Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 527 Invitation from Magnesium Country

As the Zhang family's children on the Peak took the bus to go to school on Monday, the group of people who had been following Zhang Heping's movements learned that Zhang Heping and his family had returned last night.

The people from China Resources and CITIC failed to make an appointment with Zhang Heping when they called, which can be regarded as an explanation to those Chinese banks.

Brother-in-law Tang Ren didn't want to get involved in this mess, but the day after Zhang Heping came back, Tingmei Trading Company issued a share transfer offer to all shareholders of Hong Kong Island Colorful Investment Co., Ltd.

Previously, due to the slow construction of the Shenzhen ultra-thin color screen joint venture production plant, a number of Hong Kong businessmen were eliminated from Duocai Investment Company. China Resources took advantage of the opportunity to occupy 20% of the shares of Duocai Investment Company, becoming the largest shareholder together with Tingmei Trading Company.

Secondly, the He family, to which Chairman He belongs, owns 15% of the shares of Duocai Investment Company.

After that, it's Tang Ren's Tang family, as well as the Guo family and the Rong family, each accounting for 10%.

Finally, there is the Zheng family who makes toys, and the Wu family who makes electronics and machinery.

Previously, because the Tang family had limited funds, the ultra-thin color screen factory was under construction and there was no visible benefit, Tang Ren did not acquire shares from other withdrawers.

But now, the ultra-thin color screen factory has begun to make profits, but the profits in the past two years have been used to expand production in order to occupy the market.

Therefore, under this clear profit expectation, when Tang Ren learned that Zhang Heping was going to give up 20% of the shares of Duocai Investment Co., Ltd., he rushed back to Hong Kong Island as soon as possible.

Then, Tang Ren, who couldn't save face by refusing other Hong Kong businessmen's visit to Renheyi Community, simply communicated with those people and decided to hold a party tomorrow, the 31st.

Otherwise, those people would come one after another and annoy Zhang Heping, and then disrupt the Tang family's acquisition of 20% of Duocai Investment Company's shares held by Tingmei Trading Company!

In addition, Tang Ren also has his own little thoughts.

Tingmei Trading transferred its shares in Duocai Investment Company without informing Tang Ren in advance. This made Tang Ren feel that it was because the second brother Tang Yi did not punish Tang Ning for the incident, and Zhang Heping had become estranged from their Tang family!

So, Tang Ren postponed the party for a day, and after returning to the community, he went straight to find Zhang Heping.

Intermittent singing could be heard from the music room on the second floor of Zhang's house, while in the study, there was only the sound of keyboard typing.

"Brother-in-law, what are you busy with?" Tang Ren didn't treat himself as an outsider. He walked directly behind Zhang Heping and read the Eagle text on the monitor. "Invitation to the World Internet Security Technology Exchange Conference? You are going to the Magnesium Country for the meeting?"

"No!" Zhang Heping said, and then locked the computer screen and changed it to a family portrait wallpaper. Obviously, he didn't want Tang Ren to see what was on his computer.

"How come brother-in-law is willing to come back today?" Zhang Heping stood up, picked up the kettle, poured a glass of water for Tang Ren, and then refilled his own teacup with water.

Tang Ren hesitated for only a moment, and for the sake of the family's interests, he shamelessly asked bluntly: "Brother-in-law, I heard that you want to transfer the shares of Duocai Investment Company!"

"The ultra-thin color screen factory was about to distribute dividends, so why did you choose to withdraw?"

"It's just a company restructuring and streamlining of business." Zhang Heping smiled faintly, "Brother-in-law confiscated other shares of Duocai Investment Company before. Are you interested now?"

Zhang Heping must have deliberately sent the transfer news to all shareholders of Duocai Investment Company!

However, this kind of thing can be done, but you can't say it in front of Tang Ren, just let the other party know that you are dissatisfied.

As for the second son Tang Yi and his son Tang Ning, Zhang Heping could only temporarily spare them due to the relationship with other members of the Tang family.

