Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 514: Who is fooling whom?

After the driver Zhu Yunsheng hung up the phone, he said to the two old men, "The person our boss is going to meet today is the former mayor of Rijima."

"You go there dressed like this, not only do you embarrass our boss, you embarrass the mainlanders, and most importantly, you embarrass the Japanese."

"That's all I have to say. Go back and get your luggage. I'm going to take you to the airport!"

Seeing that Old Li, the leader of the team, was silent, Old Zhou said, "Young comrade, can we wait for your boss to come back and discuss this with him?"

"The boss asked me to take you to the airport, so if you want to wait, go to the airport and wait. I can lend you my phone to contact people in the mainland." The driver Zhu Yunsheng looked at the two old men who didn't move and frowned.

"You two are educated people. You should understand why I said something nice first. Don't force me to do it. That will not be good!"

"Then let's change into that new clothes and go to your boss. Do you think this is okay?" When Old Man Zhou said this, he glanced at Old Li.

Old Zhou was also feeling helpless. God knew why they appointed a team leader for the inspection mission that only two of them were participating in, and it happened to be the old-fashioned Old Li who led the team.

"My boss gave me the task of taking you to the airport. I can only take you there if I receive a call from my boss midway and ask me to take you there." Zhu Yunsheng frowned and said, "I hope you two won't make it difficult for me!"

Zhu Yunsheng felt that he had explained it very clearly. If his boss had not called himself "Xiao Zhang" in front of the two old men last night, he would not have bothered to say so much.

Lao Zhou looked at Lao Li and said in a negotiating tone, "How about we change into new clothes and go to the airport first, and have Comrade Xiao drive slowly. We can call China from the car and ask someone to communicate with Xiao Zhang?"

Seeing that Lao Li still didn't speak, Lao Zhou said helplessly: "Lao Li, you know the importance of this inspection mission. Foreign nuclear power technology is so strictly blocked to us. We have been groping for many years, but we dare not build a nuclear power plant on our own."

"Now, we have the opportunity to accompany Xiao Zhang to visit the nuclear power plant in Ridao. You can't ruin this inspection because of your supervisor's thoughts!"

"Besides, this is the Eastern Capital of Ridao. Our food and accommodation are arranged by Xiao Zhang. Why should we go against him?"

If Lao Zhou had said these words to Lao Li in private last night, Lao Li would have refuted them to pieces.

Now, after being ruthlessly chased away by Zhang Heping, the old man Li realized that the "Xiao Zhang" the other party referred to was just a humble title.

His real identity is a big capitalist with hundreds of people welcoming him at the airport!

After Lao Zhou's persuasion, Old Man Li finally nodded and went back to his room to change clothes in silence.


Zhang Heping took the car driven by Councillor Aso to the Higashima Higashi Golf Course, more than 40 kilometers northwest of Higashi.

According to Miss Suzuki San who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, this golf course was built in 1913. It is the best golf course in Japan and a holy place in the eyes of Japanese golfers.

After driving for more than fifty minutes, we arrived at Kashiwara in Saitama Prefecture in the northwest.

When Zhang Heping saw the gate of the golf course, he felt it looked like a holiday resort in the countryside and did not think it was very nice.

In addition, I was in a bad mood and felt that the cicadas in the surrounding trees were too noisy.

He felt better when he entered the golf course with his golf bag and saw the green space and sand traps surrounded by large cypress and pine trees.

After being introduced by Miss Suzuki, Zhang Heping exchanged a few simple courtesies with the former mayor of Suzuki and started playing basketball.

Miss Suzuki and her husband, Congressman Aso, acted as caddies.

The par for this golf course is not long, so Zhang Heping and the former mayor Suzuki played very casually, not caring about saving par, and spending more time chatting.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think there are any areas that need improvement in the rules and regulations of our Dongdu Stock Exchange?" Former Mayor Suzuki asked with a smile in Mandarin after hitting a ball.

This old fellow obviously knew about the turmoil that Zhang Heping had recently stirred up in the Hong Kong stock market, and Zhang Heping was dissatisfied with the fact that the Hong Kong Securities Legislative Council invited Zhang Heping to participate in the resolution meeting after the fact.

He is now using the method of seeking advice to show their respect for Zhang Heping, attempting to lower Zhang Heping's psychological defense index.

"The Dongdu Stock Exchange is implementing a mandatory tender offer." Zhang Heping said casually as he walked with a golf club in his hand:

"Although I cannot arbitrarily purchase a Japanese listed company in the Japanese stock market, I can use the electronic stock trading system to easily short the stock price of a Japanese listed company. I believe that the hungry wolves on Wall Street will soon discover this."

