Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 531: Zhang Family's Trouble

Although computers are not yet popular in mainland China, Zhang Heping is still worried that they will not play by the rules.

So, after hearing his father-in-law Tang Ming mention the ID card, he called Director Wang in Shenzhen.

"I'm looking for Aunt Wang!" Zhang Heping said simply to Liu Yuan on the other end of the phone.

"She's on the phone, you..." There was a pause on the other end of the line, and then Liu Yuan said hurriedly: "Heping, wait a minute, Director Wang will answer your call as soon as he finishes talking on the other end."

About a minute later, Wang Sumei's voice rang through the phone, "Are you asking about natural gas?"

"Natural gas?" Zhang Heping was stunned for a moment, then said, "I want to ask, regarding the promotion of ID cards in China, will the first batch of cards be used up? Will this affect our production plan?"

"The light card project will not be affected. You should ask about the natural gas supply in Hong Kong Island first!"

After he finished speaking, Director Wang hung up the phone first.

Natural gas supply?

Zhang Heping frowned and held the phone, with more than a dozen guesses flashing through his mind.

For example, Europe and Magnesium put pressure on Hong Kong Island and cut off the natural gas supply.

Or maybe those in China Gas Company who are opposed to the restructuring are behind this.

"Shu Ting, natural gas..."

Zhang Heping had just started talking when he was interrupted by his concubine Chen Shuting, "Honey, I was just about to call you to tell you about this."

"The gas supplier that previously cooperated with China Gas Company clearly told us that due to threats from countries such as Eagle Gas, they dare not supply us with gas!"

"However, I just contacted the mainland. They can provide natural gas, but we need to sign a long-term contract with the mainland and provide 5000 million magnesium yuan for laying pipelines. They said that this money can be used to deduct the natural gas costs in the future."

"Well! Then we should sign a contract with the mainland as soon as possible, so that the people of Hong Kong won't scold us!"

Just when Zhang Heping was about to hang up the phone, Chen Shuting said anxiously: "Husband, there is one more thing!"

"Many distributors called and said they don't want the goods this month. Our losses this month may be huge!"

"It's just a matter of making more or less money, it's no big deal." Zhang Heping said casually into the microphone: "It's time to have lunch, I'll talk about it when you come back."


After Zhang Heping hung up the phone, he sat on the sofa and thought about things.

Tingmei Trading Company is the most profitable company under the Heping Group. Its net profit in the first two months was no less than 20 billion yuan.

Therefore, if those distributors fail to deliver, Tingmei Trading’s losses this month will be counted in billions.

Father-in-law Tang Ming was just about to ask Zhang Heping what happened when his landline phone rang.

Zhang Heping called out "Hello" and heard the panicked and helpless voice of Shen Bin, chairman of Huifeng Bank, "Mr. Zhang, we have been threatened by the Magnesium people, who asked us to freeze all bank accounts of companies related to the Heping Group."

"Oh? How did you reply?" Zhang Heping asked with a frown.

"After I told them that Heping Group is the major shareholder of Huifeng Bank, they never mentioned freezing the account again." Shen Bi said on the other end of the phone:

"But we got news from the Newtown branch that they were being investigated! The reason was that they were suspected of tax issues and money laundering for drug lords."

Zhang Heping frowned and asked, "I remember that we asked the risk control department to go to Huifeng Bank's New City Branch to investigate operational risks. You told me that the rectification had already been completed!"

"There will definitely be no problems on the surface!" Shen Bi said confidently, "The only uncertainty is how long the New York branch will be closed for rectification. If it is closed for too long, I am worried that customers in the United States will lose trust in the New York branch of Huifeng Bank."

"This is the Ministry of Justice's business!" Zhang Heping was not worried at all. "It takes a thousand days to raise an army, but only a moment to deploy it! Send all the people from the Ministry of Justice out to ask the Magnesium people to compensate for the loss of their reputation!"


As soon as Zhang Heping hung up the phone, Wei Chunqiao, general manager of the Umbrella Company, called and said that there were 16 Chinese people at Kai Tak Airport who refused to accept security checks and were confronting airport security.

"Are the Hong Kong police at the scene?" Zhang Heping asked with a frown.

Wei Chunqiao said angrily: "Those damn bastards, I don't know when they slipped away. Now we are the only ones facing off against those Chinese people!"

Hearing this, Zhang Heping knew that it was the Magnesium guys who were against him again, and this time the Eagle guys were their accomplices!

"Call the police first! Then call the Hong Kong government!" Zhang Heping said sternly, "Tell the Eagles and the Magnesium guys to either have those 16 Magnesium people undergo security checks, or suspend all flights due to safety issues!"

"Damn it! Neither Eagle Country nor Hong Kong Island has the death penalty. This has pissed me off. I'm offering a 20 billion dollar reward for their entire family's lives!"


After Zhang Heping hung up the phone, he still felt unsatisfied, so before his father-in-law Tang Ming could speak, he made another call!