You can take detours, but you still have to be careful to prevent your brother-in-law’s children from committing the same mistake again.

That was why he deliberately expressed his dissatisfaction in a subtle way and asked Tang Ren to inform his children in advance and repeatedly.

Otherwise, the day will come when Zhang Heping gets mad...

Tang Ren explained with a smile: "You also know that I was short of funds before, and the construction of the ultra-thin color screen factory was delayed again and again, so I didn't take the shares that were withdrawn halfway."

"If you want to receive as many shares as you want, just call Shu Ting. Why do you need to come here in person?" Zhang Heping picked up the teacup and said, "I've been busy with some information lately, so I haven't been paying attention to the company's affairs."

Hearing Zhang Heping's words that were obviously meant to send him off, and the locked screen of the computer monitor, Tang Ren tactfully stood up and said goodbye.

Zhang Heping's series of alienating actions made Tang Ren feel helpless, and he secretly blamed the second brother's family for being troublesome.

They could just catch that kid Tang Ning and beat him up so that he only suffers some minor injuries, and then they could cover up the matter. I don't know what he's thinking in his pig head. What good would it be to go against his brother-in-law?

Now that Zhang Heping has a profitable business, he no longer thinks about the Tang family.

After Tang Ren left, Zhang Heping took another look at the "Invitation to the World Internet Security Technology Exchange Conference" post posted by a Chinese on the World Internet Forum. People from dozens of countries and regions had already responded to the post, and even people from the mainland had responded.

But Zhang Heping and the people from the technical department of the Umbrella Company did not reply to the post, and did not even mark the invitation post as a featured post or pin it to the top of the page.

If it weren’t for the IP addresses of some magnesium-funded companies in Hong Kong Island that continued to reply and push this invitation post to the top, Zhang Heping might not have noticed this post.

After closing the forum page, Zhang Heping began to write mechanical drawing software similar to CAD!

Although Zhang Heping thinks hand-drawn drawings are more convenient, electronic engineering drawings are easier to carry and easier to circulate and modify.

Next time, bringing a mobile hard drive or USB flash drive through security check won’t be as troublesome as it was the day before yesterday.

There is another important reason for getting this mechanical drawing software, which is to assist car factories in the production of spare parts!

In order to write and debug this software, Zhang Heping did not even attend the party on the evening of the 31st. Instead, those Chinese businessmen came to the study on the second floor of Zhang's house and had a brief chat with Zhang Heping.

"Since Mr. Zhang is busy, we won't disturb him!" The person in charge of China Resources knew that the factories producing ultra-thin color screens, chips, and computer assembly were divided up by several mainland departments.

In addition, he also heard the news that Tingmei Health Factory was going to be converted into a joint venture factory, as well as the optical card factory and car factory that were being planned, and the changes in the joint venture ratio for this purpose.

Therefore, the person in charge of China Resources helped Zhang Heping out and persuaded the others to leave. Only five chairmen of Chinese banks hesitated to leave.

"The Umbrella Company will not provide bank electronic transaction system construction services for the time being. They are short of staff and cannot maintain it." Zhang Heping stared at the computer and said to the five people who stayed in the study room:

“Unless you have your own computer security engineers to maintain your own electronic trading systems.”

"Mr. Zhang, can't you be flexible?" A fat old man frowned and asked, "There are only five banks and 5 branches. It should be easy to maintain."

"You don't understand!" Zhang Heping didn't look at those people, but said distractedly: "Huifeng Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, and the servers of four stock exchanges have been attacked tens of millions of times in the past two days."

"This type of decentralized server management is no longer suitable for umbrella companies to maintain. Unless banks and stock exchanges employ their own computer security engineers to maintain it, they can ensure the normal operation of their respective bank electronic trading systems."

The chairmen of the five Chinese banks looked at each other in bewilderment. They never expected that Zhang Heping would reject them like this.

