Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 446: The Status of the Zhang Family in Hong Kong

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Chen, congratulations on your prosperity!" The behind-the-scenes boss of the Jianing Group hurriedly returned the greeting.

The interaction between Zhang Heping and Jianing Group was remembered by most of the surrounding businessmen, who wondered whether the two groups had any cooperation.

What is intriguing is that the boss behind the Heping Group is Zhang Heping, but it is his wife Chen Shuting who stands up for the company.

The surname Zhang controls Mr. Chen, and the surname Chen controls Mr. Zhang...

As this word was passed around the table, the word "control" was suddenly missing, causing many low-level businessmen to hide at the edge of the restaurant, watching with obscene smiles as the seats at the main table were "conceded".

"Mr. Zhang successively acquired companies such as Hong Kong Island Electric, China Gas, and Hong Kong Island Telecom from Eagle Capital. He is a role model for us Chinese businessmen and should be honored!"

"I dare not! I dare not!" Zhang Heping raised his right hand and waved it twice. "The companies I acquired still rely on you to take care of their business. If there is a power outage or gas outage one day, please don't call and scold me."

"When it comes to business and financial strength, Mr. Zhang deserves the top spot!"

Zhang Heping did not explain any more. He walked to the left side of the main table, pulled out the second chair from the left of the first seat, and asked Chen Shuting to sit at the third seat from the left. "That's it. If you want to take a photo, remember to remind me to wear sunglasses. You know I don't like to show my face."

Zhang Heping showed an attitude that could not be questioned and used taking photos to change the subject. The others then "modestly" gave way to the first seat, the left seat, the right seat, and the right second and right third seats, which were a bit too hot.

Sometimes, it doesn’t matter where the first place is just because someone else has determined it.

Just like now, when Zhang Heping and his wife sat at the 2nd and 3rd seats on the left, the corresponding 2nd and 3rd seats on the right became dangerous positions in the eyes of everyone. No matter who sat there, people would secretly ask, "What are you worthy of!"

If the door could be moved, there must be some unscrupulous businessmen who would have moved the door of the restaurant to the opposite side of the 2nd and 3rd seats from the left when Zhang Heping sat down.

It was also because of this seating rule that Chen Shuting complained to her mother Ma Xiuzhen, saying that it was inconvenient for her as a woman to sit in the main seat, but if she didn't sit in the main seat, it would be a disgrace to the Zhang family, and it would be much more difficult for her to do business in the future...

"Just sit facing my brother-in-law, so you don't have trouble arranging it!" The eldest brother-in-law Tang Ren was considerate and sat in the second seat on the right, and asked his brother Tang Yi to sit in the third seat on the right.

Now there are only 3 left!

The head of China Resources is in charge of the total export trade transit from the mainland through Hong Kong Island. The Tang family used to get a share of the pie under China Resources, so the head of China Resources naturally sat at the top.

But the 60-year-old China Resources executive sat next to Zhang Heping with a smile on his face, giving no chance for others to refute.

General Rong of Zhongxin placed his right hand on the back of the chair in the right position 1 and said with a smile: "I think everyone should have no objection to my shameless sitting here!"

Although CITIC was not big at that time, it represented the financing portal of the mainland; even if the person in charge of the Rong family took the top position, no one would say anything. Unfortunately, it happened that today he had to run for the president of the Hong Kong Chinese Business Association!

This matter was discussed with the Zhang and Tang families at the gathering before the New Year, but Zhang Heping and Tang Ren had no intention of taking the responsibility.

Therefore, under the flattery of those lackeys who were eager to show off but did not know the truth, Zhang Heping and his companions sat in the positions they thought were appropriate, leaving the first seat vacant.

After the representatives of the mainland's general export trade distributors, the mainland's financing portal, the Zhang family, the hidden richest family in Hong Kong, and the Tang family, which is on the rise, took their seats, there were only three seats left at the main table: 4th from the left, 4th from the right, and the last seat.

At this time, there are many Hong Kong businessmen who are rising, but with the pressure of fierce capital on their heads, not many of them can make it to the so-called big families. Currently, they can only be regarded as leading businessmen.

Therefore, even if it is the last place, other Chinese businessmen will be extremely jealous.

“This table is too small!”

When the charter king sat down at the 4th seat on the right next to Tang Yi, Zhang Heping looked at the businessmen who were yielding to each other but secretly competing with each other, and said with a smile:

"I remember there was an extra-large round table in the private room of this restaurant. It seemed that it could seat more than 30 people. Why not just take that table over?"

"What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other and immediately started to support the idea, praising it as a good idea. All of a sudden, the open and covert fighting just now ceased.

After all, there are only a dozen or so top Hong Kong businessmen, and they can be solved with an extra-large round table.

The reason why they put a small table at the top of the hall is simply because they have overlapping industries, and they secretly want to differentiate themselves to suppress their competitors and let the suppliers and distributors below see who has the ability to sit at the main table.

After a round of ping-pong, a 4-meter-long table was placed at the first seat in the hall.

