Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 534 Zhang Pandi is here

"Wait!" Wang Sumei, who was seated at the main table, suddenly stood up and said loudly to the people at the surrounding tables with a smile:

"This song doesn't count. We didn't understand what Heping just sang. So, we have to ask him to sing another song for Xin. What do you think?"

"Okay!" The third nephew Tang Qiang was the first to respond, speaking poor Mandarin and shouting, "Sing another song!"

Others immediately followed suit. Seeing that his first wife Tang Xin was looking at him expectantly, Zhang Heping glanced at the musical instruments next to them and asked his eldest son Zhang Bei to bring over the unused guitar.

"Then I will delay everyone's meal time while I sing another song, Simple Happiness."

After he finished speaking, Zhang Heping began to beat the guitar rhythmically.

Simple, three meals a day.

Why force it? Why make it so difficult?

Only when you let go can you understand, love or not love.

A gentle smile is the answer you give.


"Our boss and his family are not here, so we can't entertain you today. Sorry!" At the entrance of Renheyi Community, the security guard was politely trying to drive people away.

Standing in front of him were dozens of rich ladies who had come uninvited.

A wealthy lady with short wavy hair asked unwillingly, "Mrs. Zhang is not at home, so are Mrs. Tang and the others here?"

The guard replied: "They went out yesterday and haven't come back yet!"

There was also a rich lady who was unwilling to give up. She took out a white old-fashioned mobile phone and called Tang Xin and the others, but was told that the other party was out of service area.

The other rich ladies followed suit and took out their cell phones to call Tang Xin, Chen Shuting and others. Finally, they got through to Tang Lao Er’s fifth concubine in Xindao.

"Going to Huadu to celebrate your birthday?" A rich lady looked at the women next to her in surprise after hearing what Tang Yi's third concubine said.

"I found out!" another rich lady said loudly, "They went to the Huadu Baiyun Hotel."

If Zhang Heping were here, he would probably scold some of his sisters-in-law for being big mouths again.

However, he didn't have the mood to curse now.

The plane that my second sister Zhang Pandi was on was delayed and she didn't arrive at Huadu Airport until 2:00 p.m. At 3:00 p.m., she went to Baiyun Hotel with people from the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Bureau to discuss something with Zhang Heping and others.

"Director Li, please forgive me for being so presumptuous!" The charter king said sternly, "You want the Hong Kong government to allow mainlanders to travel to Hong Kong Island. Has the higher-ups agreed?"

Chairman He also asked seriously: "The key is not whether the higher-ups agree or not, but whether you are afraid that those people will not return to China after going to Hong Kong Island?"

When the people from the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Bureau heard this question, they all looked at Zhang Pandi.

I only heard Deputy Director Li of the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Bureau introduce to the dozen or so Hong Kong businessmen present: "This is Section Chief Zhang, who was sent by the capital to guide our work! Her arrival represents the opinions of the higher-ups."

Zhang Pandi glanced at the Hong Kong businessmen present, including Wang Sumei and Zhang Heping who were sitting at the end. When everyone else was looking at her, waiting for her to convey the capital's opinions, she said slowly:

"First it was Hong Kong Island, then Macau Island, and finally Taiwan Island. Our original intention of opening up the tourism channel between Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan was to allow relatives who had been separated for many years to reunite."

"So, the earliest people who traveled to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan had the conditions to stay there and not return. But so what?"

"Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan will return sooner or later!"

The Hong Kong businessmen looked at Zhang Heping from time to time, mainly because Zhang Pandi looked somewhat similar to Zhang Heping. On the contrary, they did not take the opinions brought by Zhang Pandi seriously.

"Everyone, after the China-Eagle negotiations are over this month, we will go to the Hong Kong government to discuss the issue of tourist visas to Hong Kong." Deputy Director Li of the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Bureau said, "Please help lobby the Hong Kong government when you return."

"For matters like this, just ask Mr. Zhang!" Chairman He said with a smile, "He is recognized as the richest man in Hong Kong Island. All Eagles have to be courteous to him."

"Then I'll have to trouble Mr. Zhang and everyone else!" Deputy Director Li responded with a smile. In fact, he didn't know who Mr. Zhang was, nor did he know whether this richest man was real or not.

However, Zhang Pandi who was sitting next to her was a little surprised that her third brother was actually the richest man in Hong Kong Island!

On second thought, the higher-ups probably valued this point and put her in charge of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan affairs.

"Director Li!" Zhang Heping asked with a smile, "Tourism is mutual. Guangdong Province has applied for a tourist visa to Hong Kong. Will it allow Hong Kong people to travel to the mainland? Especially those who fled to Hong Kong before!"

This question not only made Zhang Pandi frown, but even Director Wang frowned and looked at Zhang Heping.

Zhang Pandi did not receive any instructions in this regard and would have to call the capital later.

