Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 503 Going to Macau to Find Some Money

"Chairman Shen, since we are talking about Mr. Zhang's money, can we sell the remaining shares of Island Electric, China Gas, Star Ferry, and Kai Tak Airport?"

"How do you sell?" Shen Bi glanced at the Eagles in the conference room. "The stock price is so low, do you dare to sell? Aren't you afraid that someone from the country will investigate your economic problems?"

"Mr. Zhang is restructuring the company this time. He is likely to let Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. build a nuclear power plant in Hong Kong Island. They hope to send someone to participate in this project to see if there is any new technology!"

"Then there is his Land, Sea and Air Company Limited. The Governor of Hong Kong suspects that after the company is reorganized, it will make big moves in the Kowloon Bay Industrial Zone."

"Therefore, the shares of these four companies of Hong Kong Island Electric cannot be sold, and we have to find a way to buy back some of them recently."

"Buy back Hong Kong Island Electric?" A white-haired, hook-nosed old man frowned and said, "You've given up the control of Huifeng Bank? Do you trust Mr. Zhang so much?"

Huifeng Bank Chairman Shen Bi frowned and replied: "First, I believe he is a businessman, and businessmen value credibility!"

"Second, our cooperation with Huifeng Bank has always been smooth, except for the Manliest pill incident."

"Third, he doesn't have the talent to manage a bank, or even a large company. If he wants to turn his company into a multinational corporation, he must hire people from various countries, and we are his first choice!"


"Honey, take a look at this article in the South China Morning Post!" While having breakfast, his concubine Chen Shuting handed a newspaper to Zhang Heping.

Zhang Heping glanced at the date on the newspaper. It was today, the 15th.

Then, he looked at the title that his concubine had just pointed out: Hong Kong Island is still the Hong Kong Island of the Eagle People!

After Zhang Heping finished reading the article with a frown, he said disdainfully: "The editor-in-chief of the South China Morning Post wants to provoke me. Don't I know that the remaining shares of Hong Kong Island Electric, China Gas, Star Ferry, and Kai Tak Airport are in the hands of the Eagle Country guys?"

Zhang Heping shook his head and put down the newspaper. "Jardine Matheson, Wheelock, Swire, Eagle Group, these Eagle Capital Groups are all secretly grabbing land in Hong Kong Island. Hutchison Whampoa does not want to grab land, but also wants to move its headquarters to the new island. Will the Eagle Country people agree?"

"This old man doesn't know that I have spent more than 4 billion magnesium dollars in the past few months to numb those Eagles. If I can't buy back the stocks of the four companies of Hong Kong Island Electric, can't we just initiate a merger?"

"When the time comes, I want to see which Eagle Country guy dares to oppose our merger, reorganization and listing!"

"If I were an American, I would definitely not dare to object!" The concubine Chen Shuting said with a smile: "What if Mr. Zhang also controls Standard Chartered Bank? Without the support of the two major banks, the real estate in Hong Kong Island will not be able to be hyped up! Hehe..."

"Chairman Shen called me yesterday and only asked about Huifeng Bank. He did not mention the sale of the shares of the four companies of Hong Kong Island Electric. Most likely they will not be sold!" Zhang Heping said calmly after eating a bun:

"If the Eagles don't want to sell, it means they have set their sights on our nuclear power plant project..."

When Zhang Heping was discussing business with Chen Shuting, he did not avoid his children. However, his eldest son Zhang Bei, who was about to turn 16, and his second daughter Zhang Nan were not interested at all. His third daughter Zhang Nian, who was one year younger, was concerned about her Super Girl competition.

As for the fourth daughter Zhang Feng, the two younger sons Zhang Long and Zhang Hu, and the seventh child Zhang Nuo, they are all still at a heartless age.

Zhang Heping is a generous person. Since his children have no talent for business, he will leave it to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.



This situation did not exceed Zhang Heping's expectations, so he started the second step of the plan and took advantage of the chaos to buy a batch of stocks.

Since Zhang Heping predicted that Hong Kong real estate would rise, if he wanted to make money without competing with the British for land, he could only secretly buy stocks of real estate companies.

The reason why he does not openly participate in Hong Kong real estate is mainly because he does not want to be too deeply involved with the Eagle Americans.

This is because if he gets involved in the real estate business in Hong Kong Island, the chairman of Huifeng Bank, Shen Bi, will definitely recommend him the controlling stakes of two or three Eagle Capital Real Estate companies.

At that time, if Zhang Heping controlled Eagle Capital's real estate company, he would be regarded by Hong Kong people as Eagle Capital's accomplice in driving up housing prices in Hong Kong Island.

If Zhang Heping did not accept Shen Bi's goodwill, the Hong Kong government would not sell land to him and would even curb his business everywhere.

Unless Zhang Heping dares to clean out another batch of Eagle Country guys.

In order not to alert the enemy, Zhang Heping did not use the money in the company account, but asked Wei Chunqiao, Tang Hu and Tang to arrange for the employees and family members of the Umbrella Company to buy stocks at the securities company.

After buying them back, Zhang Heping purchased their stock certificates at 110% of the transaction price, with the main focus on confidentiality.

