Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 465 Revenge

"Mr. Zhang, this is a complete set of information on the development of our fifth-generation computer system, as well as the research progress. Please have a look!" A Japanese man in a white coat asked his subordinates to place a pile of information on the conference table.

"No need to read it!" Zhang Heping stood up and walked out. "When you said you wanted to use the CPU as the brain of artificial intelligence to perform reasoning, judgment, and image recognition, it was inconsistent with my research direction. I will not be influenced by you."

The Japanese people looked at each other in bewilderment. They didn't expect that their ideas, which they thought were leading the world, were not even glanced at by the other party.

A Japanese person asked angrily: "Mr. Zhang, from what you said, the CPU is not suitable to be the brain of artificial intelligence? Then what kind of hardware should be used to assist CPU calculations?"

"The function of the CPU is to perform calculations. If we don't use the CPU, do we need to add additional chips to perform calculations?"

"This guy is so rude!" A young Japanese man said angrily, "We started preparing for the reception yesterday and wanted to communicate with him more, but he actually..."

"Shut up! Our technology is too backward and the other party didn't take our fancy to us!"


Zhang Heping walked to the Land Cruiser bulletproof vehicle outside, turned around and took another look at the unprepossessing gray concrete buildings.

"They will be able to make 512K memory soon." Zhang Heping got into the car and said to Miss Suzuki who followed in and sat in the back seat:

"However, if you want to produce 1M, 4M, or 8M DRAM memory, you need more than just a 1-micron production process. You also need a 0.1-micron clean room, which is also a hard requirement for making nano-scale chips."

Miss Suzuki accompanied him for two days. Seeing that Zhang Heping was about to return to Hong Kong Island, she asked without authorization: "Can Mr. Zhang provide us with relevant technical information?"

"Boss, where are we going now?" the driver in the front seat interrupted.

"Let's go back to Ginza and find a place to have lunch." Zhang Heping replied casually, then closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, ignoring Miss Suzuki's insincere question.

Zhang Heping is now waiting for a good price. If he were to state the conditions first, it would seem too cheap.

The Japanese and the Chinese are all seeking semiconductor technology cooperation in the mainland. They have ideas about the technology in Zhang Heping's hands, but they are more willing to believe in the semiconductor-related equipment that has already been realized in the mainland.

Therefore, when they first participated in the Tingmei Trade Tender, they were very eager to obtain the technology in Zhang Heping's hands.

But after the relevant factories in the mainland won the bid and obtained the so-called technology of Tingmei Trading Company and started to build the factory and prepare for production, these foreigners were more willing to believe that the relevant technology had always been in the hands of the Chinese side and Zhang Heping was just a puppet on the stage.

Foreigners have this idea mainly because they have never seen Zhang Heping reply to those technical consultation letters.


Mayor Suzuki said to his third daughter who had just entered the office while gently pushing his golf club: "You're back so early. Is Mr. Zhang going back to Hong Kong Island this afternoon?"

"No!" Miss Suzuki shook her head and said, "He is in the East Capital Library right now, looking through books on nuclear physics. He asked me if I could provide him with a piece of information on the construction of a nuclear power plant. He plans to build a nuclear power plant near Hong Kong Island."

"Some things are inconvenient to ask over the phone, so I came here."

"Are you asking if we can use this confidential information to detain him when he goes through airport security, and then force him to work for us?" Mayor Suzuki guessed what his third daughter was thinking just by hearing the beginning of the conversation.

The office fell into silence for a while, and Mayor Suzuki took three shots before he pushed the golf ball into the hole that was just a stone's throw away.

Then, Mayor Suzuki said, "This kind of thing can be done by the District Public Prosecutors' Special Investigation Division, but we cannot do it. Moreover, we must intervene as soon as possible to stop it after the District Public Prosecutors' Special Investigation Division fails in its intimidation and inducement."

"The key is that the people from the Special Investigation Department of the District Prosecutor's Office probably don't dare to do this now!"