However, Director Wang Sumei was thinking that Zhang Heping was still worried that he would be punished for his escape to Hong Kong.

When Deputy Director Li saw that Zhang Pandi didn't answer, he said seriously, "In this case, I need to report it to the higher authorities before I can give you an answer."

“No need to answer me!” Zhang Heping leaned back in his chair and said with a smile: “I’m just reminding you that many of those who fled to Hong Kong do not have Hong Kong Island identity and cannot apply for a Hong Kong and Macau compatriot return home permit, which is a hidden danger!”

Deputy Director Li nodded in response, and then remembered to ask the other party's name, "What's your name, sir?"

"No need to mention your surname Zhang!"


After discussing the travel, Zhang Pandi did not follow the people from the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Bureau, which surprised people on both sides.

After everyone was seated, Zhang Heping reintroduced his second sister Zhang Pandidi to everyone, and only then did the group of Hong Kong businessmen feel relieved.

At the same time, they were also wondering what Zhang Heping's current identity was!

As far as they know, if mainlanders want to become officials, their family backgrounds will be investigated.

How could the second sister of Zhang Heping, a man who fled to Hong Kong, become a section chief?

Even if he is just a small section chief, this shouldn't be the case!

"We have known each other for so many years, and everyone knows that I don't like to beat around the bush." ​​Zhang Heping held the white porcelain teacup in his left hand, turned the lid on the cup with his right hand, and said with a smile:

"So, before I invited you all to this gathering, I told you that I had two things I wanted to ask you for help with."

"The first thing is about my second sister's future work. Please give her some convenience when you encounter related matters. Zhang will use tea instead of wine. Thank you in advance!"

Then, Zhang Heping took off the cup lid and raised the cup to signal to the people around him.

Everyone is a smart person. Drinking this sip of tea means they have taken on Zhang Pandi's responsibility.

Although they didn't know Zhang Pandi's specific job, it did not prevent them from accepting the favor that Zhang Heping took the initiative to owe her.

Therefore, all the Hong Kong businessmen present raised their glasses in response and then took a sip of tea, which was considered as taking on the first task.

Zhang Pandi, who was standing by, silently observed the reactions of others. She did not see anyone showing any reluctance, which made her even more puzzled as to what kind of business her third brother was doing in Hong Kong Island that he could have such a big face.

You know, when she came from the airport just now, Deputy Director Li briefly told her about the situation of these Hong Kong businessmen, some of whom were engaged in real estate, some in gambling, some in export trade, and so on.

"The second thing is related to Tingmei Trading Company being restricted by Omei." Zhang Heping said as he placed the teacup in his hand on the small coffee table next to him.

"I heard that Tingmei Trading Company's orders this month have been reduced by more than half!" The head of the Guo family, who is in real estate, mentioned this and didn't say anything else.

Chairman He, the charter ship owner and others were all smart people. Naturally, they understood this man's subtext and wanted to unite some people to reject the business of exporting European magnesium that Zhang Heping might propose.

Of course, this statement also has a superficial meaning, which is to help Zhang Heping tell others about the difficulties that Tingmei Trading Company is currently facing.

Zhang Heping nodded and followed Chairman Guo's words, saying, "Tingmei Trading did not sign any computer orders in July, resulting in a loss of at least 7 billion magnesium yuan this month."

"How much?" Mr. Guo, who had been thinking of refusing, stood up in shock. "Mr. Zhang, you just said that you made less money this month..."

"14 billion!" Zhang Heping smiled calmly and added a currency unit, "Mg Yuan!"

The private room on the third floor suddenly became quiet. It was a bit of an exaggeration to say that you could hear a pin drop, but one could hear some people breathing heavily.

When Zhang Pandi heard Zhang Heping say "14 billion" twice in a row, she still found it hard to believe. Seeing that Zhang Heping didn't look at her, she turned her inquiring gaze to Director Wang who was silent beside her.

By the way, Zhang Pandi was able to be transferred to the foreign affairs department to handle affairs related to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, thanks to Grandma Yang, who lived next door to Director Wang.

Even though Director Wang lives so close to Grandma Yang, he only learned about Zhang Pandi's job transfer today.

For a moment, Director Wang even wondered whether it was the right decision to transfer Huang Wenli and Liu Yuan to their department?

If it were Zhang Zhaodi or Zhang Pandi, would she be able to do certain things more smoothly?

"Let me make it short!" Zhang Heping looked at the Hong Kong businessmen around him, his eyes scanning their faces one by one.

Among those present, only the Tang family father and son remained calm. The others were staring at Zhang Heping with particularly complicated eyes.

They never expected that the Zhang family's company's profit in one month was more than their actual net worth!

"Recently, Tingmei Trading has to avoid the edge of the European Magnesium Bandits and will not sell computer hardware for the time being." Zhang Heping saw the surprise and joy in the eyes of the younger generation, so he smiled and said:

"But the mainland computer factory still has a contract to produce 20 computers that has not been delivered to me..."