Zhang Heping, who had just arranged meals for his accompanying bodyguards, sat down with his concubine Chen Shuting.

Because there were more seats, someone actually arranged Zhang Jianing to sit next to Chen Shuting, and even introduced the boss behind Zhang Jianing.

"God of Wealth, Mr. Chen!"

"My good-for-nothing little son followed Mr. Chen in stock trading last year and actually made tens of millions. Mr. Chen is quite resourceful!"

"The stock price of Jianing Group has dropped from 17 last year to 9 yuan! Mr. Chen is planning to push down the stock price and then raise it again?"

Even though the people around were smiling and talking to Mr. Chen about the stocks of the Jianing Group, their eyes were on Zhang Jianing and Chen Shuting.

Those who can sit at the main table or even stand next to the main table to speak are not fools. They naturally know that the Hong Kong government has issued relevant laws to protect Hong Kong stocks and investors since the last stock market crash.

Among them, stock manipulation like that of the Jianing Group is illegal.

However, the person who controls the shares of Jianing Group is Mr. Chen, the God of Wealth, and the only director of Jianing Group is Zhang Jianing, who has no legally defined relationship with Mr. Chen, that is, the two are unrelated parties.

As for those who asked Mr. Chen when he would manipulate the market to push up the share price of the Carrian Group, they are retail investors who have nothing to do with the matter. The Hong Kong government cannot trace them, so they are naturally willing to add fuel to the fire.

After all, the one who bears the responsibilities as the company's legal representative is the naive and innocent Zhang Jianing who has only had a few years of education!

Therefore, Mr. Chen's reputation as the God of Wealth became widely known in the Hong Kong circle, but no one told Zhang Jianing about the legal risks involved.

Including Chen Shuting!

As the leading Hong Kong businessmen such as Guo, Zheng, Wu, and He took their seats, the food was already on the table.

"Next time we get together, let's have a buffet so that we don't have to spend a lot of time trying to get everyone to give up their seats." Zhang Heping said lightly, but his hand was turning the large glass turntable in front of him to make it easier for the waiters, who were holding plates in both hands, to serve the dishes.

"It was all small-scale stuff before. Ever since Mr. Zhang took over Eagle-funded listed companies one after another and suppressed the Eagle-country guys' momentum, everyone has taken advantage of the situation and have created a big scene like today." The middle-aged man, who was seated at the end, took on the responsibility of flattering and supporting.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Heping withdrew his hand, leaned back on his chair, glanced at the people sitting down, and said seriously:

"Everyone should know that the Eagle Country is privatizing. I just took advantage of the Eagle Country's trend. They happened to be willing to sell the company, and I happened to be able to take over. There is no such thing as one suppressing the other."

"As far as I know, some families have received invitations from Eagle Country to discuss the acquisition of Eagle Country companies."

"I'm here to advertise our CEO Qiang's Hong Kong Island brand mobile phone. Whoever takes over Eagle Country Telecommunications Company, don't forget to take care of CEO Qiang's mobile phone business."

Everyone was shocked, and then the old man of the Li family asked excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, you don't want to acquire Eagle Country Telecommunications Company?"

"They asked me a few years ago, and the additional condition was that I immigrate to Eagle Country, but I didn't agree!" Zhang Heping said indignantly: "The group of robbers they let go before have not been convicted until now, hum..."

Everyone present here knows what happened to that group of robbers. It was simply that the Hong Kong government couldn't afford to offend the Taiwanese, so it kept it a secret from Zhang Heping, the victim, and released the robbers on medical parole!

Putting aside the robbers, after all, it is the Zhang family’s business and it has nothing to do with me.

Many of you here are interested in telecommunications companies and the mobile phone business. This business is indeed very profitable, just by looking at it.

Someone who couldn't hide his thoughts hurriedly asked Tang Qiang who was sitting next to him:

"Boss Qiang, if we take over Eagle Telecom, your phone..."

"Uncle Wang, you can just call me Ah Qiang like before!" Tang Qiang said with a smile:

"We have now reached cooperation with telecommunications companies in Xindao and Taidao, and they all offer free mobile phones for prepaid phone bills."

"This way, we will not default on payments to our Hong Kong Island Telecom Company, and we will have sufficient funds to expand production."

"So, if you guys can take over overseas communication companies and are willing to give away mobile phones with prepaid phone bills, you can cooperate with us Hong Kong Island Telecom. But you guys need to be more patient with the production volume."

"This prepaid phone bill free mobile phone activity has a great advantage: it uses the customer's money to solve the infrastructure costs of communication equipment." Zhang Heping chimed in: "It's the same principle as pre-selling houses; as long as you take over this communication market, you can just sit back and wait to collect rent in the future."

Everyone present was smart and naturally understood what Zhang Heping meant. As long as they could take over the communications company, it would be a very profitable business.

However, some people think more.

"Boss Qiang, is Hong Kong Island Telecom still raising funds?"

"If Mr. Qiang had told us about this cooperation model earlier, we would have invested in your company a long time ago."


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