Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 415: Beat the younger one and summon the older one

"You are small, so you should attack the enemy's lower three routes first, and then find an opportunity to attack the enemy's upper three routes."

"Attack a male enemy by kicking, kneeing, or kicking his crotch. When he stoops in pain, immediately hit him in the chin with an uppercut, followed by a swinging punch to his exposed throat. Like this..."

"If you attack the throat with less force, you can only temporarily disable the enemy; if you attack with more force, you can kill him."

Chen Shuting made a phone call in the east gate room and came out, and then she heard Zhang Heping teaching a group of children to kill outside the courtyard gate.

The bruised and battered nephew Zhang Yi grinned and asked, "Uncle, have you ever killed anyone with this trick?"

"In China, the law does not allow random killings!" Zhang Heping looked at his second daughter Zhang Nan's swollen cheeks and said in a cold voice:

"So, when you want to kill someone, you must think clearly about the consequences and the way out, and make sure you plan it carefully!"

Zhang Heping's words made the eyelids of the servicewoman Li Su jump. How could one teach his children like this...

Late last month, in order to determine whether Zhang Bei, Zhang Nan, Zhang Yi, Chang Wen, and Zhou Xiaochun should repeat the first grade of junior high school, Li Su arranged for the five little ones to try out the first grade of junior high school at the 5th School, and then take part in the final examination of the second semester of junior high school.

What no one expected was that less than two weeks after they started their trial reading, they started fighting with others!

The cause was that Zhang Bei and Zhang Nan were dressed in fashionable clothes, and a student called them scumbags, so Zhang Yi went up and punched the student.

Then a melee broke out, and no one expected that the fighting power of the brother and sister Zhang Bei and Zhang Nan was so strong!

After the incident, the school did not cancel the trial reading opportunities for Zhang Bei and the other four students due to Zhang Heping's identity and the special circumstances of Courtyard No. 5. Instead, the school only gave a verbal education to both groups of students.

The problem is, the student who was beaten later called his brother who is in high school, and his brother called a group of classmates, and they beat up Zhang Bei and five others the day before yesterday.

What’s even more infuriating is that all three girls, Zhang Nan, Chang Wen and Zhou Xiaochun, were beaten!

After the incident happened the day before yesterday, Li Su and others intervened in the matter immediately. However, 5 of the attackers were children of large institutions, and the school only punished the 15 high school students who committed the assault.

The night before yesterday, when Li Su told Tang Xin the result, Tang Xin immediately packed her luggage and moved out of Villa No. 5, Building No. 11, Yard No. 1.

I want to make it clear that I am very dissatisfied with the way you handled the matter and the results!

She made only one request to Li Su, to find out the names and home addresses of all the attackers!

Yesterday afternoon, after Zhang Heping returned to the capital to learn about the incident, he only said one sentence to the female soldier Li Su, "I want the name and home address of the person who beat me."

The couple's words were exactly the same, making Li Su realize that this matter would not end well!

However, Li Su couldn't understand where Director Zhang got the confidence to fight against the five children from the big courtyards with their connections behind them.


"Brother Heping, we found those 15 bastards!"

An excited voice came from far away, and then a young strong man in a white vest, black shorts and slippers ran over and handed a few notes to Zhang Heping.

After reading the name and address on the note, Zhang Heping raised his hand and made a gesture of rubbing money to Chen Shuting, who was standing in the shade in the doorway.

A moment later, Chen Shuting came running over in the scorching sun, holding two stacks of magnesium dollars.

"Biaozi, thank you!" Zhang Heping handed two stacks of magnesium yuan to the leader of the Houhai gangsters.

After getting the money, the sturdy Biaozi excitedly counted it once, and then counted it again.

Then, Biaozi counted out 50 5000-yuan magnesium bills and handed them to Zhang Heping, "Brother Heping, more!"

15 attackers, 1 person's name and home address information, reward of 1000 mg!

This is Zhang Heping's usual tactic. It's just that he has no intelligence system in the capital.

"For you!" Zhang Heping looked at the children doing horse stance under the scorching sun, raised his left hand holding the note, waved at Biaozi and said, "Take your people and find some business. Don't hang around on the streets. There's no future for you!"

Biaozi looked at the money in his left and right hands, and said with a determined heart, "Brother Heping, do you want me to bring some people to teach those bastards a lesson?"

"No!" Li Su, a female service soldier who was eavesdropping nearby, said hastily, "There is a guard battalion in the Navy compound, don't mess around!"

"I don't believe that those five children from the compound will never come out!" Biaozi snorted coldly, and then said to Zhang Heping seriously: "Brother Heping, as long as you say the word, I can teach the other 5 bastards a lesson this afternoon."

Zhang Heping said calmly: "After beating them today, even a fool would know that I hired someone to do it!"

Hearing that Zhang Heping did not agree, servicewoman Li Su breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

However, when Li Su went out to have lunch and came to No. 7 Courtyard on the north bank of Houhai, he found that Zhang Heping, his wife and children were missing.