When Zhang Heping said this, it was already very clear.

If someone is willing to take over these computers, it would mean helping Zhang Heping with his second goal.

If someone doesn't want to, just pretend they didn't understand.

"Mr. Zhang!" The young man from the He family was obviously tempted and asked hopefully, "How much do you plan to sell the 20 computers for?"

Zhang Heping introduced: "The purchase price is 3000 magnesium yuan per unit, the wholesale price of Tingmei Trade is 10000 magnesium yuan per unit, and the market price is between 20000 and 35000."

"Such a high profit?" The young man from the Guo family exclaimed in surprise.

In fact, the young man really wanted to argue with Zhang Heping face to face, but his grandfather stopped him with his eyes.

"Mr. Zhang, as far as I know, your computers are expensive because they have security guards installed on them, as well as the constantly improving Window of the World desktop system." The third son-in-law of the shipping tycoon asked:

"If you were to resell those 20 computers, would you provide security guards, desktop systems and other software?"

Zhang Heping smiled and explained to this wise man: "We are preparing to establish an Internet security technology company, and will provide free download and use of security guards and desktop systems."

"Therefore, the value of this batch of computers will be greatly reduced!"

It was precisely because Zhang Heping told the Tang family that he would provide security guards to the entire network for free that the Tang family's nephews and nieces did not take over the 20 computers from Tingmei Trading.

They are not short-sighted, it's just that the Japanese computers with the same configuration are more cost-effective, with a wholesale price of 2900 magnesium yuan per unit, and free shipping!

Seeing that his third son-in-law had backed out, the shipping tycoon couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Zhang, can I ask when your technology company is going to be established? When will the security guard software be available for public download?"

"It depends on the speed of construction on President He's side!" Zhang Heping glanced at the He family's younger generation who had stopped talking and explained:

"After the computer research center is built, I will have a server here to provide download services."

The shipping king's question and Zhang Heping's answer made the younger generations more active.

Because the construction that Chairman He is talking about refers to the engineering project at Central Plaza.

It is said that President He promised to complete the construction within one year!

Regardless of how long it takes Zhang Heping to build the server for the Computer Research Center, the one-year construction period alone is enough for them to sell several batches of computers!

"Mr. Zhang, during the construction period of Central Plaza, can you only provide us with the Security Guard software?"


The business worth 14 billion magnesium yuan is actually just a purchase contract that will expire in two months.

After some bargaining with the top Chinese-funded Hong Kong businessman Zhang Heping invited, they finally reached a verbal agreement: at a unit price of 4000 magnesium yuan per computer, he would first resell 7 computers to them to test the waters.

After finishing their computer work, the group sat there chatting about current events and some interesting things.

When Director Wang saw that Zhang Heping had resold some of the computers, and also what Chen Shuting said last night about donating the computers if they couldn't be sold, she left the teahouse with peace of mind and called Zhang Pandi downstairs.

"Second sister, what specific work do you do in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?" Wang Sumei couldn't help but inquire about Zhang Pandi's current situation as she walked out of the Baiyun Hotel.

Wang Sumei even wondered if it was possible to transfer Zhang Pandi to Shenzhen.

"Auntie Wang, I don't know what to do now. They just asked me to handle the affairs of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, but didn't tell me the specific content of the work." Zhang Pandi looked at Director Wang and said puzzledly:

"For example, helping the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Bureau to connect with the Hong Kong government today made me a little confused. Before I came here, I had no idea what to do."

Wang Sumei smiled and asked, "Now you know what to do!"

Zhang Pandi nodded, then shook her head and said, "When I heard them talking about hundreds of millions or tens of millions of computers being transferred upstairs, I even thought they were actors hired by my brother!"

"Auntie Wang, is my brother really the richest man in Hong Kong Island? He actually negotiated a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars with those Hong Kong businessmen."

"Second sister, you missed the most important information." Wang Sumei patiently explained: "If your brother's Tingmei Trading Company was not restricted by OMG, he would have earned an extra 14 billion magnesium yuan this month!"

"14 billion magnesium dollars can currently be exchanged for more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars!"

"And the Hong Kong businessman in that room just now, their total assets may be less than 500 billion Hong Kong dollars; just imagine the gap between them!"

Zhang Pandi knew that her third brother was rich, but after Wang Sumei's explanation, it became even more difficult for her to believe that Zhang Heping made so much money!

It’s not like she hasn’t seen a lot of money before…

She went to the finance office several times to help her elder sister Zhang Zhaodi settle the revenue collected during the peak passenger traffic period. The room was full of cash, at least 300 million yuan.

"Actually, I'm also curious about how much money your brother has made. If you ever ask me about it, remember to tell me, haha!"


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