Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 457 Director Wang recognizes his position

"If you want to sing, sing beautifully, no matter how empty the stage is."

"One day I will see glow sticks waving."

The eldest wife Tang Xin went upstairs and grabbed the second daughter Zhang Nan who was singing and playing the guitar.

After Director Wang had lunch with the Zhang family, he and Zhang Heping went to the study on the second floor.

"Heping, domestic funds are tight. I'm afraid you can only let SMIC process memory, hard drives and other items for you." Director Wang said with a little expectation: "Unless you invest in building a factory in Shenzhen."

"The battery factory and the lighting factory are given to you. The profits of these two factories this year will be at least 4 million magnesium yuan. How can you be short of funds?" Zhang Heping said, moving a chair next to his desk and asking Director Wang to sit down.

Then, Zhang Heping went to the bookshelf, picked up a book at random, and fell silent!

After a while, seeing that Zhang Heping was silent, Director Wang had to explain: "Heping, you don't know how difficult the domestic finances are now. Many factories..."

"What does it have to do with me?" Zhang Heping's tone was a little cold, "I don't manage finances!"

Zhang Heping's words were relatively polite, as he didn't directly say it was none of his business.

Even so, Wang Sumei still choked for a moment, and then she said, "The profits of the battery factory and the lighting factory in the first half of the year are about 1.8 million magnesium yuan. I plan to hand over this money to ease the financial pressure."

Zhang Heping frowned, "If you hand over this money, what will you use to build the 789 factory that won the bid at the Tingmei Trade Bidding Conference to process memory and processors?"

"I came here this time to tell you about this." Director Wang said hurriedly, "SMIC is a joint venture between the Institute of Computer Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Japan, Japan, Japan, the Netherlands, and other countries..."

Zhang Heping waved his hand to interrupt Director Wang and said, "What I want to ask is, what should we do with Factory 789?"

"Factory 789?" Director Wang was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Zhang Heping was talking about.

"Factory 789, Wanzhong Machinery Factory in Qingchuan, Computer Research Institute in Southwest China, you don't even know this, you... forget it!" Zhang Heping suppressed his annoyance, picked up the phone and called Shenzhen Science Printing Factory.

"I'm Zhang Heping!" Zhang Heping said in a deep voice into the microphone: "Why doesn't Director Wang know about Factory 789? Don't you want Factory 633 to build multi-axis machine tools?"

Sha Zhixiang, who was far away in Shenzhen, said helplessly into the microphone: "I can't answer this question. She is at a higher level than me. You should let her ask her superiors herself."

Zhang Heping hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and then said to Director Wang next to him: "Auntie Wang, you don't have enough authority!"


"I'll arrange a car to take you back!"

Faced with the long list of factory codes and the order to expel her that Zhang Heping said, Wang Sumei stood up angrily. She had realized that she had done something stupid.

Before coming here, she had reported to her superiors about the profit to be handed over and how she had facilitated the outsourcing of the business to SMIC.

But after her superiors rejected the idea, she insisted that doing so would do more good than harm.

For this reason, her superiors asked her to come to Hong Kong Island to discuss with Zhang Heping.

It wasn't until Zhang Heping again mentioned that Wang Sumei didn't have enough authority that she realized her position.

"Peace!" Before getting in the car, Wang Sumei seemed to have figured it out. "The higher-ups didn't agree to my suggestion of handing over the profits and having SMIC do the processing. It was only after I repeatedly requested that they let me come to Hong Kong Island to discuss it with you."

"I understand now. I am just a buffer between you and the higher-ups. You should make the decisions. I am only responsible for keeping an eye on the factory's production."

"Auntie Wang, you have to go back and ask yourself about the authority. Even Sha Zhixiang can read the technical consultation letters I wrote, so there is no reason to hide it from you." Zhang Heping opened the car door. "Once you understand the contents of the letter, you will understand what we are doing."


The day after seeing Director Wang off, Tingmei Trading Company called the winning bidders, factories, and companies one by one, inviting them to sign processing agreements at the Shenzhen Tingmei Health Factory.

Because the deposit was transferred from Tingmei Trading Company's Nanyang Bank account to the Bank of China account, it did not attract the attention of foreigners for a while.

It was not until three days later, after all the agreements were signed and the order payment of 3 million magnesium yuan was transferred, that Tingmei Trading Company notified the other "two" unsuccessful companies in the three-choice competition. This caused a group of foreigners to frantically inquire about which companies had won the bid.

The easiest thing to find out is the 800MB hard drive business that Tang Lie processed on behalf of others. This guy took the opportunity to advertise his CD products.

Next are the plastic shell processing factories for keyboards, mice, monitors and other equipment, followed by chassis, wire and other factories. These accessories with little technical content are all made by Hong Kong businessmen, only because their wives helped Tang Xin sell Zhang's shop and helped Zhang's family collect more than 50 million yuan in payment.

As for the manufacturers of chips, motherboards and the like, foreigners have not found them yet.

The main reason was that the three-story building where Tingmei Trading Company was located was sold by Tang Xin, resulting in their office being moved to the Shenzhen Tingmei Health Factory. The relevant documents and materials were all there and could not be stolen.

The employees of Tingmei Trading Company only knew some factory codes and had nothing to disclose.

After the shops under the name of Zhang were sold, Heping Real Estate Company moved its office to the third floor of the apartment building in Renheyi Community, where it was furnished with three desks, 3 mahjong tables, 3 pool tables, as well as some sofas, booths and the like.

On the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of every month, this is where the Heping Real Estate Company works and where wealthy ladies play mahjong and chat.

At other times, the third floor becomes the community's entertainment room.

Anyone can come, as long as they don't touch anything on the desk.

Foreigners are busy looking for Tingmei Trading Company's processing factories, hoping to take control of the factories through investment and then obtain the relevant technology.

The previously established Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation has become a shell company. Not a penny of the funds promised by the foreigners has been received, and the company is stuck in a stalemate.

Naturally, the top management of SMIC kept urging the foreigners to transfer the money, but the foreigners said that they would only pay after SMIC signed an order for 365-nanometer lithography machines, etching machines and other equipment.

When SMIC finally signed a contract for pre-ordering equipment for the end of the year, when it went to contact the foreigners again, they went back on their word and said that the end of the year was too far away and the delivery must be within a month.

It's impossible within a month!

365-nanometer lithography machines, etching machines and other equipment are being shipped to the mountain city from all over the country. Even the 789 Factory, which was originally hidden in Qingchuan, was relocated to the riverside of the mountain city due to a transfer order.

This is because the electricity and water power in Qingchuan cannot meet the future production of chip factories!

Along with Factory 789, Factory 879 in Qingchuan and military factories in other places also relocated. They all had to move in order to adapt to future production needs.

Because many factories were relocated, Tingmei Trading gave an additional 30% deposit.

At the same time, in order to cover up military expenditures, relocation costs, new factory construction costs, etc., were not paid from public accounts, but funds were transferred from the battery factory and lighting factory.

The main purpose of so many military factories cooperating in the relocation is to facilitate the development of multi-axis machine tools by Factory 633!

Then, it will promote the improvement of the hull structure of the 429 factory, the engine development of the 403 and 405 factories, and the propeller of the 550 factory...

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