"Why?" Miss Suzuki asked in surprise, "When they came to our house the night before yesterday, weren't they very tough? Is there anything they dare not do?"

"In the past two days, the security personnel of the Umbrella Dongdu Branch have visited the families of all the staff of the District Public Prosecutor's Office Special Investigation Department and delivered a set of Dior store merchandise." Mayor Suzuki picked up the golf ball, returned to the teeing area, and said calmly:

"When dealing with him, you cannot treat him as an ordinary businessman, but as a warlord who kills without blinking an eye."

"Warlord?" Miss Suzuki asked doubtfully, "His security company? If we really let those security guards kill people, it would be great if half of them dare to shoot!"

"At least, the 10 old bodyguards he brought from Hong Kong Island dared to shoot at you and me!" Mayor Suzuki said, and pushed the ball away.

Then, Mayor Suzuki walked to his desk, picked up the phone and called his secretary.

"I need a copy of the construction data of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant. It doesn't have to be too detailed, just to let outsiders understand the construction process. Yes, I need it this afternoon!"

Miss Suzuki frowned when she saw her father put down the phone and said, "Father, is it necessary to give it to him? That's the information of our largest nuclear power plant."

"He has been indifferent to our technicians these days. He is just like the Chinese. He is annoying!"


Zhang Heping borrowed a lot of books from the Dongdu Library using the identity of a Japanese bodyguard.

Finally, he gave some money to the bodyguards who borrowed books, asking them to take it to Dongdu Library to compensate for the lost books.

As for whether these bodyguards who dropped out of junior high school would go to places like libraries again, it is unlikely.

Therefore, this money is just to buy their reputation for borrowing books.

Zhang Heping threw the borrowed book into the trunk of the Land Patrol bulletproof car and asked his bodyguard to mail it back to Hong Kong Island another day.

He only took a book on the principles of virology and went back to the hotel to wait for news.

The first thing I received was a stack of nuclear power plant construction information sent by Miss Suzuki. It consisted of only a hundred pages of information. There was no technology involved, just a construction plan.

However, this information is enough for Zhang Heping's ambition to hang up the computer.

Unlike in China, there is not even this little information.

"Mr. Zhang, are you going back to Hong Kong Island tomorrow morning?" Miss Suzuki was as respectful as before, without any bad intentions on her part.

Zhang Heping was looking through the nuclear power plant construction plan and said, "The flight ticket for tomorrow afternoon at 16:."

Zhang Heping planned to give Ou Yanzi more time to consider, and also to give the middle and senior management of Hong Kong Island Telecom some time to go shopping. Although they did not reach a cooperation agreement in the past two days, they also worked hard.

It's a rare opportunity to go abroad, we can't just ask them to finish their work and go back immediately!

In the evening, just when Zhang Heping and other middle and senior managers of Hong Kong Island Telecom came back for dinner, Ou Yanzi knocked on the hotel door and came in with an investment plan.

Zhang Heping only glanced at the plan, then stood up and shook hands with Ou Yanzi, saying with a smile, "Hua Yingxiong Company, I'll leave it to President Ou!"

Ou Yanzi said excitedly: "Thank you Mr. Zhang and Mr. Chen for your appreciation. I will definitely try my best to exchange the low-value properties and land in the company for high-value shops in the seven central districts!"

"No need to change!" Zhang Heping smiled and said, "After your appointment formalities are completed, Shu Ting's Stepmother Investment Co., Ltd. will inject new funds into Huayingxiong Company. You just need to choose the shops to buy at that time."

"My request is very simple. Our Huayingxiong Company's real estate and land in Dongdu can only be increased, not reduced, before receiving instructions from Shu Ting and me!"

When Ou Yanzi heard that the superior company needed additional funds, her eyes widened, "Mr. Zhang, you still need additional funds to speculate in real estate?"


The next afternoon, after staying up all night and working all morning, Zhang Heping finally mastered the nuclear power plant construction technology to the master level.

Then he led the team to Dongdu Airport.