Then Zhang Heping said into the microphone: "Leave me at least 20 billion magnesium yuan in cash as a backup!"

Shen Bi on the other end of the phone was a little confused. He just called the legal manager to the office, but he didn't expect Zhang Heping to call him.

What surprised him was that the other party mentioned cash.

"Mr. Zhang, are you going to withdraw cash or transfer money to another bank?"

"Keep the bounty on his head!" Zhang Heping replied coldly and hung up the phone.


"Heping, stay calm!" Father-in-law Tang Ming advised: "Impulsiveness will not solve the problem, especially since the mainland's export trade is now very dependent on magnesium. Don't put yourself in a state of isolation and helplessness."

"Don't worry!" Zhang Heping said casually, "I was just showing my attitude to outsiders."

"Not only did the Magnesium people restrict Tingmei Trading Company's business, they also cut off Hong Kong Island's natural gas supply. Now they want to cause trouble at Kai Tak Airport. If I act too calm, they will think I am easy to bully!"

"Humph... you really pissed me off, there's no need to offer a reward!"

When Tang Ming heard what Zhang Heping said, he felt a little relieved.

However, he heard from Tang Hu in private about his son-in-law's assassination methods, and the Eagle countrymen have not yet found out the truth of the five accidental deaths.

Just before lunch, the concubine Chen Shuting came back with a gloomy face.

"Honey, we didn't get even one computer order this month!" Chen Shuting sat next to Zhang Heping, hugged his left arm, and said depressedly, "Fortunately, we only ordered 1 sets of Nissan computers, and they were all delivered last month."

"But there are still 20 computers in the mainland waiting to be delivered to us..."

Zhang Heping smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you before? The computers that can't be sold will be donated to schools in the mainland."

"Donate all 20 sets?" Chen Shuting was a little reluctant.

A computer that costs 1 magnesium yuan has a purchase price of 3000 magnesium yuan. Excluding the negligible transportation and management costs, the net profit of a set of computers is 7000 magnesium yuan!

10 sets make 7 million yuan, 20 sets make 14 billion yuan!

"Money is something you can't bring with you when you are born, and you can't take with you when you die. You have to learn to be open-minded." Zhang Heping stretched out his right hand, pinched Chen Shuting's nose, and smiled, "Less business means more time to stay at home with us, isn't that good?"

"It's not that we've lost a little business!" Chen Shuting hugged Zhang Heping's left arm tightly, and said unwillingly:

"Tingmei slimming tea, Taitai oral liquid, Dior daily chemical products, and Dior luggage were the least affected, but this month's orders have dropped by 30%!"

"We lost half of our orders for tiger penis wine and Viagra delay spray. Although we haven't canceled all orders for computers and servers, the orders for this month have been delayed for various reasons."

"Last month's profit was over 20 billion magnesium yuan, and this month's profit of 5 million magnesium yuan would be great!"

Zhang Heping's left hand rubbed the black silk thigh of his concubine Chen Shuting for a while, frowned and said: "The solution to the current problem is actually very simple!"

"You just need to put out the recruitment advertisement for the Peace Vocational Training College, and you can make the Taiwanese and people from other countries quiet down."

"However, the next few days are not the right time. We have to wait until the Internet Security Technology Conference in Magnesium is held before we place advertisements. Then we can restrict people from countries that are against us from signing up. In the future, we will also restrict those people from coming to our hospital for treatment."

After the concubine Chen Shuting calmed down, the family started to eat.

"Sister Xin, is the land certificate application in Central going smoothly?" Chen Shuting picked up the chopsticks and asked the eldest wife of the Zhang family who was scooping rice.

"It went pretty smoothly!" Tang Xin said with a smile, "Before you came back, this incident was reported on TV."

Chen Shuting smiled and said, "After hearing the news, I'm afraid all the rich ladies will gather here again this afternoon."

"Not necessarily!" Zhang Heping reminded: "This time, the attack on our Tingmei Trading Company was not only fueled by some Chinese people, but also by the Chinese businessmen who were the real accomplices."

Hearing this, Chen Shuting frowned again.

"Don't go to the company this afternoon!" Zhang Heping continued, "The company has hired so many people. If we don't use them now, what's the point of keeping them?"


Chen Shuting responded and stayed at home in the afternoon to count people!

The circle of rich wives of Heping Real Estate originally had 387 people, but only 7 wives came this afternoon and played two mahjong tables.

And these seven ladies are the seven hostesses that Zhang Heping invited to attend his birthday party tomorrow.

From this point alone, Chen Shuting couldn't help but sigh that her husband saw through those people very well.


Hong Kong Island, Kai Tak Airport.

"We are from the Magnesium Special Intelligence Agency. Here are our credentials, and..."

The Chinese man, who was surrounded by more than 40 black-clad security guards holding explosion-proof shields and had to face hundreds of pistols behind the shields, was protesting to the acting commissioner of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

However, the acting director was also helpless as the people from Umbrella Security Company simply ignored him.