The stocks he circled included large Chinese conglomerates such as Jardine Matheson, Wheelock, Swire and Eagle Land that had secretly bought land on Hong Kong Island, as well as Chinese real estate companies such as Hutchison Whampoa, Cheung Kong and Henderson Land that had been aggressively acquiring other Chinese assets.

As for the money Zhang Heping used to buy stock certificates, he is still in contact with Director Wang. For now, he can only use the several million magnesium yuan hidden at home to support himself.

On March 3, Huang Wenli’s last day of internship at the South China Morning Post, Director Wang came to Zhang Heping’s home on Victoria Peak in Hong Kong Island.

"The higher-ups need to know what you're going to use the funds for before they agree to lend you the money secretly." Director Wang's arrival put an end to Zhang Heping's thoughts.

"Forget it!" In order to avoid exposing the fact that he had someone buy stocks on his behalf, Zhang Heping simply gave up the plan of secretly bringing cash back from China.

"I'm not in charge of the money. What's more, the amount you borrowed is not small, and you don't want to apply for a loan from Bank of China..." Director Wang wanted to explain a few more words, but was interrupted by Zhang Heping.

"I just don't want the Hong Kong businessmen to discover my intentions. If I tell the mainland about the purpose of the funds today, I'm afraid it will spread all over Hong Kong Island tomorrow." Zhang Heping said, picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table, and called Tang Hu, the manager of the Umbrella Security Department.

"Bring five teams with me to Australia Island tonight, fully armed, and each person will bring a large suitcase to carry money."

"Okay! Then send three teams to the Lisboa Hotel to scout the area first!"

Then, Zhang Heping called President He again, "President He, I'm going to play in Ao Island tonight. Can your brother help me arrange some powerful poker friends? Otherwise he will think that I'm going there to destroy his place!"

"Are you going to Macau to gamble?" Director Wang reacted suddenly.

"President He, let me make it clear first! If I win money but don't see the cash, I will really mess things up!"

After speaking, Zhang Heping hung up the phone, looked at Director Wang, and said calmly: "Auntie Wang, don't be so surprised. It is legal to bet on horses in Hong Kong Island and to open a casino in Macau Island."

Seeing Zhang Heping walking towards the stairs, Director Wang Sumei looked at Tang Xin who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, "Ah Xin, why don't you try to persuade him?"

"It's okay!" Tang Xin said with a smile: "Heping has no interest in gambling, he knows what's going on."

After so many years of getting along, Tang Xin has gotten to know Zhang Heping's personality very well. How could she not know that Zhang Heping went to Ao Island for serious business.

If he really went to Australia to gamble, he would definitely not call an acquaintance like President He. He could just go there and win the money. There would be no need to go through so much trouble.

Zhang Heping found 235 million magnesium yuan upstairs, then called his eldest brother-in-law Tang Ren and nephew Tang Lie, and then went to his eldest brother-in-law's house next door to borrow 300 million magnesium yuan.

"Brother-in-law, I heard that checks are accepted in Australia. Why are you bringing cash with you?" The eldest wife of my brother-in-law looked at Zhang Heping in confusion as he put the money into a large suitcase.

"You'll know in a few days." Zhang Heping replied with a smile.

After returning to his living room, Zhang Heping put the 235 million magnesium yuan that was placed in the living room into the large suitcase. It was almost full. It was estimated that the suitcase could only hold 600 million magnesium yuan.

If we calculate based on 50 large suitcases, it can hold 3 million magnesium yuan!

Seeing that she couldn't stop Zhang Heping from going to Ao Island, Director Wang wanted to go with him. How could Zhang Heping agree to let her go? It would be even more uncomfortable than taking his mother there.

The Lisboa Hotel was built in the 70s. Although it was the largest hotel on Macau Island at that time, it did not take the top spot among casinos on Macau Island until the 80s.

The main building of this hotel is built like a birdcage. When Zhang Heping passed through Ao Island earlier, he heard from locals that the birdcage is meant to trap gamblers, like a bird in a cage that cannot fly away!

Looking at the main building and ancillary buildings of the Lisboa Hotel from the side, they look like a big ship, and the cylindrical building behind the "birdcage" is like the chimney of a steamship, implying that when gamblers enter the door, it is like getting on a ship, and their fate is in the hands of the "captain"!

And this "captain" is Chairman He's brother, the gambling king Shen.

At the annual meeting of the Chinese Business Association, every time Shen, the gambling king, saw Zhang Heping, he would invite Zhang Heping to go to Macau to play a few rounds.

Zhang Heping brought more than 50 black-clad bodyguards with him this afternoon. Although only 20 bodyguards followed Zhang Heping out of the casino and the other 30 bodyguards were waiting outside, Chairman He and Gambling King Shen still felt that he had bad intentions.

However, Zhang Heping deposited the 535 million Australian dollars in the suitcase into his casino account, exchanged it for 100 million Australian dollars in chips, distributed 20 chips to the 20 bodyguards, and then let the bodyguards go and have fun on their own.

Zhang Heping himself only brought his bodyguard leader Tang Hu, and followed President He and Gambling King Shen to the private room to play cards.