When they were about to enter the station for inspection, Zhu Chengguang, the head of the Dongdu branch of the Umbrella Company, came over and whispered, "Boss, those are people from the Special Investigation Department of the Dongdu District Procuratorate!"

Zhang Heping looked over and saw more than twenty Japanese people in various clothes standing at the checkpoint, seemingly waiting for someone.

"It's okay. Just remember to ship the books in the trunk back to Hong Kong Island. Don't let our people take them back."

After he finished speaking, Zhang Heping shook hands with Miss Suzuki and others who came to see him off, then walked leisurely towards the inspection gate.

"No one else was searched, so why search our boss?" Zhu Chengguang opened his black suit jacket, revealing the holster under his left rib cage. "You try to search it, and I'll bring people to your house tonight to ask you what the rules are!"

"Try searching it!" Hundreds of branch bodyguards who were accompanying them all opened their suit jackets and revealed their gun holsters.

This scene directly frightened the two men and two women in charge of security. Even though they did not understand Cantonese, even though Zhang Heping raised his hand for them to search, they were all afraid and hurriedly shook their heads and backed away as if they were avoiding the plague god.

After Zhang Heping, who did not take anything, passed the checkpoint, Zhu Chengguang and his men withdrew their positions and just stood outside the checkpoint, staring at the people from the Special Investigation Department of the Dongdu District Procuratorate.

There are not many people in the Special Investigation Department of the Dongdu District Prosecutor's Office, only 35 at the moment. Excluding those who are out on missions, everyone in Dongdu should have come.

Almost all of them came here, mostly because of the gifts given to their families. They wanted to give them back a taste of their own medicine and prove that they were not easily intimidated!

Unfortunately, there were too few of them and they obviously failed to control the situation.

We should ask the people of the Umbrella Dongdu Branch why they could obtain the home addresses of the 35 employees of the Special Investigation Department of the Dongdu District Prosecutor's Office so easily.

We can only blame them for not acting like Japanese people, but instead acting as running dogs of the Taiwanese, which makes many Japanese people hate them to the core. Naturally, there are many people who hope that someone will teach the people from the Special Investigation Department of the Toudu District Prosecutors Office a lesson.

After all the employees of Hong Kong Island Telecom had passed the security check, Zhang Heping waved to Zhu Chengguang and others, "Let's go back!"

After Zhang Heping left, Zhu Chengguang, with more than a hundred of his men, stared at the 23 people from the Special Investigation Department of the Dongdu District Procuratorate at the checkpoint for a while. It was not until 16: p.m. when Zhang Heping and his men did not come out that Zhu Chengguang led his men to leave the airport.

"Minister, this is too infuriating!" A young officer from the Special Investigation Department of the Dongdu District Prosecutors Office said angrily, "We don't even have guns, but these foreigners have 200 gun licenses! The department that issued them the gun licenses must have received bribes. I suggest that they be thoroughly investigated!"

"I'll leave this matter to you to investigate!" the director of the Special Investigation Department replied unhappily.


When Zhang Heping returned to his home in Hong Kong Island, he was still in time for dinner.

However, after dinner, Wei Chunqiao, the head of the Umbrella Company, came over to report what had happened at home in the past two days.

"This is what happened. The two ladies were afraid that you would be distracted, so they didn't let us call you." Wei Chunqiao secretly shifted the blame.

"The monitoring team at Huifeng Bank heard that Shen Bi called to stop unknown people from attacking our Zhang family." Zhang Heping repeated the information Wei Chunqiao just said with a gloomy face, "The next day, the cars we sent out were hit one after another!"

Zhang Heping pondered for a moment and asked, "Have you found out who did it?"

"The drivers who caused the accident refused to speak and have been controlled by us." Wei Chunqiao said hurriedly: "Tang Wei went to Hong Kong Island Telecom to retrieve Shen Bi's call records at the time, which showed that the other party was an office landline in the Hong Kong government, and the target could not be locked."

Zhang Heping narrowed his eyes and asked coldly, "Where is Shen Bi now?"