If General Manager Wei Chunqiao had not asked the security to make way for that crappy Acting Director to go in and talk, he would have been unable to do anything but stand at the back and be a spectator like the other Hong Kong police officers.

After a while, the acting director came out with the identification of the gang of magnesium guys and found Wei Chunqiao to plead for mercy, but was loudly refuted by Wei Chunqiao.

"I don't care who they are. If you want to enter or leave Hong Kong Island from Kai Tak Airport, you have to submit to security checks." Wei Chunqiao pointed his index finger at the acting director's chest with his only remaining left hand and asked loudly:

"If these people carry dangerous items in and out of Hong Kong Island, and they commit crimes, do you Hong Kong police dare to arrest them? Do you dare to hand them over to the judge for sentencing?"

"If you dare, the Taiwanese and Koreans arrested in the Kowloon Tong robbery will not be let go so easily!"

The Mei-Han robbers who were let go by the previous Commissioner of Police are now the biggest shame for the Hong Kong Police. Once the Umbrella Company mentioned this, the Hong Kong Police had no way to refute it!

In addition, after today's incident, the Hong Kong police at the airport disappeared in a somewhat strange way, which made Wei Chunqiao, Tang Hu and others very alert.

Therefore, even though there are only a hundred or so security guards surrounding those dozen or so Magnesium guys, you should also look at the little red dots slightly shaking on the faces and chests of those dozen or so Magnesium guys!

The Acting Commissioner of Police was speechless when asked, because it was he who ordered the transfer of the airport police at noon today!

At this time, the acting director had a gloomy face. He glanced at the commanding heights around him, but still did not see the sniper. He then entered the security group again to discuss with those magnesium guys.

"It's moving!" A young security guard holding a shield suddenly shouted in the security group, "The big suitcase is moving, there's a living thing inside!"

This shout immediately caused a commotion.

Security manager Tang Hu, who was standing at the other end of the security group, hurriedly shouted, "Everyone, level one alert! Slowly retreat..."

Hearing the first-level alert, the armed security guard of Umbrella Corporation immediately loaded his pistol and slowly retreated with the shield-holding security guard.

They pointed guns at the Taiwanese before, just pretending to scare them.

At this point, the bullets are loaded and it’s time to get serious!

The security guards who were originally surrounding the outside now dispersed and found shelters. Even the general manager Wei Chunqiao hid far away.

There were only a dozen Hong Kong police officers who were unaware of the situation and were still standing on the sidelines.

"We suspect you have kidnapped our personnel. Now you need to slowly raise your hands above your head and cooperate with our inspection! Otherwise, we will shoot to prevent you from harming the hostages!" Tang Hu stood behind two explosion-proof shields and said coldly:

"You have 10 seconds to consider whether to give up resistance; 10! 9! 8..."

As Tang Hu counted down, the acting commissioner of police stepped aside.

Soon after, some more red spots appeared on the bodies of the magnesium guys.

With so many guns pointed at them, and the fact that the acting police commissioner was unable to call away the Umbrella Company security guards, the group of Chinese people finally realized the situation and slowly raised their hands.

Tang Hu glanced at the gloomy-faced acting director and shouted again, "Go get two Hong Kong police officers and handcuff them!"

Arresting people is the duty of the Hong Kong police, and security personnel are only responsible for security checks and will not open fire unless absolutely necessary.

Tang Hu didn't see the large suitcase move just now, and now he didn't notice any unusual movement of the five large suitcases.

Therefore, after the two Hong Kong police officers handcuffed the dozen or so Magnesium guys, Tang Hu asked them to search the Magnesium guys' bodies. Only after they found 6 pistols and 7 daggers did he allow the two Hong Kong police officers to open the Magnesium guys' suitcases.

"There's someone in the suitcase!"

"Be careful, check if the hostage has any bombs on him?"

"The man in the box seems to be Lai Yongqing from the technical department!"

"What? You dare to kidnap our technicians!"


"Are you sure?" Zhang Heping received a call from Wei Chunqiao at Kai Tak Airport, and he had a thousand MMPs in his mind that he wanted to say to those Taiwanese.

"I'll be there right away!" After Zhang Heping hung up the phone, he thought about it again, and finally took a bottle of neurotoxin from the safe upstairs and a silver needle from the medicine box, and then took a car to the airport.

When Zhang Heping arrived outside the airport, the terminal had been cleared out by thousands of black-clad security guards from the Umbrella Company!

The ground staff, flight attendants, pilots, passengers and the like were kept at a distance and watched the excitement.

When Zhang Heping got out of the car and looked around, he saw a group of Flying Tigers in black clothes and masks. They were being blocked from entering by several airport security guards holding shields.

However, when Zhang Heping entered the terminal, he heard a blond foreigner quibbling.

"We just invited him to a meeting in Magnesium, but because we didn't bring enough money, we thought of putting him in the suitcase and evading the fare!"


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