Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 13: Just have fun, don’t take it seriously

Iron Man's head was full of black lines: "I'm not asking you to say this."

Peter then waved: "Hello everyone."

Iron Man: Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?

You can't hide the look in someone's eyes that wants to kill you.

Now Iron Man wants to kill Peter.

Peter just pretended not to see it.

He is not stupid.

Combined with the previous meeting with Iron Man and the scene where the two teams met just now, he has basically figured out the current situation.

Now it's not just about the Sokovia Accords.

Now it’s: The American team wants to do something, but the Iron Man side doesn’t believe they want to do that thing, or they don’t care. They just want to take them back first, but the American team thinks the matter is urgent. , must be done first.

So there was a conflict between the two sides.

To put it bluntly, this is civil war.

One's own people beat one's own people.

If anyone takes it seriously, it means that both sides are displeased and they are not human beings inside and out.

So he simply relaxed his mentality and just pretended to be a familiar face.

And he was right.

Although he does like Iron Man, he is actually also a fan of Captain America.

Because some videos of the American team are often played in schools. For example, when playing sports, videos of the American team calling for exercise will be played. If you make a mistake in school and are detained, videos of the American team's earnest and sincere sermons will also be played. It is everywhere in life. Captain America.

In fact, in a sense, he has become the spiritual sustenance of many people.

Especially many young people like Peter.

This is also easy to understand.

Since the new century, superpowers have emerged one after another, and various incidents have often occurred.

First came Hulk and Abomination. They fought successively in streets, squares and other places, and even exchanged fire with the army, causing great panic among the people.

Then Thor comes and fights the Destroyer, destroying an entire town.

Then Loki came to New York with the Chitauri army. There was a big war and even nuclear weapons were used. Many streets were destroyed and countless people died.

After that, there was the fall of Sokovia caused by Ultron.

All of this is constantly stimulating the nerves of ordinary people.

Every incident tells them: the world is not safe!

So they need a spiritual support.

And this spiritual pillar, the Avengers alone is not enough.

Iron Man is too far away for ordinary people, War Machine is a military personnel and not suitable for public appearances, and Black Widow and Hawkeye are not capable enough.

After comprehensive consideration, Captain America, a former combat hero, became their choice.

The image is positive, it has a historical background, it has an official background, it has no one to rely on and it is easy to control, and the benefits of promoting the American team are simply not too many.

In short, compared to their "old friends", the "newcomer" + "little kid" is just an outsider.

Peter decided to take this as a trial.

Anyway, neither side will make a fatal move, so they just take this opportunity to fight against these superheroes to see how powerful they are now.

While Peter was thinking about it in his mind, Iron Man and Captain America were at each other's throats again.

It can be seen that Iron Man is very angry.

He accused: "You are a fool, aren't you? Involving Clint? And taking Wanda away from the place where she is staying well? I have been working hard to prevent you from tearing the alliance apart!"

However, in the face of Iron Man's accusation, the US team just said calmly: "The moment you signed the agreement, the alliance was already torn apart."

Captain America's stubbornness made Iron Man very angry, but he knew that anger could not solve the problem now.

He had no choice but to take a deep breath, suppress the anger in his heart and said: "That's enough! Hand over Barnes, and now come back with us! Otherwise, the special forces will come to deal with you! They won't tell you anything." noodle."

As he spoke, his tone softened again.


Iron Man still doesn't want the friendship of so many years to end like this.

He and Captain America met eight years ago. Eight years ago, they participated in the Battle of New York against the Chitauri invasion. They were close friends of life and death.

In the following years, there was no lack of contact.

He doesn't have many real friends, Captain America is one of them, and he really doesn't want to lose a friend.

I don’t want this friend to go astray.

At this time, Falcon's small two-wing reconnaissance aircraft found the real target of their trip - the Quinjet.

Falcon immediately informed Captain America of this information.

Captain America's mouth curled up slightly. He said these words to Iron Man. On the one hand, he really wanted to try to persuade Iron Man, but on the other hand, he was also delaying time.

But now, Iron Man can't be persuaded, and the Quinjet has been found, so there's no need to wait any longer!

Captain America raised his hands, which were bound by Peter's webbing, above his head.

call out--

A sharp arrow was shot from a distance.

It's Hawkeye taking action!

The sharp arrow accurately passed between Captain America's hands. The huge kinetic energy and the sharp arrow immediately cut the spider silk.

Captain America is free!

at this time.

Peter frowned slightly, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart!

where is it?

"It's a shield!"

Peter lowered his head suddenly and came face to face with a humanoid creature the size of an ant standing on a shield.

"Waterfa" Ant-Man was a little confused. He didn't expect Peter's senses to be so sharp. He was discovered as soon as he came up.

In fact, he didn't know that even Peter had just discovered that his senses had become sharper.

Perhaps this is what he gained from Shadow Spider-Man.

His spider sense used to fail nine out of ten times, but now it fails seven out of ten times.

Well, that's quite a progress.

The spider sense here is not for the kind of fatal danger, but for the current "non-dangerous situation".

"Hi, are you from Captain's side too?" Peter still had time to say hello to Ant-Man.

"I'm a dirty thing! Little brat!" Ant-Man rolled his eyes and pinched the edge of the shield with one hand, growing in size at the same time.

Peter was really taken aback by this move.

This was the first time he saw someone who could grow and shrink.

"This, this, this is dirty stuff? What kind of ghost are you?" Peter held the shield tightly with one hand, and the other hand grabbed Ant-Man's foot that was kicking towards him.

As a result, Ant-Man had an awkward look: one of his hands was still on the shield, one foot was held by Peter, his back was facing down, and half of his body was hanging in the air.

Captain America:.

iron Man:

Are you sure you two are not here to make fun of me?

"Ahem, this was an accident, little, bah, pajama baby, can you put me down?"

Peter exerted a little force on his hand and said with a smile: "My name is Spider-Man, not Pajama Baby."

"Okay, Spider-Man," Ant-Man waved his hands in the air, "Mr. Spider-Man, can you put me down? This is really embarrassing."

"Okay, I'll let you go," Peter threw Ant-Man out.

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