In addition, they really did not understand computer technology and could not find any reason to deny Zhang Heping, so they had to leave first to avoid being disliked.

After the party outside was over, the concubine Chen Shuting came to the study and whispered about what had happened in the past two days behind Zhang Heping.

"The two banks are still coordinating on the transfer of 35 billion magnesium yuan from Huifeng to Bank of China."

"The joint venture contract for Tingmei Health Care Factory has been signed. For the time being, the factory's system has not been changed. I have only mentioned your opinion, and asked the management and workers not to voluntarily hand in their wages. Those who violate the rules will be fired."

Seeing her man nod in response, Chen Shuting continued, "20% of Duocai Investment Company's shares were sold to Xin Jie's eldest brother for 1.8 million magnesium yuan; the only other shareholder was Boss Zheng, who started out as a toy maker, who made a few sarcastic remarks."

"Also, Aunt Wang asked me to ask you today if you want to go and select a factory site. I said you're busy lately and might not be able to go. If you want to go, call her again."


The next day, June 6st, the group of rich ladies maintained by Heping Real Estate came again.

This time they came not only to inquire about real estate stocks, but also about the bank's electronic trading system.

There is no need to guess, we know that it was the Chinese banks that promised loans to these rich ladies' families.

Unfortunately, when asked these questions, Tang Xin didn't understand; when asked about these questions, Chen Shuting was directly sent to ask Wei Chunqiao, the general manager of the Umbrella Company who lived upstairs.

For three consecutive days, the group of rich ladies only found out that the Zhang family seemed to be still buying real estate stocks, and then nothing else. The main reason was that they did not dare to go to the second floor of the Zhang family to find Zhang Heping to ask.

Even the six wives of Tang Ren's family didn't even go to the Zhang family's living room because Tang Ren had been emphasizing recently that they should not mess with Zhang Heping.

The Chinese banks naturally did not want to sit and wait for death, because they found out that the six Japanese banks that were under renovation also used the bank's electronic transaction system!

Those five Chinese banks failed to obtain the bank's electronic transaction system, and ended up getting involved with the heads of other Chinese banks.

On June 6, the initiator of the "World Internet Security Technology Exchange Conference Invitation", seeing that the most important big fish Zhang Heping did not take the bait, made a direct invitation call to the Umbrella Company, but was told by Tang Wei that he was busy!

However, the key target Zhang Heping drove a motorcycle to the Shenzhen Science Printing Factory that day to deliver electronic drawings to Sha Zhixiang.

Zhang Heping taught Sha Zhixiang how to use mechanical drawing software in Shenzhen for half a day, and also explained to him the related electronic drawings of the automated stamping lathe, 6-axis robotic arm, etc.

"Let others build the factory. Your task is to distribute these electronic drawings to the corresponding factories, have them make the parts and alloy materials for me, and then transport them to Shenzhen City!"

After Zhang Heping finished speaking, he patted Sha Zhixiang, who was still checking the electronic drawings, and said with a smile: "Any questions?"

Sha Zhixiang's right hand was still clicking the mouse, his eyes fixed on the computer monitor, and he asked in confusion: "These are all the drawings of upstream production equipment. Why don't you see any car design drawings?"

"Automobile design requires 3D modeling software, which is difficult to implement without hardware support." Zhang Heping explained: "This mechanical drawing software is only a plane drawing, which is sufficient for those mechanical factories."

Sha Zhixiang said with some concern: "I won't teach them how to use this software!"

Zhang Heping smiled and said, "Just teach them how to read pictures. For other software functions, let them look at the help option in the upper right corner, which has an introduction to the relevant functions."

Sha Zhixiang stretched out his mouse, clicked on the help button, looked at it, and nodded, "Then I'll have no problem. It depends on whether those factories have computers!"

"This computer issue is under the supervision of the higher-ups. I'm leaving now!"

After he finished speaking, Zhang Heping went out and rode his scooter to find Director Wang.