"He took a plane to Eagle Country this morning!" When Wei Chunqiao said this, he lowered his head to his chest and did not dare to look at Zhang Heping.

"The monk may escape, but the temple cannot!" Zhang Heping turned to look at his concubine Chen Shuting and sneered, "How much cash can we mobilize now?"

"Counting the 6000 million magnesium yuan from Heping Real Estate, we can mobilize 30 billion magnesium yuan in cash!" Chen Shuting vaguely guessed what Zhang Heping wanted to do, and said a little excitedly: "If we pledge those company shares, it will be no problem to raise another 20 billion magnesium yuan."

Zhang Heping picked up the phone and called the boat charter king first.

"Old Bao, are you interested in the original shares of Hong Kong Island Telecom?"

"Exchange it for the shares of Huifeng Bank!"

"I'll trade as much as you can get!"

"Okay, we'll sign the agreement tomorrow morning and first determine the 5.5% Huifeng Bank shares you hold. The acquisition notice will be handed over to Huifeng's board of directors on the afternoon of the 9th and announced to the outside world at the same time!"

"Friendly reminder: You only have less than 3 days!"

After Zhang Heping put down the phone, he said to his concubine Chen Shuting: "After signing the agreement tomorrow, we will go to collect funds. On the afternoon of the 9th, we will issue a notice in the name of Heping Group, planning to purchase Huifeng Bank shares in the range of 15 to 40 yuan. It is expected to take 5 years to control Huifeng Bank."

"Then send a notice in the name of Stepmother Investment Co., Ltd. to transfer Huifeng Bank's shares to Heping Group!"

Chen Shuting said excitedly: "Ordinary people don't know the superior-subordinate relationship between Heping Group and Stepmother Investment, and would think that Stepmother Investment is not optimistic about Huifeng Bank. However, it is not enough to have bad news. It would be better if there is some stock selling to bring down the share price of HSBC to 58 yuan."

"But we can't do this, otherwise we will be suspected of manipulating stock prices. If we let the charter king cooperate with us..."

"No need!" Zhang Heping flatly refused. "The bigger the company, the more attention it needs to pay to avoid legal risks. Once the bank finds out that there is an abnormality in the flow of funds, it is likely that the transaction will be declared invalid, and you as a director will also have to bear legal responsibility."

"And this time, we are just forcing Shen Bi to show up and find out which Eagle Country guys are dishonest!"

"After this matter is dealt with, the funds will also support Mr. Ou of Huayingxiong Company and invest in shops in the seven districts of Dongdu Center."


October 10th morning, sunny.

When the charter king met Zhang Heping at Hong Kong Island Telecommunications Company, he joked, "How could Mr. Zhang be willing to take Hong Kong Island Telecommunications, the hen that lays golden eggs, public?"

"Secretary Xia promised to promote the connection of the north and south power grids in Hong Kong Island, and I agreed to list Hong Kong Island Telecom. It's that simple." Zhang Heping responded with a smile: "Let's talk business first!"

"Recently, 1 MGD can be exchanged for 6.2 HKD. The market value of Huifeng Bank is less than 40 billion MGD! And Island Telecom has 50 billion MGD in spare cash. With the prospect of Island Telecom's IPO and the 2G communication technology in my hands, I believe that the shipping king will not suffer any loss."

"You already have 2G communication technology?" The boat charterer asked in surprise, "Is that the kind you mentioned before, the kind that can make phone calls and send text messages?"

"We have the technology, and the equipment is still being produced. In addition, we have to wait for you to seize the 1G communication market abroad." Zhang Heping explained: "By then, there will be computer and Internet technologies announced."


The charter king thought about the share exchange ratio and felt that there was a lot of profit to be made, so he stopped bargaining and asked, "Can I ask why Mr. Zhang suddenly wants to acquire Huifeng Bank?"

"Because, the Eagle Country guys cut off my source of income, and I cut off theirs, and now they dare to retaliate against me!"


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