Also missing were the three Red Flag sedans.

Li Su's intuition told her that something happened!

Just when she was about to report the matter using the phone in Courtyard No. 7, she discovered that the landline in the east gate room was also missing!

Li Su quickly ran to the Houhai Sub-district Office to borrow a phone, but the Sub-district Office was not open yet.

When she rushed back to Yard No. 5 on a rickshaw to prepare for her report, the guard at the door told her that the company commander and the platoon leader had gone to the Navy compound to mediate!


Li Su's hairs all stood on end. Could it be that Director Zhang led his men into the naval compound?

Or was he beaten by people from the naval compound?

Li Su stopped a rickshaw that had just gone a short distance, and hurried to the naval compound in the southwest corner of Gongzhufen.

Just as this servicewoman got off her car at the gate of the Navy compound, she was surprised to see three Red Flag sedans driving out of the compound and passing by her.

The people driving the car were Zhang Heping, Tang Xin, and Chen Shuting!

Immediately afterwards, two 5 jeeps from their No. 212 yard also drove out.

"Li Su, get in the car!"

The second jeep behind stopped in front of Li Su, urging her to get in quickly!

"You haven't paid yet!" The rickshaw driver was fed up and hurriedly got off the rickshaw to stop Li Su.

When Li Su and his crew started the car again, they almost lost sight of the car in front.

"What happened?" Although Li Su had some guesses, he still found it hard to believe that Zhang Heping had managed to break into the naval compound with only three cars of people.

"Damn it! You probably won't believe it if I tell you!" The platoon leader of the No. 5 Yard Service Platoon cursed, as if he couldn't express his surprise otherwise.

"That Director Zhang is so fierce!" The young guard driving the car said excitedly, "He alone knocked out half of the guard company of the Navy compound, at least 300 guards!"

"The higher-ups actually asked us to protect him!" The service platoon leader said with difficulty: "Are we protecting him, or is he protecting us?"

Li Su felt his hair stand on end again, and asked in a trembling voice, "Did he really defeat 300 guards by himself?"

"Really!" The guard platoon leader in the co-pilot seat said with great certainty, "When we rushed over, he had already knocked down more than a hundred guards, and the guards from all around were still rushing over, trying to surround him!"

"It's over!" Li Su, the female serviceman, suddenly lost her temper and said dejectedly, "Since Director Zhang is so powerful and doesn't need our protection, then the only reason he moved into Yard No. 5 is for the safety of his family."

"As a result, after his two children were beaten, we were trying to smooth things over. Sigh..."

Li Su felt that if she were Zhang Heping, she would definitely not return to live in Yard No. 5.

"Li Su, you didn't see it just now!" The young guard driving the car turned his head slightly and said loudly, "The two children of Director Zhang are also very fierce!"

"Director Zhang beat up the guards, and his children beat up the five high school students."

"I feel like they are now going to beat up the other 10 high school students who beat people up!"

Li Su looked at the pedestrians retreating rapidly outside the car window and said helplessly: "He has already paid those street urchins to beat people up!"

It was not until this moment that Li Su realized that the extra 5000 magnesium yuan that Zhang Heping gave him in the morning was the money for hiring a hit man.

The street urchin understood what Zhang Heping meant, but she foolishly thought that Zhang Heping would not retaliate against those people today.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Heping's words "Even a fool would know that I hired someone to do it" were obviously meant for the Anjie Liuzi, allowing them to beat people up without any hesitation!

"No! This road..." the young guard driving the car exclaimed, "I suspect they are going to the airport!"


July 7, 7:2 p.m.

Zhang Heping rushed to the Capital Airport with his two wives and seven children and successfully bought tickets again.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the guards and orderlies in Yard No. 5, Zhang Heping and his companions entered the terminal with only a small bag.

At 6 p.m., after Zhang Heping and his family walked out of Huadu Airport, they got on three 3 jeeps arranged by Director Sha and went directly to the guesthouse of Shenzhen Tingmei Health Factory.

Zhang Heping did not return to Hong Kong Island directly. First, he was waiting for the compromise of Shen Bi, the chairman of Huifeng Bank; second, he was waiting for compensation from the Hong Kong government’s hawkish gang; and third, he was waiting for a call from home.

The people at Huifeng Bank get 2.4 boxes of Viagra tablets from him every month, and their monthly profit starts at at least 3 million magnesium yuan!

Zhang Heping has let them take advantage for so long and to such an extent. At this critical moment, if Shen Bi does not stand on Zhang Heping's side, he will never get Viagra tablets again!

Zhang Heping now has 29 billion yuan in liquid funds. The market value of real estate in Tokyo is about 51 billion yuan, and the property in Hong Kong Island is only worth more than 5000 million yuan.

If the Hong Kong government does not give Zhang Heping satisfactory compensation for the robbery of the Kowloon Tong Laboratory Building and the deportation of the 41 foreign robbers, Zhang Heping plans to live in Shenzhen permanently.

