Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 5 The resolute mother (page 12)

After Yan Bugui left, Zhang Heping took off his green shoulder bag from the wall at home, poured out the pen and notebook in the bag, told his mother Ma Xiuzhen where he was going, and then left the house in a hurry.

After changing buses three times, Zhang Heping curiously saw the Anding Gate of Dongcheng through the bus window.

I just felt that there were so many people on this road, the streets were so rough, and many places were under construction, but they looked prosperous!

Zhang Heping first went to the Capital Library on Chengxian Street, but failed to apply for a library card as expected because he did not have a letter of introduction.

However, Zhang Heping's main purpose of coming here is to try to see if he can learn the corresponding skills by reading various books.

Then, he succeeded!

At first, Zhang Heping read the classified Chinese medicine books and had many introductory skills in his mind.

For example: looking, hearing, asking and feeling, identifying medicines, acupuncture, scraping, massage, bone setting, muscle management, etc.

It wasn't until he opened a copy of the "Huangdi Neijing" that a piece of information flashed through his mind, and he stopped blindly reading.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Introduction (1%).

He patiently flipped through the book, and it was not until his Chinese medicine skills were upgraded to proficient (1%) that he confirmed that this skill included the Chinese medicine subdivision skills he had read before.

In this way, it saves him the trouble of hanging up in different categories.

Looking at Western medicine, Zhang Heping tried to find a comprehensive collection of Western medicine similar to the "Huangdi Neijing". If he wanted to have all the [Western Medicine] skills, or just a [Medical Skills] skill, it would be easier.

Unfortunately, he only found some skills in biology, disinfection, surgery, and intravenous injection.

After that, Zhang Heping read metaphysical books such as the Yi Jing, the Tao Te Ching, the Nan Hua Zhen Jing, and the Chongxu Zhide Zhen Jing.

Although he did not obtain immortal cultivation skills such as Qi Refining Technique, he got another surprise after opening the "Huangdi Yinfu Sutra" and "Huangting Sutra".

Qigong: Getting Started (1%).

Finally, Zhang Heping read more than a dozen books on boxing and kicking before leaving the library and going to the nearest trust store.

These days, there are a lot of old items in trust stores, and they don’t require tickets.

The reason is all caused by lack of food.

After passing this threshold, you may not be able to see those items again when you go to a trust store.

Even though Zhang Heping knew this, he had no money to play with old things and no place to save them.

He only had 6 yuan and 2 cents on him, and he still had 3 cents left to take the bus, but he didn't dare to buy anything randomly.

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", "The Yellow Emperor's Yin Fu Jing", "Tai Chi", and "Taizu Changquan" cost him a total of 5 yuan and 3 cents.

Among them, the Huangdi Neijing is a 6-volume hardcover book. It is estimated that it belongs to someone’s collection, and the consignment price is as high as 5 yuan!

The other three books are all ordinary single volumes, and the two boxing books are still in the form of villain books, but they can be used to idle to improve skills.

When Zhang Heping returned to the courtyard with his bag and books in his arms, Yan Bugui, the gatekeeper, ran over to help move the books and was extremely attentive.

When they entered the backyard, Ma Xiuzhen's words made Yan Bugui's eyes light up.

"Third uncle, can you bring peace to my family and go fishing for some fish this afternoon?"

For this kind of request, Yan Bugui couldn't ask for it, so he naturally agreed.

Zhang Heping saw from the side that the corners of Yan Bugui's mouth were almost split to the sky.

Immediately, Yan Bugui took Zhang Heping and asked him in a low voice what he needed to bring, and then hurried back to prepare.

After Zhang Heping said hello to his grandmother and second sister who were gluing matchboxes in the room, he put the books he bought in the corner beside the bed, and then started looking around, only to find a plate of small steamed fish in the pot.

Zhang Heping couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Mom, you didn't give away the fish I caught this morning, did you?"

"Yeah!" Ma Xiuzhen responded and brought the steamed fish into the house.

Then, I saw her using chopsticks to lift up the steam grid in the pot, pouring boiling water into the bottom of the pot and starting to cook the noodles.

Zhang Heping put the four sets of bowls and chopsticks on the table and thought about his mother Ma Xiuzhen's intention of asking him to go fishing in the afternoon. Should he continue to give them away or sell them?

Ma Xiuzhen carried the steaming iron pot into the house, told her son to close the door, and then while scooping out the paste, she explained to Zhang Heping in a low voice, "Didn't you ask me to take over the post?"

"The steel rolling mill didn't give me accurate instructions, and I didn't understand the process of filling out the job. I wanted to take over my dad's shift before he woke up."

"When the time comes, as you said, our family will have four more people to provide food, plus your father's, life will be easier."

"So, I sent 8 fishes to the sub-district office. Not only did I thank them for assigning the task of pasting matchboxes to our family, but I also asked them about the post, and I also made preparations in advance for transferring my household registration in the future."

Zhang Heping gave Ma Xiuzhen a thumbs up, and then asked: "Mom, if you ask me to go fishing in the afternoon, do you want to give it away?"

"Yeah!" Ma Xiuzhen put the iron pot outside, closed the door and came back, continuing to whisper: "The people at the street office said that the possibility of me taking up the post is very small, because it involves adding 4 new household registrations and 4 new households to supply food. I suggest you find a relationship."

"After much thought, I feel that only your father's comrades will help us for free. Therefore, I want to bring some fish to celebrate the New Year and take the opportunity to talk about the difficulties of filling the post."

Zhang Heping did not expect his mother to act so resolutely, and he was also unambiguous, "Mom, how many fish do you need?"

"At least 22, preferably more than two kilograms." Ma Xiuzhen reported the number without thinking, and whispered:

"Xiaosan, it doesn't matter if you can't catch it. You follow the third uncle and see him catch a fish weighing more than two kilograms, then buy the fish. I will give him money when he comes back."

"Uh!" He knows more about fishing than the third uncle. How to explain?

"I know, just wait and see how I perform!" After Zhang Heping said this, under the astonished gazes of the three women, Zhang Heping brought the steamed fish that no one had touched his chopsticks to in front of him.

Then, he dipped two pieces of the fattest fish breasts in the soup and gave them to his grandmother and mother.

Then, he divided one piece from the next two pieces of loin meat to the second sister and left one piece in the empty bowl, saying that it was reserved for the eldest sister.

As for himself, he only kept a section of the fish tail and a small fish head with no meat. Without ginger and onion, the taste was a bit fishy and not delicious!

"Grandma, eat it. I've been able to come back from fishing recently, and I don't miss this bite!" Zhang Heping raised his hand to block his bowl, preventing grandma from giving him the fish.

"You can't talk while eating fish. Grandma, if you keep doing this, I will get stuck easily with fish bones!" Zhang Heping threatened with his own throat, and then persuaded the old lady to stop.

For a moment, the room felt as warm as spring.


After lunch, the third uncle couldn't wait to go fishing, so he sent his second son Yan Jiefang to the backyard to call Zhang Heping.

By the time Zhang Heping arrived at the front yard, Yan Bugui had already pushed his bicycle outside the gate of the courtyard. Two large iron buckets were hung on the left and right sides of the rear frame of the bicycle. A short fishing rod was inserted in the bucket, and some stick flour bait was placed at the bottom of the bucket. .

Seeing this, Zhang Heping put his small iron bucket and hammer fishing rod into the big bucket behind the car, then sat behind the 28 big bar and headed towards Houhai.

At first, Yan Bugui wanted to compare his fishing skills with Zhang Heping, so each of them was given a large bucket.

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