As soon as President He sat down at the card table, he asked tentatively, "Mr. Zhang didn't come here to play cards tonight."

"I need some cash recently." Zhang Heping took the cards from the beautiful dealer, waved her to go out, and started shuffling the cards.

President He and Gambling King Shen exchanged a glance, and then Gambling King Shen winked at the dealer, asking her to take the others out.

The only sounds in the room were Zhang Heping shuffling cards and the black detection stick in Tang Hu's hand that kept beeping.

"Boss, there are surveillance and listening devices." Tang Hu said, and put the stick back into the sleeve of his black suit.

"Excuse me, Mr. Zhang. The surveillance cameras were installed to prevent some gamblers from cheating. They are only used for investigation afterwards." Gambling King Shen stood up and said, "Why don't we go to my office to discuss it in detail?"

From what Shen, the gambling king, said, his office was the only one in the entire casino that did not have surveillance or listening devices installed.

Zhang Heping picked up the cards indifferently, Tang Hu picked up the chips, followed Gambling King Shen and Chairman He out of the private room, and went up to the 5th floor from the internal elevator.

This time, under Tang Hu's detection, the black detection stick did not emit a warning beep sound again.

"Has Mr. Zhang's company encountered financial problems? That shouldn't be the case!" As soon as the gambling king Shen sat down on the sofa, he pretended to be puzzled and looked at President He who was holding a glass of wine beside him.

The two of them had opened a casino together in Macau a long time ago, but Chairman Ho returned to Hong Kong to engage in real estate, which allowed gambling king Shen to gradually become the major shareholder of Lisboa.

"Mr. Zhang's business is much bigger than ours, how could he be short of funds!" Chairman He shook his head and echoed Shen the Gambling King, saying, "I'm afraid Mr. Zhang has discovered some business opportunities and doesn't want outsiders to know!"

Zhang Heping smiled and said, "Didn't I want to buy back the four stocks of Island Electric and China Gas some time ago?"

"In the end, the Eagle Country guys refused to sell! I just wanted to force them to do something. If I wanted to achieve my goal, I couldn't use the money in Huifeng Bank's account, lest the Eagle Country guys discover my motives from the flow of my funds."

"Oh?" When President He heard that Zhang Heping wanted to force the Eagle Country, he suddenly became interested, but he didn't show it on his face. He just asked, "Mr. Zhang, how can we help you?"

Zhang Heping took out a checkbook and said, "I lost some money in Macau tonight. I wonder how much cash in magnesium and Hong Kong dollars Shen has?"

We are all smart people. As soon as Zhang Heping said this, Shen the Gambling King understood that he was asked to act as a money transferor.

"In a short period of time, it's no problem to raise 1000 million magnesium yuan or 5000 million Hong Kong dollars." Shen Gambling King said, looking at Chairman He on the side, and said carefully: "Mr. Zhang, you know that we Chinese businessmen have always wanted to teach the Eagle country a lesson, but we have never had the opportunity."

"Look, can we follow you and force the Eagle Country guys together?"

Hearing this, Zhang Heping laughed. This guy wanted to get a piece of the pie!

These two people are both smart people. How could they be fooled by the excuses made up by Zhang Heping?

"I am forcing them to agree to my merger and restructuring conditions. If you want to follow me, you will see profits only after two years, and satisfactory results only after ten years." Zhang Heping smiled and took the glass of whiskey handed to him by President He.

"I'd like to hear the details!" President He hurriedly sat on the sofa next to Zhang Heping.

Zhang Heping glanced at Tang Hu, and Tang Hu took out the detection stick again, checked around, then looked outside the door, finally closed the door, stood behind it, and nodded to Zhang Heping.

Zhang Heping took a sip of whiskey and said calmly, "The money that Gambling King Shen just mentioned is not enough!"

Gambling King Shen pointed at the uncollected checkbook in Zhang Heping's hand and said sternly, "If Mr. Zhang doesn't mind the trouble, he can come and lose some money recently. If one day he doesn't want to lose anymore, Mrs. Zhang will come to the casino and make a scene."

"No need to make a scene. I can't afford to lose face!" Zhang Heping quickly put down his wine glass, took out a pen, and wrote down 2000 million magnesium yuan on the checkbook. "I'll lose more than million today. Is that okay?"

Gambling King Shen accepted the check written by Zhang Heping in person without any hesitation, and just asked him to help lie, provide a cover, and act as a middleman to transfer the money.

Besides, there is also the secret information about Zhang Heping, the richest man in Hong Kong Island, which could be a big deal.

"Today, the reason why I came to see you two is because you have not immigrated abroad, and you have also received a lot of Chinese assets. This shows that you are planning to stay in Hong Kong and Macau for development. You are patriots like me who are waiting for the return of Hong Kong and Macau!" Zhang Heping said with a smile:

"So, you must keep the inside information about the Eagle Country that I am about to tell you confidential until at least the end of this year. Otherwise..."

Hearing Ci's words, President He immediately expressed his position, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I swear not to tell anyone about the news you said tonight!"

"I also swear that I will never tell anyone what I heard tonight!"


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