Of course, it also depends on the reaction from the capital!

He broke into the Navy compound today, beat the guards and the families of the five high school students, and then threw the beating high school students in front of Zhang Bei and Zhang Nan one by one, letting them vent their anger!

Zhang Heping thought he was in the right, and he did not teach those high school students a lesson today. He just let his children take revenge, which was considered very tolerant.

If this happened in Hong Kong Island, he would sail out to the high seas tonight...

"You are awesome!" Director Sha came up to Zhang Heping as soon as he got off the car. He pinched Zhang Heping's not-so-muscular right arm and said, "Those guards at the Navy compound are now a joke. You defeated them all by yourself!"

"Our leader said, if we fight, we fight. Don't be afraid of them!" Director Sha said, jokingly, "If we encounter the family compound of the ground troops, we must call back and ask for instructions. Only after confirmation can we fight."

Zhang Heping climbed onto Director Sha's shoulders and said with a smile, "I feel relieved when you say that. It saves me from running away again."

Afterwards, Zhang Heping asked Chen Shuting to call the employees of Tingmei Trading Company in Hong Kong Island and ask them to buy some spare clothes and daily necessities and send them over.

You know, in order to make it easier for them to move around today, they didn't even bring any luggage.

But it's a very hot day now, and if I don't change my clothes there will be a strong sweat odor.

After his children were beaten, Zhang Heping thought about it for a long time.

The country had not yet experienced the three crackdowns, and there were many guns in the hands of individuals, plus many nightclubs developed in the neighboring city of Dongguan...

Therefore, Zhang Heping was determined to continue to improve the strength of the Umbrella Security Company. Instead of calling the police afterward, it is better to take preventive measures in advance!

Perhaps the employees of Tingmei Trading Company were being monitored by the Eagles. As soon as they delivered clothes and daily necessities to the Tingmei Health Factory, the account manager of Huifeng Bank came over.

"Mr. Zhang, our Chairman Shen has been looking for you. He wants to discuss with you the cooperation on the production of Manliest tablets in the second half of the year. The stock information of Ridao is ready. Please take a look!" The account manager said as he handed over a stack of information.

"I'm sorry, the production line of Manliest tablets has broken down. I've been looking for engineers to repair it recently, but the result is terrible. Production has been suspended for almost 10 days!" Zhang Heping stood at the gate of Tingmei Health Factory, with no intention of inviting this American guy to come into the factory to check.

The account manager thought about it and thought that this might be Zhang Heping's excuse, so he changed the subject and said, "Mr. Zhang, our Chairman Shen is also very angry about the escape of those foreign robbers. He has expressed his strong dissatisfaction to the Hong Kong government and the police station and asked them to give you a satisfactory answer."

"At present, some people suggest that in order to prevent your property and family from being violated again, you can issue gun licenses to you and your wife, or issue 20 gun licenses to the Umbrella Security Company!"

"200!" Zhang Heping looked at the account manager with a serious face. He never expected that he would get an unexpected reward, a gun license.

He had considered before that if the Navy compound did not give in, he would run to Taiwan.

With the connections of Tang Xin's uncle Tang Zhi, he can easily get guns and then form a team of fully armed bodyguards!

It’s a bit dangerous to go to Magnesium recently!

Zhang Heping suspected that the Chinese who invaded Laboratory Building No. 10 in Kowloon Tong were most likely from the intelligence department there!

The account manager opened his mouth, not knowing for a moment whether he should bargain with Zhang Heping.

After all, 20 gun licenses and 200 gun licenses are the same in his opinion.

Because all the American citizens in Hong Kong have gun licenses, issuing a hundred more gun licenses will not have much impact.

In addition, the reason why Huifeng Bank Chairman Shen Bi thought of getting a gun license for Zhang Heping was, firstly, that Zhang Heping had mentioned it to him before, and secondly, Shen Bi had recently been going to the Renheyi community on the mountain frequently and had been reminded many times by Tang Ren intentionally or unintentionally.

The reason why Tang Ren reminded the Umbrella Company of the lack of gun licenses was mainly because of the aging of the Tang family's mercenaries. It was too expensive to support them, and their combat effectiveness was also greatly reduced. The bodyguards on duty at night often dozed off and were lazy...

"Mr. Zhang, I will report the matter of the 200 gun licenses to our Chairman Shen." The account manager performed Tai Chi and then said:

"Someone else suggested that you be compensated for the losses in your laboratory. I hope you can go back and check the equipment that is used as evidence to confirm how much money was lost."

"They offer two types of compensation: cash compensation and new equipment."

Zhang Heping said dissatisfiedly: "Do you think I am short of money?"

"Mr. Zhang is definitely not short of money. They just want to give you some compensation to make up for their negligence in their work." The account manager smiled apologetically:

"Mr. Zhang, if you have any other requests, please tell me and I will pass them on to them for you."


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