Director Wang and his secretary Liu Yuan recently selected a factory site in the Pearl River Delta. In the end, they chose to build the optical card factory in Shenzhen to facilitate future management and avoid long distance travel.

Zhang Heping went there to report on the preparations for the car factory and wanted Director Wang to help Sha Zhixiang push it forward.

Director Sha has been working at the Science Printing Factory for many years, so he probably doesn't have many connections outside. This time, he needs to connect with so many factories and departments, so he has to rely on the help of Director Wang, an old hand who has traveled all over the country.

"The drawings for building the car factory were given to Xiaosha?" Wang Sumei's eyes lit up after hearing Zhang Heping's words, and her focus was obviously not on the same channel.

Zhang Heping repeated helplessly: "Auntie Wang, I mean, there are a lot of parts involved in the production this time, and I need your help to coordinate it."

"You don't have to worry about that!" Director Wang Sumei said with a smile, "After I confirm the drawings, I will take Xiaosha to the capital to apply. We will have the people and the factory, and we will definitely do our best to build this joint venture car factory."

"You don't know!" Wang Sumei put away her smile and looked towards the northeast with an angry look on her face. "In order to build a Santana, domestic factories have worked hard to produce supporting parts, but in the end, the Chinese people didn't even take a liking to any of them."

"Finally, our technicians argued with the Chinese dozens of times before they were able to install domestic rubber tires and speakers on the Santana."

"My Santana that you disliked was made of domestically produced parts, but the day before yesterday, I received a call from the capital saying that the car had an oil leak and was sent for repair. Sigh..."

"Don't worry!" Zhang Heping said with a smile, "We produce electric cars, so we guarantee there won't be any oil leaks, hehe!"

"Electric car?" Director Wang was stunned for a moment, "Don't we make cars that burn gasoline?"

Zhang Heping shook his head and said, "The world's coal, oil, and natural gas reserves are limited. The future belongs to new energy."

"Moreover, after the magnesium dollar is linked to oil for settlement, the magnesium dollar will become a universal settlement currency worldwide."

"If the people of Magnesium frantically print magnesium-dollar banknotes and then use methods such as controlling the exchange rate and issuing government bonds to divert economic problems such as inflation in Magnesium, can you imagine what the scene would be like?"

Director Wang shook his head, mainly because he didn't follow Zhang Heping's thinking.

"The era of monetary inflation is coming. Countries will print more and more money, and prices will continue to rise!" Zhang Heping said as he looked at the engineers busy at work on the construction site.

"Ten years from now, the monthly salary of these construction workers should reach 1 yuan; twenty years from now, it will reach 5 yuan; thirty years from now, even a monthly salary of yuan may not be enough to recruit construction workers!"

After Zhang Heping's explanation, Director Wang and Liu Yuan next to him understood.

Prices are skyrocketing and money is worthless!

Director Wang nodded and said, "If someone else said this, I might suspect he was bragging. But you were able to choose this piece of land in Shenzhen seven years ago, which shows that you have a good eye. In addition, the average monthly salary of Tingmei Health Factory has reached 7 yuan..."

"Stinky boy, write me a report about the magnesium dollar and the inflation transfer you just mentioned. I think it's very important and I need to submit it for discussion."

Zhang Heping got on his motorcycle and said with a smile, "I'll go to Director Sha to write it. You two don't have to stay at the construction site. There are professional commanders over there."

"Wait!" Director Wang grabbed Zhang Heping's clothes and said, "Take us over there."

"I modified this motorcycle. It can't carry three people. I'll push the motorcycle and walk with you!" Zhang Heping got off his motorcycle reluctantly. He didn't want to squeeze with Liu Yuan. He heard that this old classmate was not married yet...

Director Wang greeted the person in charge of the construction site, and then left with Liu Yuan and Zhang Heping.

"Heping, I heard that the people of Magnesium are going to hold a World Internet Security Technology Exchange Conference. Many people in China have signed up to participate. Will you go?"


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