"Oh?" Former Mayor Suzuki looked at Councillor Aso in surprise, then asked Zhang Heping, "I'd like to hear more about it!"

"Speed!" Zhang Heping laughed and said, "I have also been paying attention to the stock data of the Dongdu Stock Exchange recently. I found that you only focus on the security of transactions and ignore the speed of electronic stock transactions."

"If one day foreign capital flows into the Japanese stock market, you might think that a rising stock market is a good thing."

"But if these foreign investors suddenly withdraw their capital en masse one day, the Japanese stock market will inevitably plummet, catching you off guard!"

"I believe that once the hungry wolves on Wall Street discover this, they will definitely accelerate the promotion of countries to join the Internet, and then dominate the financial Internet!"

"Yeah!" Former Mayor Suzuki nodded and responded, "After listening to what Zhang-san said, I seemed to see the financial army of the Magnesium Country plundering various countries, and the countries dared not speak out! The important thing is that this is really likely to happen."

"Mr. Zhang may not know that our Japanese island has been connected to the Internet of Magnesium through submarine optical cables. It is only because of some security issues that it has not been made public."

Zhang Heping smiled and said, "In this case, the Internet in Europe may also be connected!"

"It's all thanks to Mr. Zhang!" Former Mayor Suzuki laughed, "If it weren't for Mr. Zhang's selfless disclosure of Internet technology, the World Window system, and those computer hardware technologies, the global Internet would not have developed so fast!"

"I'm not that selfless!" Zhang Heping stood in front of the white ball, glanced at the direction, hit a ball casually, and said with a smile: "If I don't make those technologies public, my Heping brand computers will not sell well."

"Now, as countries are connected to the Internet, the demand for computers will increase dramatically, and everyone will make money."

"By the way, how many computers did you export to Magnesium last year by keeping the price of computers so low?"

"The number of computer exports..." Former Mayor Suzuki looked at his third son-in-law behind him.

Congressman Aso said hurriedly: "Father, I heard that due to production restrictions last year, only about 30 units were exported to the country!"

Zhang Heping naturally understood Japanese, so he didn't need a translator. "I heard that the computer company in Magnesium Country is very dissatisfied with you!"

Seeing that his father-in-law didn't say anything, Councillor Aso smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, you are joking. Magnesium Computer Company just thinks our computers are too cheap, but they are more afraid of your security technology."

"What's there to be afraid of?" Zhang Heping said nonchalantly, "If OMG is connected to our Internet, I will open an Internet company and provide security guard software for free."

"Free?" Miss Suzuki was surprised and asked, "Mr. Zhang, how does your company make a profit?"

"Advertising!" Zhang Heping explained heartlessly, "If every computer in the world uses my security guard software, I only need to add a small window in the lower right corner of the screen to advertise when their computers are turned on. Tsk tsk..."

Former Mayor Suzuki gave Zhang Heping a thumbs up and complimented him, "No wonder Zhang has accumulated so much wealth in just a few years. He is truly a business genius."

"If we advertise computers all over the world, wouldn't that cover all the rich people who can afford computers?" Miss Suzuki seemed surprised, but in fact she was cooperating with her father to compliment Zhang Heping.

Then, I heard Congressman Aso say: "Mr. Zhang, after you provide security software for free, will you make those security technologies public?"

Zhang Heping shook his head and said, "It won't be open to the public for free, but I will build a computer research center in Hong Kong Island and set up a related vocational training school."

"So, when Ms. Suzuki gave me the visiting professorship offer from Toudou University, I didn't refuse. Instead, I thought about my training school and how I would exchange and learn with other universities in the future."

"What Zhang-san means is..." Congressman Aso was surprised: "You want to build a school to teach Internet security-related technologies?"

Zhang Heping nodded to Congressman Aso, and then smiled at former Mayor Suzuki, who was smiling, and said, "Instead of letting other countries worry about their own cybersecurity issues, or worrying about me making trouble, it's better to spread it out and make money."

"In this way, my security guard software will open up the civilian market in various countries, and the government and military network security of various countries will be handled by them."

The former mayor Suzuki looked at his daughter and son-in-law behind him and said with a smile: "Now that Zhang-san mentioned that, we are all looking forward to your school."

"We have to wait!" Zhang Heping gradually showed his true colors and explained with a smile: "The land has been selected and we are going to start construction in July. The next step is to recruit talents!"


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