

But after experiencing several worlds, he found that public opinion propaganda was really important.

In the earth-90214 universe, Shadow Spider-Man himself is a journalist. He hands over the information he collects as Spider-Man to the Daily Bugle for publication in order to fight against the evil forces.

In the earth-96283 universe, the bully Spider-Man and J. Jonah Jameson, the boss of the Daily Bugle, are in love with each other. JJJ insists on smearing Spider-Man at one moment and supporting Spider-Man at the other. In people's minds, the bully Spider-Man is He has made a huge contribution to the development of his image.

In addition, there are many, many more.

Spider-Man in almost every world cannot avoid the Daily Bugle and J. Jonah Jameson.

Peter searched for the Daily Bugle and J. Jonah Jameson of his own world for this purpose, and he really gained something.

The Daily Bugle of this world is not as large or as high-status as other worlds. It is just a lesser-known news portal.

The name also changed a bit and became: Daily Bugle.

And J. Jonah Jameson is indeed the owner of the Daily Bugle.

In view of the slander of Spider-Man by other World Horn Daily and J. Jonah Jameson, Peter felt that it was necessary to give himself a layer of "armor" on the level of public opinion first, so as to avoid being really attacked on the level of public opinion in the future. There was no way to fight back.

The most direct way is of course to directly hold a controlling stake in a media company and have its own voice channel.

But that requires not only funding, but also status.

In Peter's current situation, it's too early to think about that.

But he can first find a way to build a small one to maintain Spider-Man's image.

For example, daily output some short videos of Spider-Man, write some short articles about Spider-Man, etc.

There is no need to deliberately guide Spider-Man to be great, you just need to be realistic and establish the image of Spider-Man in front of the public first.

When needed in the future, this will be both a "shield" to protect him and a "sword" to fight back against possible enemies.

And Betty was the person he could think of who was more suitable for this job.

Betty was his girlfriend, and she was very interested and talented in this area.

There is no one more suitable than her! ——

In the next period of time, Peter began to be busy with these things.

The new Nano-Spider suit is easy to make.

After all, he had experience in making the first set, and relevant data was still stored in his instruments.

And he now has plenty of funds.

Peter just modified the original design drawings with some modifications he conceived later, and in just half a day, he made the new Nano-Spider suit.

Most of this time is still spent modifying and calibrating the data.

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